linelist 1.1.4

Internal change

New features

linelist 1.1.3

Minor change

linelist 1.1.2

Minor change

linelist 1.1.1

Minor change

linelist 1.1.0

Breaking changes

New features

``` r warning_counter <- 0

withCallingHandlers({ x <- linelist::make_linelist(cars, date_onset = "dist", age = "speed") x <- x[, -1] x <- x[, -1] warning("This is not a linelist warning", call. = FALSE) }, linelist_warning = function(w) { warning_counter <<- warning_counter + 1 }) #> Warning: The following tags have lost their variable: #> age:speed #> Warning: The following tags have lost their variable: #> date_onset:dist #> Warning: This is not a linelist warning

warning("This pipeline generated ", warning_counter, " linelist warnings.") #> Warning: This pipeline generated 2 linelist warnings. ```

r x$tagged_column <- NULL #> Warning in prune_tags(out, lost_action): The following tags have lost their variable: #> tag:tagged_column

Internal changes


linelist 1.0.0

New features

r x %>% dplyr::select(has_tag(c("id", "date_of_onset")))

Breaking changes

```r # Deprecated x %>% select_tags("age")

# Instead use x %>% tags_df() %>% select(age)

# Or x %>% select(has_tag("age")) %>% tags_df() ```

```r x %>% dplyr::select(has_tag(c("id", "date_of_onset")))

# Instead of x %>% select(tags = c("id", "date_of_onset")) ```



Bug fixes

Internal changes

linelist 0.0.1

This is the first proof-of-concept release on CRAN.

New features

Try the linelist package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

linelist documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m.