#' stabilitySelection
#' Provides rudimentary stability selection for regularized SEM. Stability
#' selection has been proposed by Meinshausen & Bühlmann (2010) and was
#' extended to SEM by Li & Jacobucci (2021). The problem that stabiltiy selection
#' tries to solve is the instability of regularization procedures: Small changes in
#' the data set may result in different parameters being selected. To address
#' this issue, stability selection uses random subsamples from the initial data
#' set and fits models in these subsamples. For each parameter, we can now check
#' how often it is included in the model for a given set of tuning parameters.
#' Plotting these probabilities can provide an overview over which of the parameters
#' are often removed and which remain in the model most of the time. To get
#' a final selection, a threshold t can be defined: If a parameter is in the model
#' t% of the time, it is retained.
#' # References
#' - Li, X., & Jacobucci, R. (2021). Regularized structural equation modeling with
#' stability selection. Psychological Methods, 27(4), 497–518.
#' - Meinshausen, N., & Bühlmann, P. (2010). Stability selection. Journal of the
#' Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 72(4), 417–473.
#' @param modelSpecification a call to one of the penalty functions in lessSEM. See
#' examples for details
#' @param subsampleSize number of subjects in each subsample. Must be smaller than
#' the number of subjects in the original data set
#' @param numberOfSubsamples number of times the procedure should subsample and
#' recompute the model. According to Meinshausen & Bühlmann (2010), 100 seems to
#' work quite well and is also the default in regsem
#' @param threshold percentage of models, where the parameter should be contained in order
#' to be in the final model
#' @param maxTries fitting models in a subset may fail. maxTries sets the maximal
#' number of subsets to try.
#' @return estimates for each subsample and aggregated percentages for each parameter
#' @examples
#' library(lessSEM)
#' # Identical to regsem, lessSEM builds on the lavaan
#' # package for model specification. The first step
#' # therefore is to implement the model in lavaan.
#' dataset <- simulateExampleData()
#' lavaanSyntax <- "
#' f =~ l1*y1 + l2*y2 + l3*y3 + l4*y4 + l5*y5 +
#' l6*y6 + l7*y7 + l8*y8 + l9*y9 + l10*y10 +
#' l11*y11 + l12*y12 + l13*y13 + l14*y14 + l15*y15
#' f ~~ 1*f
#' "
#' lavaanModel <- lavaan::sem(lavaanSyntax,
#' data = dataset,
#' meanstructure = TRUE,
#' = TRUE)
#' # Stability selection
#' stabSel <- stabilitySelection(
#' # IMPORTANT: Wrap your call to the penalty function in an rlang::expr-Block:
#' modelSpecification =
#' rlang::expr(
#' lasso(
#' # pass the fitted lavaan model
#' lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
#' # names of the regularized parameters:
#' regularized = paste0("l", 6:15),
#' # in case of lasso and adaptive lasso, we can specify the number of lambda
#' # values to use. lessSEM will automatically find lambda_max and fit
#' # models for nLambda values between 0 and lambda_max. For the other
#' # penalty functions, lambdas must be specified explicitly
#' nLambdas = 50)
#' ),
#' subsampleSize = 80,
#' numberOfSubsamples = 5, # should be set to a much higher number (e.g., 100)
#' threshold = 70
#' )
#' stabSel
#' plot(stabSel)
#' @export
stabilitySelection <- function(modelSpecification,
numberOfSubsamples = 100,
threshold = 70,
maxTries = 10*numberOfSubsamples){
if(!is(modelSpecification, "call"))
stop("modelSpecification must be a call object. Wrap your call to the penalty",
"in an expr() - Block, See ?lessSEM::stabilitySelection for an example.")
if((threshold < 0) | (threshold > 100))
stop("threshold is a percentage value and should be between 0 and 100.")
rlang::inform("Running model once to compute lambdas")
initialFit <- eval(modelSpecification)
modelSpecification$lambdas <- initialFit@fits$lambda
modelSpecification$nLambdas <- NULL
dataset <- lavaan::lavInspect(
object = eval(modelSpecification$lavaanModel),
what = "data")
N <- nrow(dataset)
if(subsampleSize >= N)
stop("subsampleSize must be smaller than the sample size in the data set.")
parLabels <- eval(modelSpecification$lavaanModel) |>
getLavaanParameters() |>
parameterEstimates <- matrix(NA,
nrow = 0,
ncol = length(parLabels) + 1,
dimnames = list(NULL,
c("subsample", parLabels)))
it <- 0
sucessful <- 0
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = numberOfSubsamples, style = 3)
while(it < maxTries){
it <- it + 1
if(sucessful >= numberOfSubsamples)
# sample
subset <- dataset[sample(1:nrow(dataset), subsampleSize),,drop = FALSE]
# replace
modelSpecificationIt <- modelSpecification
modelSpecificationIt$modifyModel$dataSet <- subset
# fit
fitIt <- try(eval(modelSpecificationIt),
silent = TRUE)
if(is(fitIt, "try-error"))
sucessful <- sucessful + 1
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb,
value = sucessful)
parameterEstimates <- rbind(
stabilityPaths <- matrix(0,
nrow = nrow(estimates(fitIt)),
ncol = length(parLabels),
dimnames = list(NULL, parLabels))
for(i in unique(parameterEstimates[,"subsample"])){
stabilityPaths <- stabilityPaths +
(parameterEstimates[parameterEstimates[,"subsample"] == i, -1] != 0)
stabilityPaths <- stabilityPaths/sucessful
results <- new("stabSel",
regularized = eval(modelSpecification$regularized),
tuningParameters = coef(fitIt)@tuningParameters,
stabilityPaths = stabilityPaths,
percentSelected = apply(parameterEstimates[,-1],2,function(x) mean(x!=0)),
selectedParameters = apply(parameterEstimates[,-1],2,function(x) mean(x!=0) >= threshold/100),
settings = list(subsampleSize = subsampleSize,
numberOfSubsamples = numberOfSubsamples,
threshold = threshold,
maxTries = maxTries)
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