dtm <- sparseMatrix(sample(50, 900, TRUE), sample(100, 900, TRUE), x = rpois(900, 2) + 1)
su <- colSums(dtm) == 0
if (any(su)) for (i in which(su)) dtm[sample(nrow(dtm), 1), i] <- 1
test_that("weights are the same as manual", {
alpha <- 1.1
log.base <- 10
# term weights
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "binary", normalize = FALSE)), as.numeric((dtm > 0) * 1))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "log", normalize = FALSE)), as.numeric(log(dtm + 1, log.base)))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "sqrt", normalize = FALSE)), as.numeric(sqrt(dtm)))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "count", normalize = FALSE)), as.numeric(dtm))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "amplify", normalize = FALSE)), as.numeric(dtm^1.1))
# document weights
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "dflog", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(log(colSums(dtm > 0), log.base))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "entropy", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)), as.numeric({
x <- t(dtm) / colSums(dtm > 0)
1 - rowSums(x * log(x + 1, log.base) / log(ncol(x), log.base), na.rm = TRUE)
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "ppois", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(1 - ppois(1, colSums(dtm) / nrow(dtm)))
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "dpois", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(1 - dpois(1, colSums(dtm) / nrow(dtm)))
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "dfmlog", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(log(diag(dtm[max.col(t(dtm)), ]), log.base))
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "dfmax", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(diag(dtm[max.col(t(dtm)), ]))
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "df", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(colSums(dtm > 0))
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "idf", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(log(nrow(dtm) / colSums(dtm > 0), log.base))
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "ridf", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)), as.numeric({
lma_weight(dtm, "idf", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE) -
log(lma_weight(dtm, "dpois", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE), log.base)
as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "normal", normalize = FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)),
as.numeric(sqrt(1 / colSums(dtm^2)))
dtm[sample(length(dtm), 5)] <- NA
test_that("normalization work", {
manual <- dtm
wc <- rowSums(manual, na.rm = TRUE)
su <- wc != 0
manual[, su] <- manual[su, ] / wc[su]
i <- which(colSums(dtm, na.rm = TRUE) != 0)[1]
expect_equal(dtm[i, ] / sum(dtm[i, ], na.rm = TRUE), manual[i, ])
manual <- as.numeric(manual)
wdtm <- lma_weight(dtm)
expect_equivalent(rowSums(wdtm, na.rm = TRUE), rep(1, nrow(dtm)))
expect_equal(as.numeric(wdtm), manual)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(as.matrix(dtm))), manual)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, percent = TRUE)), manual * 100)
test_that("document weighting works", {
manual <- dtm
df <- colSums(manual > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
manual <- manual * rep(df, each = nrow(manual))
expect_equal(dtm[, 1] * df[1], manual[, 1])
manual <- as.numeric(manual)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "df", FALSE)), manual)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(as.matrix(dtm), "df", FALSE)), manual)
test_that("term-document weighting works", {
idf <- lma_weight(dtm, "idf", FALSE, doc.only = TRUE)
expect_equal(log10(nrow(dtm) / colSums(dtm != 0, na.rm = TRUE)), idf)
manual <- dtm * rep(idf, each = nrow(dtm))
expect_equal(dtm[, 1] * idf[1], manual[, 1])
manual <- as.numeric(manual)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "tfidf", FALSE)), manual)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(as.matrix(dtm), "tf-idf", FALSE)), manual)
test_that("pmi works", {
manual <- dtm / sum(dtm, na.rm = TRUE)
manual <- as.numeric(log2(manual /
outer(rowSums(manual, na.rm = TRUE), colSums(manual, na.rm = TRUE))))
manual[!is.finite(manual)] <- 0
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(dtm, "pmi")), manual)
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(as.matrix(dtm), "pmi")), manual)
manual[manual < 0] <- 0
expect_equal(as.numeric(lma_weight(as.matrix(dtm), "ppmi")), manual)
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