lyl_compare_plot: Plot Life Years Lost at one specific age for two or more...

lyl_compare_plotR Documentation

Plot Life Years Lost at one specific age for two or more different populations


lyl_compare_plot creates a figure of Life Years Lost at one specific age for two or more different populations.


  color_alive = NA,
  colors = NA,
  nrow = NULL,
  ncol = NULL,
  dir = "h",
  reverse_legend = FALSE,
  labels = NA,



A list of objects of class lyl (obtained with function lyl).


Color to be used for the censoring category. Default is NA, and default color is "white".


Vector with one color for each cause of death. Default is NA, and default colors are used.


Number of rows to be passed to facet_wrap.


Number of columns to be passed to facet_wrap.


Direction to be passed to facet_wrap: either "h" for horizontal, the default, or "v", for vertical.


Reverse the order of elements in the legend. Ddefault is FALSE, indicating that first is the censoring label and then all causes of death.


Vector with labels for the two populations (default are "Population of interest" for x, and "Reference population" for y)


Additional arguments affecting the plot produced.


A plot with survival function and stacked cause-specific cumulative incidences for two populations side by side.


  • Plana-Ripoll et al. lillies – An R package for the estimation of excess Life Years Lost among patients with a given disease or condition. PLoS ONE. 2020;15(3):e0228073.

See Also

  • lyl for estimation of Life Years Lost at one specific age.

  • lyl_diff to compare Life Years Lost for two populations.


# Load simulated data as example

# Estimate remaining life expectancy and Life Years
# Lost after age 45 years and before age 95 years
lyl_estimation <- lyl(data = simu_data, t = age_death, status = cause_death,
                      age_specific = 45, tau = 95)

# Same estimate for those with a specific disease
diseased <- simu_data[!$age_disease), ]

lyl_estimation1 <- lyl(data = diseased, t0 = age_disease,
                       t = age_death, status = cause_death,
                      age_specific = 45, tau = 95)

# Plot the data
lyl_compare_plot(list(lyl_estimation1, lyl_estimation))
lyl_compare_plot(list(lyl_estimation1, lyl_estimation),
          labels = c("Population with a disease", "General population"))

# The plot can be modified with a usual ggplot2 format
lyl_compare_plot(list(lyl_estimation1, lyl_estimation)) +
  ggplot2::xlab("Age [in years]") +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Differences in Life Years Lost at age 45 years")

lillies documentation built on Aug. 7, 2023, 5:09 p.m.