Man pages for lightgbm
Light Gradient Boosting Machine

agaricus.testTest part from Mushroom Data Set
agaricus.trainTraining part from Mushroom Data Set
bankBank Marketing Data Set
dimDimensions of an 'lgb.Dataset'
dimnames.lgb.DatasetHandling of column names of 'lgb.Dataset'
get_fieldGet one attribute of a 'lgb.Dataset'
getLGBMThreadsGet default number of threads used by LightGBM
lgb.configure_fast_predictConfigure Fast Single-Row Predictions
lgb.convert_with_rulesData preparator for LightGBM datasets with rules (integer)
lgb.cvMain CV logic for LightGBM
lgb.DatasetConstruct 'lgb.Dataset' object
lgb.Dataset.constructConstruct Dataset explicitly
lgb.Dataset.create.validConstruct validation data
lgb.Dataset.saveSave 'lgb.Dataset' to a binary file
lgb.Dataset.set.categoricalSet categorical feature of 'lgb.Dataset'
lgb.Dataset.set.referenceSet reference of 'lgb.Dataset'
lgb.drop_serializedDrop serialized raw bytes in a LightGBM model object
lgb.dumpDump LightGBM model to json
lgb.get.eval.resultGet record evaluation result from booster
lgb.importanceCompute feature importance in a model
lgb.interpreteCompute feature contribution of prediction
lgb.loadLoad LightGBM model
lgb.make_serializableMake a LightGBM object serializable by keeping raw bytes
lgb.model.dt.treeParse a LightGBM model json dump
lgb.plot.importancePlot feature importance as a bar graph
lgb.plot.interpretationPlot feature contribution as a bar graph
lgb.restore_handleRestore the C++ component of a de-serialized LightGBM model
lgb.saveSave LightGBM model
lgb_shared_dataset_paramsShared Dataset parameter docs
lgb_shared_paramsShared parameter docs
lgb.slice.DatasetSlice a dataset
lgb.trainMain training logic for LightGBM
lightgbmTrain a LightGBM model
predict.lgb.BoosterPredict method for LightGBM model
print.lgb.BoosterPrint method for LightGBM model
set_fieldSet one attribute of a 'lgb.Dataset' object
setLGBMThreadsSet maximum number of threads used by LightGBM
summary.lgb.BoosterSummary method for LightGBM model
lightgbm documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:44 p.m.