nparExample: Example boundary with a grid of locations

Description Usage Format References


The first item, polygon2, is 35x2 matrix describing the boundary of a region. The second, grid2, is a set of 59 locations for simulated values of a response variable. The third item, Z, is a vector of responses. This dataset was created to test and illustrate the non-parametric lattice based regression estimator. See the example for function createNparReg.




Two matrices and a vector. One matrix is 35x2, the other is 59x2.


Julie McIntyre, Ronald P. Barry (2018) A Lattice-Based Smoother for Regions with Irregular Boundaries and Holes. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. In Press.

latticeDensity documentation built on April 18, 2021, 5:06 p.m.