
Defines functions no_tab_linter consecutive_stopifnot_linter single_quotes_linter unneeded_concatenation_linter semicolon_terminator_linter paren_brace_linter open_curly_linter closed_curly_linter

Documented in closed_curly_linter consecutive_stopifnot_linter no_tab_linter open_curly_linter paren_brace_linter semicolon_terminator_linter single_quotes_linter unneeded_concatenation_linter

#' @name lintr-deprecated
#' @title Deprecated functions in lintr
#' @description
#' These functions have been deprecated from lintr.
#' - `open_curly_linter()` and `closed_curly_linter()` check that open and closed curly braces
#'   are on their own line unless they follow an else, a comma, or a closing bracket.
#'   Deprecated in favor of `brace_linter()`.
#' - `paren_brace_linter()` checks that there is a space between right parentheses and an opening
#'    curly brace. E.g., `function(){}` doesn't have a space, while `function() {}` does.
#'    Deprecated in favor of `brace_linter()`.
#' - `semicolon_terminator_linter()` checks that no semicolons terminate expressions.
#'    Deprecated in favor of `semicolon_linter()`.
#' @param allow_single_line if `TRUE`, allow an open and closed curly pair on the same line.
#' @param semicolon A character vector defining which semicolons to report:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{compound}{Semicolons that separate two statements on the same line.}
#'   \item{trailing}{Semicolons following the last statement on the line.}
#' }
#' @seealso [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @evalRd rd_tags("closed_curly_linter")
#' @keywords internal

#' Closed curly linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
closed_curly_linter <- function(allow_single_line = FALSE) {
  lintr_deprecated("closed_curly_linter", new = "brace_linter", version = "3.0.0", type = "Linter")
  xp_cond_closed <- xp_and(c(
    # matching { is on same line
    if (isTRUE(allow_single_line)) {
      "(@line1 != preceding-sibling::OP-LEFT-BRACE/@line1)"
    # immediately followed by ",", "]" or ")"
      @line1 = ancestor::expr/following-sibling::*[1][
        self::OP-COMMA or self::OP-RIGHT-BRACKET or self::OP-RIGHT-PAREN
    # double curly
      (@line1 = parent::expr/following-sibling::OP-RIGHT-BRACE/@line1) or
      (@line1 = preceding-sibling::expr/OP-RIGHT-BRACE/@line1)

  xpath <- glue("//OP-RIGHT-BRACE[
    { xp_cond_closed } and (
      (@line1 = preceding-sibling::*[1]/@line2) or
      (@line1 = parent::expr/following-sibling::*[1][not(self::ELSE)]/@line1)

  Linter(function(source_expression) {
    if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {

      xml_find_all(source_expression$xml_parsed_content, xpath),
      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = "Closing curly-braces should always be on their own line, unless they are followed by an else."

#' Open curly linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
open_curly_linter <- function(allow_single_line = FALSE) {
  lintr_deprecated("open_curly_linter", new = "brace_linter", version = "3.0.0", type = "Linter")

  xpath_before <- "//OP-LEFT-BRACE[
    and not(parent::expr/preceding-sibling::*[1][OP-LEFT-BRACE])
    and @line1 != parent::expr/preceding-sibling::*[1][not(self::ELSE)]/@line2
  if (allow_single_line) {
    xpath_after <- "//OP-LEFT-BRACE[
      and not(parent::expr/preceding-sibling::OP-LEFT-BRACE)
      and not(@line2 = following-sibling::OP-RIGHT-BRACE/@line1)
      and @line2 = following-sibling::expr[position() = 1 and not(OP-LEFT-BRACE)]/@line1
    message_after <- paste(
      "Opening curly braces should always be followed by a new line",
      "unless the paired closing brace is on the same line."
  } else {
    xpath_after <- "//OP-LEFT-BRACE[
      and not(parent::expr/preceding-sibling::OP-LEFT-BRACE)
      and @line2 = following-sibling::expr[1]/@line1
    message_after <- "Opening curly braces should always be followed by a new line."

  Linter(function(source_expression) {
    if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {

    xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content

    expr_before <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath_before)
    lints_before <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = "Opening curly braces should never go on their own line.",
      type = "style"

    expr_after <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath_after)
    lints_after <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = message_after,
      type = "style"

    return(c(lints_before, lints_after))

#' Parentheses before brace linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
paren_brace_linter <- function() {
  lintr_deprecated("paren_brace_linter", new = "brace_linter", version = "3.0.0", type = "Linter")

  xpath <- paste(
    "@line1 = parent::expr/preceding-sibling::OP-RIGHT-PAREN/@line1",
    "@col1 = parent::expr/preceding-sibling::OP-RIGHT-PAREN/@col1 + 1",

  Linter(function(source_expression) {
    if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {

    xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content

    match_exprs <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath)

      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = "There should be a space between right parenthesis and an opening curly brace.",
      type = "style"

#' Semicolon linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
semicolon_terminator_linter <- function(semicolon = c("compound", "trailing")) {
    old = "semicolon_terminator_linter",
    new = "semicolon_linter",
    version = "3.0.0",
    type = "Linter"
  semicolon <- match.arg(semicolon, several.ok = TRUE)
  allow_compound <- !"compound" %in% semicolon
  allow_trailing <- !"trailing" %in% semicolon
  semicolon_linter(allow_compound, allow_trailing)

#' Unnecessary concatenation linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
unneeded_concatenation_linter <- function(allow_single_expression = TRUE) {
    old = "unneeded_concatenation_linter",
    new = "unnecessary_concatenation_linter",
    version = "3.1.0",
    type = "Linter"

    length(allow_single_expression) == 1L
  unnecessary_concatenation_linter(allow_single_expression = allow_single_expression)

#' Single quotes linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
single_quotes_linter <- function() {
    old = "single_quotes_linter",
    new = "quotes_linter",
    version = "3.1.0",
    type = "Linter"

#' Consecutive stopifnot linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
consecutive_stopifnot_linter <- function() {
    old = "consecutive_stopifnot_linter",
    new = "consecutive_assertion_linter",
    version = "3.1.0",
    type = "Linter"

#' No tabs linter
#' @rdname lintr-deprecated
#' @export
no_tab_linter <- function() {
    old = "no_tab_linter",
    new = "whitespace_linter",
    version = "3.1.0",
    type = "Linter"

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lintr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:31 a.m.