addQuantVar: Input data for Nonparametric Regression smoothing.

Description Usage Arguments References

View source: R/addQuantVar.R


This function takes a formLatticeOutput object, which encodes a region possibly with and irregular boundary and holes. This and a matrix of locations where a response variable has been measured, and a vector of the responses, is used to create an initial distribution for use in the non-parametric regression function createNparReg. If, instead, you have a point process and wish to produce a density estimate, you should use the function addObservations.


addQuantVar(formLatticeOutput, Z, locations)



An object from the functions formLattice or editLattice.


A vector of response variable values.


A two-column matrix or data frame of data locations.

  • init_quantvar Vector of initial quantitative variables

  • init_prob Vector of initial probability density

  • which_nodes What nodes are closest to each data location

#' @references Ronald P. Barry, Julie McIntyre. Estimating animal densities and home range in regions with irregular boundaries and holes: A lattice-based alternative to the kernel density estimator. Ecological Modelling 222 (2011) 1666-1672. <doi:10.1080/10618600.2017.1375935>


Julie McIntyre, Ronald P. Barry (2018) A Lattice-Based Smoother for Regions with Irregular Boundaries and Holes. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. In Press.

latticeDensity documentation built on April 18, 2021, 5:06 p.m.