
Defines functions .thetaWML thetaWML

Documented in thetaWML

# ----------------------------------------
# Authors: Andreas Alfons and Josef Holzer
#          Vienna University of Technology
# ----------------------------------------

#' Weighted maximum likelihood estimator
#' Estimate the shape parameter of a Pareto distribution using a weighted
#' maximum likelihood approach.
#' The arguments \code{k} and \code{x0} of course correspond with each other.
#' If \code{k} is supplied, the threshold \code{x0} is estimated with the \eqn{n
#' - k} largest value in \code{x}, where \eqn{n} is the number of observations.
#' On the other hand, if the threshold \code{x0} is supplied, \code{k} is given
#' by the number of observations in \code{x} larger than \code{x0}.  Therefore,
#' either \code{k} or \code{x0} needs to be supplied.  If both are supplied,
#' only \code{k} is used (mainly for back compatibility).
#' The weighted maximum likelihood estimator belongs to the class of
#' M-estimators.  In order to obtain the estimate, the root of a certain
#' function needs to be found, which is implemented using
#' \code{\link[stats]{uniroot}}.
#' @param x a numeric vector.
#' @param k the number of observations in the upper tail to which the Pareto
#' distribution is fitted.
#' @param x0 the threshold (scale parameter) above which the Pareto distribution
#' is fitted.
#' @param weight a character string specifying the weight function to be used.
#' If \code{"residuals"} (the default), the weight function is based on
#' standardized residuals.  If \code{"probability"}, probability based weighting
#' is used.  Partial string matching allows these names to be abbreviated.
#' @param const Tuning constant(s) that control the robustness of the method.
#' If \code{weight="residuals"}, a single numeric value is required (the default
#' is 2.5).  If \code{weight="probability"}, a numeric vector of length two must
#' be supplied (a single numeric value is recycled; the default is 0.005 for
#' both tuning parameters).  See the references for more details.
#' @param bias a logical indicating whether bias correction should be applied.
#' @param \dots additional arguments to be passed to
#' \code{\link[stats]{uniroot}} (see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @return The estimated shape parameter.
#' @note The argument \code{x0} for the threshold (scale parameter) of the
#' Pareto distribution was introduced in version 0.2.
#' @author Andreas Alfons and Josef Holzer
#' @seealso \code{\link{paretoTail}}, \code{\link{fitPareto}}
#' @references Dupuis, D.J. and Morgenthaler, S. (2002) Robust weighted
#' likelihood estimators with an application to bivariate extreme value
#' problems. \emph{The Canadian Journal of Statistics}, \bold{30}(1), 17--36.
#' Dupuis, D.J. and Victoria-Feser, M.-P. (2006) A robust prediction error
#' criterion for Pareto modelling of upper tails. \emph{The Canadian Journal of
#' Statistics}, \bold{34}(4), 639--658.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' data(eusilc)
#' # equivalized disposable income is equal for each household
#' # member, therefore only one household member is taken
#' eusilc <- eusilc[!duplicated(eusilc$db030),]
#' # estimate threshold
#' ts <- paretoScale(eusilc$eqIncome, w = eusilc$db090)
#' # using number of observations in tail
#' thetaWML(eusilc$eqIncome, k = ts$k)
#' # using threshold
#' thetaWML(eusilc$eqIncome, x0 = ts$x0)
#' @export

thetaWML <- function(x, k = NULL, x0 = NULL, 
        weight = c("residuals", "probability"), 
        const, bias = TRUE, ...) {
    ## initializations
    if(!is.numeric(x) || length(x) == 0) stop("'x' must be a numeric vector")
    haveK <- !is.null(k)
    if(haveK) {  # if 'k' is supplied, it is always used
        if(!is.numeric(k) || length(k) == 0 || k[1] < 1) {
            stop("'k' must be a positive integer")
        } else k <- k[1]
    } else if(!is.null(x0)) {  # otherwise 'x0' (threshold) is used
        if(!is.numeric(x0) || length(x0) == 0) stop("'x0' must be numeric")
        else x0 <- x0[1]
    } else stop("either 'k' or 'x0' must be supplied")
    if(any(i <- is.na(x))) x <- x[!i]  # remove missing values
    x <- sort(x)  # sort values
    if(missing(const)) .thetaWML(x, k, x0, weight, bias=bias, ...)
    else .thetaWML(x, k, x0, weight, const, bias, ...)

# internal function that assumes that data are ok and sorted
.thetaWML <- function(x, k = NULL, x0 = NULL, 
        weight = c("residuals", "probability"), const, 
        bias = TRUE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, ...) {
    n <- length(x)  # number of observations
    haveK <- !is.null(k)
    if(haveK) {  # 'k' is supplied, threshold is determined
        if(k >= n) stop("'k' must be smaller than the number of observed values")
        x0 <- x[n-k]  # threshold (scale parameter)
    } else {  # 'k' is not supplied, it is determined using threshold
        # values are already sorted
        if(x0 >= x[n]) stop("'x0' must be smaller than the maximum of 'x'")
        k <- length(which(x > x0))
    xt <- x[(n-k+1):n]  # tail (values larger than threshold)
    y <- log(xt/x0)  # relative excesses
    weight <- match.arg(weight)  # check type of robustness weights
    ## define robustness weight function and function for root finding
    ## derivative of log(f) with respect to theta: 1/theta - log(xt/x0)
    if(weight == "residuals") {
        ## check tuning constant
        if(missing(const)) const <- 2.5
        else if(!is.numeric(const) || length(const) == 0) {
            stop("'const' must be a numeric value")
        } else const <- const[1]
        ## some temporary values
        h <- k:1
        hy <- log(h/(k+1))
        hsig <- sqrt(cumsum(1/h^2))
        ## objective function
        zeroTheta <- function(theta) {
            r <- (theta*y + hy) / hsig  # standardized residuals
            u <- pmin(1, const/abs(r))  # robustness weights
            dlogf <- 1/theta - y  # derivative of log(f)
            sum(u * dlogf)
    } else {
        ## check tuning constants
        if(missing(const)) const <- rep.int(0.005, 2)
        else if(!is.numeric(const) || length(const) == 0) {
            stop("'const' must be a numeric vector of length two")
        } else const <- rep(const, length.out=2)
        p1 <- const[1]
        p2 <- const[2]
        ## objective function
        zeroTheta <- function(theta) {
            F <- 1 - (xt/x0)^(-theta)  # distribution function
            u <- ifelse(F < p1, F/p1, ifelse(F <= 1-p2, 1, (1-F)/p2))  # robustness weights
            dlogf <- 1/theta - y  # derivative of log(f)
            sum(u * dlogf)
    ## solving sum(phi(xt,theta))=0
    localUniroot <- function(f, interval = NULL, tol, ...) {
        if(is.null(interval)) {
            p <- if(haveK) .thetaHill(x, k) else .thetaHill(x, x0=x0)
            interval <- c(0 + tol, 5 * p)  # default interval
        uniroot(f, interval, ...)
    theta <- localUniroot(zeroTheta, tol=tol, ...)$root
    ## optional bias correction
    if(bias) {
        if(weight == "residuals") {
            r <- (theta*y + hy) / hsig  # standardized residuals
            u <- pmin(1, const/abs(r))  # robustness weights
            F <- 1 - (xt/x0)^(-theta)  # distribution function
            deltaF <- diff(c(0, F))  # difference operator applied to F
            dlogf <- 1/theta - y  # derivative of log(f)
            d2logf <- -1/theta^2  # second derivative of log(f)
            # derivative of robustness weight function
            du <- ifelse(u == 1, 0, (-const)*y*hsig / (theta*y + hy)^2)
            # bias correction term
            bcorr <- -sum(u*dlogf*deltaF)/sum((du*dlogf + u*d2logf) * deltaF)
        } else {
            cp1 <- 1-p1
            cp2 <- 1-p2
            # bias correction term
            bcorr <- (theta/2) * 
                (2*cp1^2*log(cp1) + p1*cp1 + p1*cp2 + 2*p1*p2*log(p2)) / 
                ((cp1*log(cp1))^2 - p1*cp1 - p1*cp2 + p1*p2*(log(p2))^2)
        ## apply bias correction to theta
        theta <- theta - bcorr
    ## return WML-estimate

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