
#' @include global_var.R

#' A \code{Person} object is a complete view of an individual over a certain
#' time period, as seen through data from multiple sources
#' @description \code{Person} is an object that encapsulates an individual's 
#' data over a specified date range (start and end date stored as \code{Date} 
#' objects.
#' An individual consists of basic information, such as name, age,
#' and gender (a \code{list} with named elements), data from their self-tracking 
#' devices such as Fitbit, Apple health, etc. (data from each source is a tibble
#' dataframe), individual goals such as target steps (\code{numeric}), 
#' additional data from self-tracking apps or one's own collection system 
#' (stored as a tibble dataframe), and ways of grouping the data a user may be 
#' interested in, such as grouping by seasons, or comparing weekend to weekday 
#' behavior and health (stored as a list of named dataframes, which each contain 
#' group assignments).
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom tibble data_frame as_data_frame
#' @importFrom lubridate hour minute second make_datetime ymd wday month
#' @importFrom fitbitScraper login get_intraday_data get_weight_data 
#'             get_daily_data get_sleep_data
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate
#' @importFrom plyr rename
#' @field fitbit_daily tibble dataframe of fitbit variables (for user account
#'        info provided) observed daily.
#'        Columns include:
#'         \itemize{
#'             \item{date: unique for each row (date)}
#'             \item{datetime: includes date and time, time is an arbitrary 
#'             time, which is consistent for each day (date)}
#'             \item{dateInForJavascriptLocalFormatting: chr}
#'             \item{steps: total number of steps for that day (dbl)}
#'             \item{distance: total distance for that day, in miles (dbl)}
#'             \item{distanceKm: total distance for that day, in kilometers 
#'             (dbl)}
#'             \item{floors: total number of floors for that day (dbl)}
#'             \item{minutesVery: minutes 'very active' that day (dbl)}
#'             \item{caloriesBurned: calories (kcal) burned that day (dbl)}
#'             \item{caloriesIntake: calories (kcal) consumed that day, user
#'             must input this, either into this data frame or into the fitbit 
#'             (dbl)}
#'             \item{restingHeartRate: resting heart rate in beats per minute 
#'             (bpm) (dbl)}
#'             \item{startTime: sleeping start time for that day (chr)}
#'             \item{endTime: sleeping end time for that day (chr)}
#'             \item{startDateTime: sleeping start date and time for that day
#'             (chr)}
#'             \item{endDateTime: sleeping end date and time for that day (chr)}
#'             \item{sleepDuration: sleep duration for that day, in minutes 
#'             (int)}
#'             \item{sleepDurationHrs: sleep duration for that day, in hours 
#'             (dbl)}
#'             \item{minAsleep: time asleep that day, in minutes (int)}
#'             \item{minAsleepHrs: time asleep that day, in hours, derived from 
#'             minAsleep (dbl)}
#'             \item{minRestlessAwake: \eqn{sleepDuration - awakeCount} (int)}
#'             \item{awakeCount: int}
#'             \item{restlessCount: int}
#'             \item{awakeDuration: int}
#'             \item{restlessDuraton: int}
#'             \item{restlessProp: proportion of sleep spent restless, 
#'             calculated as \eqn{restlessProp = (sleepDurationHrs - 
#'             minAsleepHrs) / sleepDurationHrs * 100} (dbl)}
#'             \item{sleepQualityScoreB: dbl}
#'             \item{sleepQualityScoreA: int}
#'             \item{sleepQualityGraphicPercentA: dbl}
#'             \item{sleepQualityGraphicPercentB: dbl}
#'             \item{sleepBucketTextB: one of "ok", "good", "great" (chr)}
#'             \item{sleepBucketTextA: one of "ok", "good", "great" (chr)}
#'             \item{clusters: list of chr}
#'             \item{breaks: list of chr}
#'          }
#' @field fitbit_intraday tibble dataframe of fitbit variables (for user account
#'        info provided) observed multiple times a day.
#'        Columns include:
#'        \itemize{
#'             \item{date: unique for each row (date)}
#'             \item{time: a combination of an arbitrary date ("1970-01-01") 
#'             and the time of the observation, generally in 5 minute intervals 
#'             (dttm)}
#'             \item{datetime: includes date from `date` and time from `time`
#'             (dttm)}
#'             \item{steps: number of steps in 15 minute interval (dbl)}
#'             \item{distance: distance traveled in 15 minute interval, in 
#'             miles (dbl)}
#'             \item{distanceKm: distance traveled in 15 minute interval, in
#'             kilometers (dbl)}
#'             \item{floors: number of floors went up and down in 15 minute
#'             interval (dbl)}
#'             \item{activeMin: number of active minutes in 15 minute 
#'             interval (dbl)}
#'             \item{activityLevel:  hypothesized activity level, one of: 
#'             "VERY_ACTIVE" (chr)}
#'             \item{bpm: average heart rate in 5 minute interval (int)}
#'             \item{confidence: one of -1, 1, 2, or 3 (int)}
#'             \item{caloriesBurned: calories (kcal) burned in 5 minute 
#'             interval (dbl)}
#'             \item{defaultZone: chr}
#'             \item{customZone: lgl}
#'             \item{weight: weight, in lbs (dbl)}
#'             \item{weightKg: weight, in kg (dbl)}
#'        }
#' @field util tibble dataframe that maps each date in the date range to utility
#'        information about that date
#'        Columns include:
#'        \itemize{
#'             \item{date: unique for each row (date)}
#'             \item{datetime: date from `date` and an arbitrary time (16:00:00)
#'             (dttm)}
#'             \item{day_of_week: day of the week, with Sun as first (ord)}
#'             \item{day_type: weekend or weekday (fctr)}
#'             \item{month: month, with Jan as first (ord)}
#'        }
#' @field target_steps the person's target number of steps (numeric) for each
#'        day (default 10,000)
#' @field start_date start of user's date range of interest (Date object)
#' @field end_date end of user's date range of interest (Date object)
#' @field user_info provided user info, such as "age", "gender", "name" (list)
#' @field groupings named list of dataframes, each with two columns - a known 
#'        variable, and group, with the group assignment for observations where 
#'        that variable has appropriate value
#' @field apple tibble dataframe of user's provided Apple Health data.  These
#'        columns depend on which columns are passed in by the user.  However,
#'        these columns match fitbit columns:
#'        \itemize{
#'            \item{datetime: dttm}
#'            \item{steps: Original steps data for total number of steps in 60 
#'            minutes, but divided by 4 to match fitbit steps data, which is
#'            the total number of steps in 15 minutes (dbl)}
#'            \item{distance: Average distance in 15 minutes in miles.  
#'            Original distance data for total distance in 60 minutes, 
#'            but divided by 4 to match fitbit distance data, which is the total 
#'            distance in 15 minutes (dbl)}
#'            \item{distanceKm: Average distance in 15 minutes in km.  
#'            Original distance data for total distance in 60 minutes, 
#'            but divided by 4 to match fitbit distance data, which is the total 
#'            distance in 15 minutes (dbl)}
#'            \item{floors: Average number of floors in 15 minutes.  
#'            Original floors data for total number
#'             of floors in 60 minutes, but divided by 4 to match fitbit floors 
#'             data, which is the total number of floors in 15 minutes(dbl)}
#'            \item{bpm: average heart rate for the given hour, most users will
#'             not have this data (dbl)}
#'        }
#' @field addl_data dataframe of data from another source provided by user
#' @field addl_data2 dataframe of data from another source provided by user
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Person$new(fitbit_user_email, fitbit_user_pw, user_info = NA,
#'                           apple_data_file, target_steps, addl_data,
#'                           addl_data2, group_assignments, start_date, 
#'                           end_date)}}{Creates a new \code{Person}
#'         with specified data, and data from provided Fitbit account. If 
#'         provided, start_date and end_date must be characters with "%Y-%m-%d". 
#'         All defaults are \code{NA} - user can provide sources of data
#'         of interest.}}
#' @examples
#' library("lifelogr")
#' group_months <- data.frame("month" = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
#'                                        "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
#'                                        "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"),
#'                                        "group" = c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 
#'                                                    1, 0, 0, 0))
#' ash <- Person$new(user_info = list("name" = "Ash", "age" = 26,
#'                     "gender" = "female"), 
#'                     target_steps = 20000,
#'                     group_assignments = list("group_months" = group_months),
#'                     start_date = "2017-03-11",
#'                     end_date = "2017-03-12")
#' \dontrun{                
#' bailey <- Person$new(fitbit_user_email = "bailey@gmail.com",
#'                  fitbit_user_pw = "baileypw",
#'                  #apple_data_file = "apple.csv",
#'                  start_date = "2017-03-11",
#'                  end_date = "2017-03-12")}
#' @export
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
Person <- R6::R6Class("Person",
  public = list(
    fitbit_daily = NULL, # dataframe of daily fitbit data
    fitbit_intraday = NULL, # dataframe of intraday fitbit data
    util = NULL, # util/admin data
    target_steps = NULL,
    start_date = NA, # optional start date of interest
    end_date = NA, # optional end date of interest
    user_info = NULL, # optional list of user info, such as "age", "gender", "name", etc.
    groupings = NULL, # named list of dataframes each with 2 columns: 1. a known 
    # variable (date, weekend, etc.) and 2. "group" with the group assignment for 
    # observations with that variable of that value
    apple = NULL, # apple data from csv
    addl_data = NULL, # user's own df of other data
    addl_data2 = NULL, # another df
    initialize = function(fitbit_user_email = NA, fitbit_user_pw = NA, 
                          user_info = NA, 
                          apple_data_file = NA,
                          target_steps = 10000,
                          addl_data = NA, addl_data2 = NA,
                          group_assignments = NA,
                          start_date = NA, end_date = NA) {
      self$addl_data <- addl_data
      self$addl_data2 <- addl_data2
      if (is.na(start_date)) {
        start_date = "1990-01-01"
      if (is.na(end_date)) {
        end_date = Sys.Date()
      self$start_date <- as.Date(strptime(start_date, format="%Y-%m-%d"))
      self$end_date <- as.Date(strptime(end_date, format="%Y-%m-%d"))
      self$target_steps <- target_steps
      self$user_info <- user_info
      self$util <- private$create_util_data(self$start_date, self$end_date)
      if (!is.na(apple_data_file)){
        self$apple <- private$load_apple_data(apple_data_file) 
        # user needs to pass in path from this directory to file
      if (!is.na(fitbit_user_email) && !is.na(fitbit_user_pw)){
      self$fitbit_intraday <- private$get_fitbit_intraday(fitbit_user_email,
      self$fitbit_daily <- private$get_fitbit_daily(fitbit_user_email, 
      else {
        self$fitbit_intraday <- NA
        self$fitbit_daily <- NA
      self$groupings <- group_assignments

  private = list(
    load_apple_data = function(apple_data_file) {
      raw_df <- readr::read_csv(apple_data_file)
      cleaned <- tibble::as_tibble(raw_df)
      # Remove Finish column because it's confusing
      if(!is.null(cleaned$Finish)) {
        cleaned$Finish <- NULL

      # Rename columns to match Person$data_intraday and add additional columns
      if("Start" %in% names(cleaned)) {
        cleaned <- dplyr::rename(cleaned, datetime = Start)

      # fitbit steps data is in 15 min intervals, while Apple steps data is in
      # hour intervals
      if("Steps (count)" %in% names(cleaned)) {
        cleaned <- dplyr::rename(cleaned, steps = `Steps (count)`)
        cleaned <- dplyr::mutate(cleaned,
                                 steps = steps / 4)

      # fitbit floors data is in 15 min intervals, while Apple floors data
      # is in hour intervals
      if("Flights Climbed (count)" %in% names(cleaned)) {
        cleaned <- dplyr::rename(cleaned, floors = `Flights Climbed (count)`)
        cleaned <- dplyr::mutate(cleaned, floors = floors / 4)

      if("Heart Rate (count/min)" %in% names(cleaned)) {
        cleaned <- dplyr::rename(cleaned, bpm = `Heart Rate (count/min)`)

      # fitbit distance data is in 15 min intervals, while Apple distance data
      # is in hour intervals
      if("Distance (mi)" %in% names(cleaned)) {
        cleaned <- dplyr::rename(cleaned, distance = `Distance (mi)`)
        cleaned <- dplyr::mutate(cleaned,
                                 distance = distance / 4,
                                 distanceKm = distance * MI_TO_KM)


      if("Respiratory Rate (count/min)" %in% names(cleaned)) {
        cleaned <- dplyr::rename(cleaned,
                                 resp_rate = `Respiratory Rate (count/min)`)

      if("Active Calories (kcal)" %in% names(cleaned)) {
        cleaned <- dplyr::rename(cleaned, active_cal = `Active Calories (kcal)`)

      # Convert datetime variable to dttm type
      cleaned$datetime <- lubridate::dmy_hm(cleaned$datetime,
                                            tz = Sys.timezone())


    create_util_data = function(start_date, end_date) {
      # date range between start and end date
      df <- tibble::data_frame(date = lubridate::ymd(as.Date(as.POSIXct(
              seq(from = start_date, to = end_date, by = 1)))))
      df$datetime <- lubridate::make_datetime(year = lubridate::year(df$date),
                                              month = lubridate::month(df$date),
                                              day = lubridate::day(df$date),
                                              hour = 0L,
                                              min = 0L,
                                              sec = 0, 
                                              tz = Sys.timezone())
      # MTWTFSS
      df$day_of_week <- lubridate::wday(df$date, label = TRUE)
      # weekend/weekday
      weekend <- c('Sat', 'Sun') 
      df$day_type <- factor((df$day_of_week %in% weekend),
                            levels = c(FALSE, TRUE), 
                            labels = c('weekday', 'weekend'))
      # Month
      df$month <- lubridate::month(df$date, label = TRUE)
    get_fitbit_intraday = function(fitbit_user_email, fitbit_user_pw) {
      cookie <- fitbitScraper::login(email = fitbit_user_email, 
                                     password = fitbit_user_pw)
      start <- self$start_date
      end <- self$end_date
      char_start <- as.character(start)
      char_end <- as.character(end)
      # Build each intraday dataset: create list of lists, then rbind all 
      intraday <- list()
      intraday$isteps <- NULL
      intraday$idist <- NULL
      intraday$ifloors <- NULL
      intraday$iactive_min <- NULL
      intraday$ical_burn <- NULL
      intraday$ihr <- NULL
      for (indiv_date in format(seq.Date(from = as.Date(start), 
                                         to = as.Date(end), by = "day"), 
                                format = "%Y-%m-%d")){
        char_date <- as.character(indiv_date)
        intraday$isteps <- rbind(intraday$isteps, 
                                   cookie, what = "steps", date = char_date))
        intraday$idist <- rbind(intraday$idist, 
                                  cookie, what = "distance", date = char_date))
        intraday$ifloors <- rbind(intraday$ifloors, 
                                    cookie, what = "floors", date = char_date))
        intraday$iactive_min <- rbind(intraday$iactive_min, 
                                        cookie, what = "active-minutes", 
                                        date = char_date))
        intraday$ical_burn <- rbind(intraday$ical_burn, 
                                      cookie, what = "calories-burned", 
                                      date = char_date))
        intraday$ihr <- rbind(intraday$ihr, 
                                cookie, what = "heart-rate", date = char_date))
      # Add weight (users can weigh many times/anytime in day)
      intraday$weight <- fitbitScraper::get_weight_data(cookie,
                                  start_date = char_start,
                                   end_date = char_end)
      # Join all, create date, time, datetime columns and drop dateTime
      joined <- tibble::as_data_frame(Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, 
                                                                  all = TRUE, 
                                                                  by = "time"), 
      joined <- dplyr::select(joined, -dateTime)
      joined$datetime <- lubridate::ymd_hms(joined$time, tz = Sys.timezone())
      joined$date <- lubridate::ymd(as.Date(as.POSIXct(joined$datetime,

      joined$time <- 
        lubridate::make_datetime(year = "1970", month = "01", 
                                day = "01",
                                hour = lubridate::hour(joined$datetime),
                                min = lubridate::minute(joined$datetime), 
                                sec = lubridate::second(joined$datetime))
      joined <- plyr::rename(joined, 
                             replace = c("active-minutes" = "activeMin"))

      # create additional columns
      joined <- dplyr::mutate(joined,
                              distanceKm = distance * MI_TO_KM,
                              weightKg = weight * MI_TO_KM)
      # drop `calories-burned`, which is less informative than caloriesBurned
      joined$`calories-burned` <- NULL
      # reorder columns
      joined <- dplyr::select(joined,
                              steps, distance, distanceKm, floors, activeMin,
                              activityLevel, bpm, confidence, caloriesBurned,
                              defaultZone, customZone, weight, weightKg,

      # Returns a tibble of joined variables recorded daily
      get_fitbit_daily = function(fitbit_user_email, fitbit_user_pw) {
        cookie <- fitbitScraper::login(email = fitbit_user_email, 
                                       password = fitbit_user_pw)
        start <- self$start_date
        end <- self$end_date

        char_start <- as.character(start)
        char_end <- as.character(end)
        daily <- list()
        daily$steps <- fitbitScraper::get_daily_data(cookie, what = "steps",
                                     start_date = char_start, 
                                     end_date = char_end)
        daily$distance <- fitbitScraper::get_daily_data(cookie, 
                                                        what = "distance", 
                                                        start_date = char_start,
                                                        end_date = char_end)
        daily$floors <- fitbitScraper::get_daily_data(cookie, what = "floors",
                                                    start_date = char_start,
                                                    end_date = char_end)
        daily$minsVery <- fitbitScraper::get_daily_data(cookie, 
                                                        what = "minutesVery",
                                                        start_date = char_start,
                                                        end_date = char_end)
        daily$cal_ratio <- fitbitScraper::get_daily_data(cookie,
                                          what = "caloriesBurnedVsIntake",
                                          start_date = char_start,
                                          end_date = char_end)
        daily$rest_hr <- fitbitScraper::get_daily_data(cookie, 
                                   what = "getRestingHeartRateData",
                                  start_date = as.character(start),
                                  end_date = as.character(end))

        daily$sleep <- fitbitScraper::get_sleep_data(cookie,
                                     start_date = char_start,
                                     end_date = char_end)[[2]]

        # manipulate date, time, and datetime
        daily$sleep$time <- as.POSIXct(daily$sleep$date)
        joined <- tibble::as_data_frame(Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, 
                                                                    all = TRUE, 
                                                                    by = "time"),
        joined$date <- lubridate::ymd(as.Date(as.POSIXct(joined$time,
                                                         tz = Sys.timezone())))
        joined <- dplyr::select(joined, -time)
        joined$datetime <- 
          lubridate::make_datetime(year = lubridate::year(joined$date),
                                   month = lubridate::month(joined$date),
                                   day = lubridate::day(joined$date),
                                   hour = 0L,
                                   min = 0L,
                                   sec = 0, 
                                   tz = Sys.timezone())
        # create additional columns
        joined <- dplyr::mutate(joined,
                    minRestlessAwake = joined$sleepDuration -  joined$minAsleep,
                    sleepDurationHrs = sleepDuration / 60,
                    minAsleepHrs = minAsleep / 60,
                    restlessProp = (sleepDurationHrs - minAsleepHrs) / 
                      sleepDurationHrs * 100,
                    distanceKm = distance * MI_TO_KM)
        # rearrange columns:
        joined <- dplyr::select(joined,
                                steps, distance, distanceKm, floors, 
                                minutesVery, caloriesBurned, caloriesIntake,
                                startTime, endTime, 
                                startDateTime, endDateTime,
                                sleepDuration, sleepDurationHrs,
                                minAsleep, minAsleepHrs,

Try the lifelogr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lifelogr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:11 a.m.