
Defines functions geodesicDependencies addGeodesicPolylines addGreatCircles

Documented in addGeodesicPolylines addGreatCircles

geodesicDependencies <- function() {
    # // "Leaflet.Geodesic": "github:henrythasler/Leaflet.Geodesic#c5fe36b",
    html_dep_prod("lfx-geodesic", "1.1.0", has_binding = TRUE)

#' Add Geodesic Lines
#' @param map map object
#' @param lat vector of latitudes
#' @param lng vector of longitudes
#' @param layerId the layer id
#' @param group the name of the group this raster image should belong to (see
#' @param steps Defines how many intermediate points are generated along the path. More steps mean a smoother path.
#' @param wrap Wrap line at map border (date line). Set to "false" if you want lines to cross the dateline (experimental, see noWrap-example on how to use)
#' @param stroke whether to draw stroke along the path (e.g. the borders of
#'   polygons or circles)
#' @param color stroke color
#' @param weight stroke width in pixels
#' @param opacity stroke opacity (or layer opacity for tile layers)
#' @param dashArray a string that defines the stroke
#'   \href{https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dasharray}{dash  pattern}
#' @param smoothFactor how much to simplify the polyline on each zoom level
#' @param noClip whether to disable polyline clipping
#'   (more means better performance and less accurate representation)
#' @param popup a character vector of the HTML content for the popups (you are
#'   recommended to escape the text using \code{\link[htmltools]{htmlEscape}()}
#' @param popupOptions A Vector of \code{\link{popupOptions}} to provide popups
#'   for security reasons)
#' @param label a character vector of the HTML content for the labels
#' @param labelOptions A Vector of \code{\link{labelOptions}} to provide label
#' options for each label. Default \code{NULL}
#' @param options a list of additional options, intended to be provided by
#'   a call to \code{\link[leaflet]{pathOptions}}()
#' @param highlightOptions Options for highlighting the shape on mouse over.
#' @param data map data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' berlin <- c(52.51, 13.4)
#' losangeles <- c(34.05, -118.24)
#' santiago <- c(-33.44, -70.71)
#' tokio <- c(35.69, 139.69)
#' sydney <- c(-33.91, 151.08)
#' capetown <- c(-33.91, 18.41)
#' calgary <- c(51.05, -114.08)
#' hammerfest <- c(70.67, 23.68)
#' barrow <- c(71.29, -156.76)
#' df <- as.data.frame(rbind(hammerfest, calgary, losangeles, santiago, capetown, tokio, barrow))
#' names(df) <- c("lat","lng")
#' leaflet(df) %>%
#'   addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
#'   addGeodesicPolylines(lng = ~lng, lat = ~lat, weight = 2, color = "red",
#'                        steps = 50, opacity = 1) %>%
#'   addCircleMarkers(df, lat = ~lat,lng = ~lng, radius = 3, stroke = FALSE,
#'                    fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 1)
#' ## for more examples see
#' # browseURL(system.file("examples/geodesic.R", package = "leaflet.extras"))
addGeodesicPolylines = function(
  map, lng = NULL, lat = NULL, layerId = NULL, group = NULL,
  steps = 10,
  wrap = TRUE,
  stroke = TRUE,
  color = "#03F",
  weight = 5,
  opacity = 0.5,
  dashArray = NULL,
  smoothFactor = 1.0,
  noClip = FALSE,
  popup = NULL,
  popupOptions = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  labelOptions = NULL,
  options = pathOptions(),
  highlightOptions = NULL,
  data = getMapData(map)
) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, geodesicDependencies())

  options = c(options, list(
    steps = steps, wrap = wrap,
    stroke = stroke, color = color, weight = weight, opacity = opacity,
    dashArray = dashArray, smoothFactor = smoothFactor, noClip = noClip
  pgons = leaflet::derivePolygons(
    data, lng, lat, missing(lng), missing(lat), "addGeodesicPolylines")
    map, data, "addGeodesicPolylines", pgons, layerId, group, options,
    popup, popupOptions, safeLabel(label, data), labelOptions, highlightOptions) %>%

#' @export
#' @describeIn addGeodesicPolylines Adds a Great Circle to the map
#' @param lat_center,lng_center lat/lng for the center
#' @param radius in meters
addGreatCircles = function(
  map, lat_center = NULL, lng_center = NULL, radius, layerId = NULL, group = NULL,
  steps = 10,
  wrap = TRUE,
  stroke = TRUE,
  color = "#03F",
  weight = 5,
  opacity = 0.5,
  dashArray = NULL,
  smoothFactor = 1.0,
  noClip = FALSE,
  popup = NULL,
  popupOptions = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  labelOptions = NULL,
  options = pathOptions(),
  highlightOptions = NULL,
  data = getMapData(map)
) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, geodesicDependencies())

  options = c(options, list(
    steps = steps, wrap = wrap,
    stroke = stroke, color = color, weight = weight, opacity = opacity,
    dashArray = dashArray, smoothFactor = smoothFactor, noClip = noClip
  points = leaflet::derivePoints(
    data, lng_center, lat_center, missing(lng_center), missing(lat_center),
    map, data, "addGreatCircles",  points$lat, points$lng, radius, layerId, group, options,
    popup, popupOptions, safeLabel(label, data), labelOptions, highlightOptions) %>%
    leaflet::expandLimits(points$lat, points$lng)

Try the leaflet.extras package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

leaflet.extras documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:11 a.m.