
Defines functions unlabel_levels label_levels error_msg_log_levels is_log_levels standardize_log_levels is_log_level standardize_log_level is_threshold standardize_threshold colorize_levels fmt_log_levels remove_log_levels named_union add_log_levels get_log_levels as_log_levels

Documented in add_log_levels colorize_levels get_log_levels is_log_level is_log_levels is_threshold label_levels remove_log_levels standardize_log_level standardize_log_levels standardize_threshold unlabel_levels

as_log_levels <- function(x){
  assert(is_integerish(x) && identical(length(names(x)), length(x)))
    !anyNA(x) & all (x > 0),
    "Log levels must be positive integers. The log levels `0` (off) and `NA` ",
    "(all) are reserved."
  x <- setNames(as.integer(x), names(x))
  structure(sort(x), class = c("log_levels", "integer"))

DEFAULT_LOG_LEVELS <- c("fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace")

# manage options ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Manage Log Levels
#' Display, add and remove character labels for log levels.
#' @return a named `character` vector of the globally available log levels
#'   (`add_log_levels()` and `remove_log_levels()` return invisibly).
#' @export
#' @section Default Log Levels:
#' lgr comes with the following predefined log levels that are identical to
#' the log levels of log4j.
#'  Level \tab Name  \tab Description \cr
#'    `0` \tab off   \tab A log level of 0/off tells a Logger or Appender to suspend all logging \cr
#'  `100` \tab fatal \tab Critical error that leads to program abort. Should always indicate a `stop()` or similar \cr
#'  `200` \tab error \tab A severe error that does not trigger program abort\cr
#'  `300` \tab warn  \tab A potentially harmful situation, like `warning()`\cr
#'  `400` \tab info  \tab An informational message on the progress of the application\cr
#'  `500` \tab debug \tab Finer grained informational messages that are mostly useful for debugging\cr
#'  `600` \tab trace \tab An even finer grained message than debug\cr
#'   `NA` \tab all   \tab A log level of NA/all tells a Logger or Appender to process all log events
#' }
#' @aliases log_levels log_level
#' @examples
#' get_log_levels()
#' add_log_levels(c(errorish = 250))
#' get_log_levels()
#' remove_log_levels("errorish")
#' get_log_levels()
get_log_levels <- function(){

#' @param levels a named `character` vector (see examples)
#' @rdname get_log_levels
#' @export
add_log_levels <- function(
  levels_cur <- getOption("lgr.log_levels")
    "lgr.log_levels option is not set. something is very wrong with lgr, please file a bug report"
    "`levels` must be a named integer vector"
  assert(length(names(levels)) && all_are_distinct(names(levels)))

  levels_new <- setNames(as.integer(levels), names(levels))
  levels_upd <- levels_new[levels_new %in% levels_cur]

  if (length(levels_upd)){
      "Replacing existing log levels '",
      fmt_log_levels(levels_new[levels_new %in% levels_cur]),
      "' with '",
      fmt_log_levels(levels_upd), "'"

  res <- as_log_levels(named_union(levels_cur, levels_new))

  options(lgr.log_levels = res)

#' union for named vectors. names of `y` override names of `x`
#' @noRd
named_union <- function(x, y){
  assert(identical(length(names(x)), length(x)))
  assert(identical(length(names(y)), length(y)))

  r <- union(x, y)
  names(r)[r %in% x] <- names(x[x %in% r])
  names(r)[r %in% y] <- names(y[y %in% r])

#' @param level_names a `character` vector of the names of the levels to remove
#' @rdname get_log_levels
#' @export
remove_log_levels <- function(
    !any(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVELS %in% level_names),
    "Cannot remove default log levels"
  current_lvls <- getOption("lgr.log_levels")
  assert(all(level_names %in% names(current_lvls)))
  res <- current_lvls[!names(current_lvls) %in% level_names]
  res <- as_log_levels(res)
  options(lgr.log_levels = res)

# format ------------------------------------------------------------------

fmt_log_levels <- function(
  paste0(names(sort(x)), " (", sort(x), ")", collapse = ", ")

#' Colorize Levels
#' @param x `numeric` or `character` levels to be colored. Unlike in many other
#'   functions in lgr, `character` levels are *not* case sensitive in this
#'   function and leading/trailing whitespace is ignored to make it more
#'   comfortable to use `colorize_levels()` inside formatting functions.
#' @param transform a `function` to transform `x` (for example `toupper()`)
#' @inheritParams format.LogEvent
#' @return a `character` vector wit color ANSI codes
#' @family formatting utils
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cat(colorize_levels(c(100, 200)))
#' cat(colorize_levels(c("trace", "warn ", "DEBUG")))
#' cat(colorize_levels(c("trace", "warn ", "DEBUG"), transform = function(x) strtrim(x, 1) ))
colorize_levels <- function(
  colors = getOption("lgr.colors", NULL),
  transform = identity
  if (length(x) && length(colors)){
    if (is.character(x))
      dd <- standardize_log_levels(trimws(tolower(x)))
      dd <- standardize_log_levels(x)

    cn <- standardize_log_levels( tolower(names(colors)))
    for (i in seq_along(colors)){
      sel <- dd == cn[[i]]
      x[sel] <- colors[[i]](transform(x[sel]))


# standardize ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Standardize User-Input Log Levels to Their Integer Representation
#' These are helper functions for verifying log levels and converting them from
#' their character to their integer representations. This is primarily useful
#' if you want to build your own [Loggers], [Appenders] or [Layouts] and need
#' to handle log levels in a way that is consistent with \pkg{lgr} .
#' @param x a `character` or `integer` scalar, or vector for
#'   standardize_log_levels
#' @param log_levels named `integer` vector of valid log levels
#' @return An unnamed `integer` vector
#' @family docs relevant for extending lgr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' standardize_threshold("info")
#' standardize_threshold("all")
#' is_threshold("all")
#' is_threshold("foobar")
#' standardize_log_level("info")
#' # all is a valid threshold, but not a valid log level
#' try(is.na(standardize_log_level("all")))
#' is_log_level("all")
#' # standardized_log_level intentionally only works with scalars, because many
#' # functions require scalar log level inputs
#' try(standardize_log_level(c("info", "fatal")))
#' # You can still use standardize_log_levels() (plural) to work with vectors
#' standardize_log_levels(c("info", "fatal"))
standardize_threshold <- function(
  log_levels = c(getOption("lgr.log_levels"), c("all" = NA_integer_, "off" = 0L))
  assert(is_scalar(x), "A threshold must be a scalar (a vector of length 1)" )

  if (is.na(x)){

  if (is_integerish(x) && x >= 0){

  if (is.character(x) && (x %in% names(log_levels)) ){
    return(unname(log_levels[match(x, names(log_levels))]))

  stop(error_msg_log_levels(deparse(substitute(x)), log_levels))

#' @rdname standardize_threshold
#' @export
is_threshold <- function(x){
    {standardize_threshold(x); TRUE},
    error = function(...) FALSE

#' @rdname standardize_threshold
#' @export
standardize_log_level <- function(
  log_levels = getOption("lgr.log_levels")
  assert(is_scalar(x), "'", deparse(substitute(x)), "' must be a scalar log level")

  if (is_integerish(x) && x > 0){

  if (is.character(x) && (x %in% names(log_levels)) ){
    return(unname(log_levels[match(x, names(log_levels))]))

  stop(error_msg_log_levels(deparse(substitute(x)), log_levels))

#' @rdname standardize_threshold
#' @export
is_log_level <- function(x){
    {standardize_log_level(x); TRUE},
    error = function(...) FALSE

#' @rdname standardize_threshold
#' @export
standardize_log_levels <- function(
  log_levels = getOption("lgr.log_levels")

  if (is_integerish(x) && all(x > 0)){

  if (is.character(x) && all(x %in% names(log_levels)) ){
    return(unname(log_levels[match(x, names(log_levels))]))

  stop(error_msg_log_levels(deparse(substitute(x)), log_levels))

#' @rdname standardize_threshold
#' @export
is_log_levels <- function(x){
    {standardize_log_levels(x); TRUE},
    error = function(...) FALSE

error_msg_log_levels <- function(varname, log_levels){
  ll_text <-
    paste(sprintf("%s (%s)", names(log_levels), log_levels), collapse = ", ")

    "'", varname, "' must either the numeric or character representation ",
    "of one of the following log levels: ", ll_text

# label/unlabel -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Label/Unlabel Log Levels
#' @param levels an `integer` vector of log levels
#' @param labels a `character` vector of log level labels. Please note that
#'   log levels are lowercase by default, even if many appenders print them
#'   in uppercase.
#' @inheritParams standardize_threshold
#' @return a `character` vector for `label_levels()` and an integer vector for
#'   `unlabel_levels`
#' @seealso [get_log_levels()]
#' @family formatting utils
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- label_levels(c(seq(0, 600, by = 100), NA))
#' print(x)
#' unlabel_levels(x)
label_levels <- function(
  log_levels = getOption("lgr.log_levels")
  if (!is.numeric(levels))
    stop("Expected numeric 'levels'")

  res <- names(log_levels)[match(levels, log_levels)]
  res[is.na(levels)] <- "all"
  res[levels == 0]   <- "off"
  names(res)         <- levels

  if (anyNA(res))
    warning("Some `levels` were not valid numeric log levels, coercing to `NA`")


#' @rdname label_levels
#' @export
unlabel_levels <- function(
  log_levels = getOption("lgr.log_levels")
  if (!is.character(labels))
    stop("Expected character 'labels'")

  res             <- log_levels[match(labels, names(log_levels))]
  if (!is.null(names(labels)) && any(is.na(res))){
    res[is.na(res)] <- as.integer(names(labels)[is.na(res)])

  if (anyNA(labels) || any(!labels %in% c(names(log_levels), "all", "off")))
      "Some `labels` were not valid character log levels. Please",
      "consider adding them to the global log levels with `?add_log_levels`"

  res[labels == "off"] <- 0L
  names(res) <- labels

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lgr documentation built on Sept. 6, 2022, 1:05 a.m.