
Defines functions lcarsToggle

Documented in lcarsToggle

#' LCARS toggle button
#' An LCARS styled toggle button that can be used in place of
#' `shiny::checkboxInput()` and `lcarsCheckbox()`.
#' @param inputId character, the input slot that will be used to access the
#' value.
#' @param label character, display label for the control, or `NULL` for no label.
#' @param value logical, initial value.
#' @param pill logical, use an LCARS pill style with rounded ends instead of
#' the default rounded rectangle.
#' @param inverse logical, invert the color presentation.
#' @param true character, text label for `TRUE` position.
#' @param false character, text label for `FALSE` position.
#' @param true_color Color for `TRUE` position. Can be any color given in hex
#' format. Named colors must be LCARS colors. See [lcarsdata] for options.
#' @param false_color Color for `FALSE` position, as above.
#' @param background_color background color, as above.
#' @param border_color border color, as above.
#' @param outer_border logical, use outer border. This makes some adjustments
#' to inner elements if used.
#' @param outer_color outer border color, as above.
#' @param label_color label text color, as above.
#' @param label_right logical, set to `TRUE` to right align label text.
#' @param width character, use only `px` units for this widget, e.g. `"150px"`
#' (the default when `NULL`). Percentage is the only other unit allowed. It
#' works, but not as well. Fixed widths recommended.
#' @return A toggle button control that can be added to a UI definition.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if(interactive()){
#'   ui <- lcarsPage(
#'     lcarsToggle("somevalue", "Some value", FALSE),
#'     verbatimTextOutput("value")
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output) {
#'     output$value <- renderText({ input$somevalue })
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
lcarsToggle <- function(inputId, label, value = FALSE, pill = FALSE,
                        inverse = FALSE, true = "Yes", false = "No",
                        true_color = "dodger-pale",
                        false_color = "atomic-tangerine",
                        background_color = "#000000",
                        border_color = ifelse(inverse, false_color, background_color),
                        outer_border = FALSE, outer_color = "#000000",
                        label_color = "#FFFFFF", label_right = FALSE,
                        width = NULL){
  value <- shiny::restoreInput(id = inputId, default = value)
  x <- c(true_color, false_color, background_color, border_color, outer_color,
  x <- .lcars_color_check(x)
  cl <- if(inverse) "inverse" else "default"
  cl <- paste0("lcars-toggle-", cl, " lcars-toggle-tf")
  if(is.null(width)) width <- "150px"
  r1 <- if(pill) "26px" else "4px"
  r2 <- if(pill) "18px" else "2px"
  f <- function(x){
    x <- gsub("px", "", x)
    x <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(x))
    if(is.na(x)) "auto" else paste0(x - 31, "px")
  width0 <- width
    if(grepl("px", width))
      width <- paste0(as.integer(gsub("px", "", width)) - 12, "px") else
        width <- paste0(as.integer(gsub("\\%", "", width)) - 0, "%")
  inputTag <- tags$input(type = "checkbox", name = "lcars-toggle",
                         class = "lcars-toggle-checkbox", id = inputId)
  if(!is.null(value) && value) inputTag$attribs$checked <- "checked"
    div(class = "form-group shiny-input-container",
        style = paste0(if(label_right) "text-align:right;",
                       "margin-bottom:0px;width:", width0, ";"),
        div(class = cl,
              label, class = "control-label",
              style = paste0("color:", x[6], ";",
                             if(outer_border) "padding-left:4px;" else "")
            style = paste0(
              "--tog-true-color: ", x[1], ";--tog-false-color: ", x[2],
              ";--tog-bg-color: ", x[3], ";",
                paste0("border: 2px solid ", x[5],
                       "; border-radius: 4px; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:4px;")
            div(class = "lcars-toggle", inputTag,
                tags$label(class = "lcars-toggle-label",
                           style = paste0(
                             "text-align:left;border: 2px solid ", x[4],
                             ";width:", width, ";--tog-w:", width, ";",
                             "--tog-radius-label:", r1, ";"
                           `for` = inputId,
                           tags$span(class = "lcars-toggle-inner",
                                     style = paste0("--tog-true-label: '", true,
                                                    "';--tog-false-label: '",
                                                    false, "';",
                                                    "--tog-true-color: ", x[1],
                                                    ";--tog-false-color: ",
                                                    x[2], ";")),
                           tags$span(class = "lcars-toggle-button",
                                     style = paste0("--tog-w1:", f(width), ";",
                                                    "--tog-w2:", 1, "px;",
                                                    "--tog-radius-button:", r2,

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lcars documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:27 a.m.