
Defines functions mail_send

Documented in mail_send

#' Send Emails with Attachments (POST)
#' This function lets the user send Emails with Attachments using MailGun's
#' API service.
#' @family Tools
#' @family Credentials
#' @inheritParams cache_write
#' @param from,to,cc,bcc Character. Emails
#' @param subject Character. Subject for the email.
#' @param text,html Character. Text or HTML to send in the body.
#' @param attachment Character, plot or data.frame. Will send the file,
#' plot as PNG or data.frame as CSV, respectively.
#' @param service Character. Service platform to search on \code{creds}.
#' @param creds Character. Credential's user (see \code{get_creds()}).
#' Must contain: url (POST address), api (API key).
#' @param quiet Boolean. Keep quite or display messages?
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myPlot <- noPlot("My plot")
#' mail_send(
#'   from = "BLV <myuser@mail.com>",
#'   to = "youruser@mail.com",
#'   cc = "myuser@mail.com",
#'   subject = paste("Daily report:", Sys.Date()),
#'   attachment = myPlot
#' )
#' }
#' @export
mail_send <- function(from = "RMail <laresbernardo@gmail.com>",
                      to = "laresbernardo@gmail.com",
                      cc = NULL, bcc = NULL,
                      subject = "Mail from R",
                      text = " \n",
                      html = NULL,
                      attachment = NULL,
                      service = "mailgun",
                      creds = NULL,
                      quiet = FALSE,
                      ...) {
  # MailGun documentation:
  # https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/api-sending.html#sending

  credentials <- get_credentials(from = service, dir = creds, ...)
  url <- credentials$url
  api_key <- credentials$api

  the_body <- list(from = from, to = to, subject = subject)

  if (grepl("mailgun", url)) the_body[["o:tag"]] <- "R-email"
  if (!is.null(cc)) the_body[["cc"]] <- cc
  if (!is.null(bcc)) the_body[["bcc"]] <- bcc
  if (!is.null(text)) the_body[["text"]] <- text
  if (!is.null(html)) the_body[["html"]] <- html

  if (!is.null(attachment)) {
    if ("ggplot" %in% class(attachment)) {
      as <- "png"
      file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/attch.", as)
      attachment + ggsave(file)
    if ("data.frame" %in% class(attachment)) {
      as <- "csv"
      file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/attch.", as)
      write.csv(attachment, file, row.names = FALSE)
    if ("character" %in% class(attachment)) {
      as <- "attachment"
      file <- as.character(attachment)
    the_body[["attachment"]] <- upload_file(file)
  } else {
    as <- NULL
    file <- NULL

  # Send email
  req <- POST(url,
    authenticate("api", api_key),
    add_headers("Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data"),
    body = the_body

  # Delete temporary files created
  if (!is.null(file) && !"attachment" %in% as) file.remove(file)

  if (!quiet) {
      subject, "sent to", to, ifelse(!is.null(as), paste("with", as, "file"), "")

Try the lares package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lares documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:08 a.m.