
Defines functions aml_consolidate_results

Documented in aml_consolidate_results

#' Function to consolidate model test results
#' @description Function is designed to evaluate test results of multiple models.
#' This is done to select only group of models with the best performance. In addition,
#' function will provide facility to generate logs hence to allow tracking of long term model performance
#' `r lifecycle::badge('experimental')`
#' @details  Provide a modular facility to aggregate and update files, write performance logs.
#' @author (C) 2021 Vladimir Zhbanko
#' @param timeframe           Integer, Data timeframe interval in minutes e.g. 60 min
#' @param path_model          String, User path where the test results were stored
#' @param path_sbxm           String, User path to the sandbox where file with strategy test results should be written (master terminal)
#' @param path_sbxs           String, User path to the sandbox where file with strategy test results should be written (slave terminal)
#' @param used_symbols        Vector, containing several financial instruments that were previously used
#'                            to test the model
#' @param min_quality         Double, value typically from 0.25 to 0.95 to select the min threshold value
#' @param get_quantile        Bool, whether or not function should return an overall value of model performances
#'                            this will be used to conditionally update only less performant models
#' @param log_results         Bool, option to write logs with cumulative results obtained for all models
#' @param path_logs           String, User path to the folder where to log results
#' @return Function is writing files into Decision Support System folders
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(readr)
#' library(lazytrade)
#' library(stats)
#' testpath <- normalizePath(tempdir(),winslash = "/")
#' path_model <- file.path(testpath, "_Model")
#' path_sbxm <- file.path(testpath, "_T1")
#' path_sbxs <- file.path(testpath, "_T3")
#' path_logs <- file.path(testpath, "_LOGS")
#' dir.create(path_model)
#' dir.create(path_sbxm)
#' dir.create(path_sbxs)
#' dir.create(path_logs)
#' file.copy(from = system.file("extdata", "StrTest-EURGBPM15.csv", package = "lazytrade"),
#'           to = file.path(path_model, "StrTest-EURGBPM15.csv"), overwrite = TRUE)
#' file.copy(from = system.file("extdata", "StrTest-EURJPYM15.csv", package = "lazytrade"),
#'           to = file.path(path_model, "StrTest-EURJPYM15.csv"), overwrite = TRUE)
#' file.copy(from = system.file("extdata", "StrTest-EURNZDM15.csv", package = "lazytrade"),
#'           to = file.path(path_model, "StrTest-EURNZDM15.csv"), overwrite = TRUE)
#' file.copy(from = system.file("extdata", "StrTest-EURUSDM15.csv", package = "lazytrade"),
#'           to = file.path(path_model, "StrTest-EURUSDM15.csv"), overwrite = TRUE)
#' Pairs <- c("EURGBP","EURJPY","EURNZD","EURUSD")
#' aml_consolidate_results(timeframe = 15,
#'                         used_symbols = Pairs,
#'                         path_model = path_model,
#'                         path_sbxm = path_sbxm,
#'                         path_sbxs = path_sbxs,
#'                         min_quality = 0.75,
#'                         get_quantile = FALSE)
#' aml_consolidate_results(timeframe = 15,
#'                         used_symbols = Pairs,
#'                         path_model = path_model,
#'                         path_sbxm = path_sbxm,
#'                         path_sbxs = path_sbxs,
#'                         min_quality = 0.75,
#'                         get_quantile = TRUE)
#' aml_consolidate_results(timeframe = 15,
#'                         used_symbols = Pairs,
#'                         path_model = path_model,
#'                         path_sbxm = path_sbxm,
#'                         path_sbxs = path_sbxs,
#'                         min_quality = 0.75,
#'                         get_quantile = FALSE,
#'                         log_results = TRUE,
#'                         path_logs = path_logs)
aml_consolidate_results <- function(timeframe = 15,
                                    min_quality = 0.75,
                                    get_quantile = FALSE,
                                    log_results = FALSE,
                                    path_logs = NULL){

  requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)
  requireNamespace("readr", quietly = TRUE)
  requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)

  if(min_quality <= 0.1) {stop("parameter min_quality must be greater than 0.1",
                                        call. = FALSE)}

  if(min_quality >= 0.95) {stop("parameter min_quality must be less than 0.95",
                               call. = FALSE)}

  # analyse StrTestFiles to automatically define min model quality value
  ## Analysis of model quality records
  # file names
  filesToAnalyse1 <-list.files(path = path_model,
                               pattern = paste0("M",timeframe,".csv"),

  # aggregate all files into one
  for (VAR in filesToAnalyse1) {
    # VAR <- filesToAnalyse1[1]
    if(!exists("dfres1")){dfres1 <- readr::read_csv(VAR)}  else {
      dfres1 <- readr::read_csv(VAR) %>% dplyr::bind_rows(dfres1)


  # find the 1st quantile by sampling xx% of the data see ?quantile
  df <- dfres1 %>%
    dplyr::mutate(qrtl = stats::quantile(MaxPerf, min_quality)) %>%
    head(1) %$% qrtl %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% rename(FrstQntlPerf = value)

 #if option get_quantile is TRUE then we return obtained value
    res <- df %$% FrstQntlPerf

  # write the value of the 1st quantile into all files

  for (VAR in filesToAnalyse1) {
    # VAR <- filesToAnalyse1[1]
    df1 <- readr::read_csv(VAR)
    if(ncol(df1) == 4 || ncol(df1) == 5){
      df1$FrstQntlPerf <- df$FrstQntlPerf
      readr::write_csv(df1, VAR)


  #if option log_results is TRUE then we log results of model training

    ###======== summarize performance of all models
    df_rec <- dfres1 %>%
      dplyr::summarise(TimeTest = Sys.time(),
                MeanPerf = mean(MaxPerf),
                Quantil = stats::quantile(MaxPerf, min_quality))

    #save this logs
    path_logs <- file.path(path_logs, paste0("perf_logs",timeframe,".rds"))

      write_rds(df_rec, path_logs)
    } else {
      read_rds(path_logs) %>% bind_rows(df_rec) %>%

   #in this case we stop function by also returning the log


  ## When all options are false,
  # we also move these files to sandboxes of the trading terminals
  for (PAIR in used_symbols) {
    #PAIR <- 'EURUSD'
    #timeframe <- 60
    file.copy(from = file.path(path_model, paste0('StrTest-', PAIR,"M",timeframe, ".csv")),
              to = file.path(path_sbxm, paste0('StrTest-', PAIR,"M",timeframe, ".csv")),
              overwrite = TRUE)

    file.copy(from = file.path(path_model, paste0('StrTest-', PAIR,"M",timeframe, ".csv")),
              to = file.path(path_sbxs, paste0('StrTest-', PAIR,"M",timeframe, ".csv")),
              overwrite = TRUE)


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lazytrade documentation built on Dec. 16, 2021, 1:06 a.m.