
Defines functions patch_imp

Documented in patch_imp

#' @title Prioritization of patches
#' @description Prioritization of patches according to individual contribution 
#' to overall connectivity. 
#' @param landscape Object of class "lconnect" created by \code{\link{upload_land}}.
#' @param metric String indicating the connectivity metric to use in the 
#' prioritization.
#' @param vector_out TRUE/FALSE indicating if the resulting spatial object 
#' should be recorded to file.
#' @usage patch_imp(landscape, metric, vector_out = FALSE)
#' @return An object of class "pimp". This object is a list with the
#' following values:
#' \item{landscape}{Spatial polygon object of class "sf" (package "sf") with 
#' cluster identity and importance of each polygon.}
#' \item{prioritization}{Vector with patch importance in percentage.}
#' @details Each patch is removed at a time and connectivity 
#' metrics are recalculated without that specific patch. Patch importance value
#' indicates the percentage of reduction in the connectivity metric that the 
#' loss of that patch represents in the landscape. The current version only 
#' allows the use of IIC or AWF.
#' @references Saura, S., Pascual-Hortal, L. (2007). A new habitat 
#' availability index to integrate connectivity in landscape conservation planning: 
#' Comparison with existing indices and application to a case study. Landscape and
#' Urban Planning, 83(2-3):91-103.
#' @examples vec_path <- system.file("extdata/vec_projected.shp", package = "lconnect")
#' landscape <- upload_land(vec_path, bound_path = NULL,
#'                         habitat = 1, max_dist = 500)
#' importance <- patch_imp(landscape, metric = "IIC")
#' plot(importance)
#' @author Frederico Mestre
#' @author Bruno Silva
#' @export 

patch_imp <- function(landscape, metric, vector_out = FALSE) {
  if (!is.lconnect(landscape)) {
    stop(paste0("Landscape must be an object of class 'lconnect'"),
         call. = FALSE)
 if(!all(metric %in% c("AWF", "IIC"))) {
    stop(paste0("The argument 'metric' must be 'IIC' or 'AWF"),
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.logical(vector_out)) {
    stop(paste0("The argument 'vector_out' must be logical (TRUE/FALSE)"),
         call. = FALSE)
  full_conn <- con_metric(landscape, metric)
  npatch <- length(landscape$landscape$geometry)
  dconn <- rep(NA, npatch)
  for (i in 1:npatch) {
    land1 <- remove_patch(landscape, i)
    partial_conn <- as.numeric(con_metric(landscape = land1, metric))
    dconn[i] <- 100 * ( (full_conn - partial_conn) / full_conn )
  landscape$landscape$attributes <- dconn
  if (vector_out) {
    sf::st_write(landscape$landscape, "patches.shp", quiet = TRUE,
                 driver = "ESRI Shapefile", delete_layer = TRUE)
    message("The vector file with the information on patch prioritization
            was saved to the working directory!")
  result <- list(landscape = landscape$landscape, prioritization = dconn)
  class(result) <- "pimp"

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lconnect documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:17 a.m.