
Defines functions guess_names call_linter_factory with_defaults linters_with_defaults all_linters linters_with_tags modify_defaults

Documented in all_linters linters_with_defaults linters_with_tags modify_defaults with_defaults

#' Modify lintr defaults
#' Modify a list of defaults by name, allowing for replacement, deletion and addition of new elements.
#' @param ... arguments of elements to change. If unnamed, the argument is automatically named.
#' If the named argument already exists in `defaults`, it is replaced by the new element.
#' If it does not exist, it is added. If the value is `NULL`, the element is removed.
#' @param defaults named list of elements to modify.
#' @return A modified list of elements, sorted by name. To achieve this sort in a platform-independent way, two
#'   transformations are applied to the names: (1) replace `_` with `0` and (2) convert [tolower()].
#' @seealso
#' - [linters_with_defaults] for basing off lintr's set of default linters.
#' - [all_linters] for basing off all available linters in lintr.
#' - [linters_with_tags] for basing off tags attached to linters, possibly across multiple packages.
#' - [available_linters] to get a data frame of available linters.
#' - [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @examples
#' # custom list of undesirable functions:
#' #    remove `sapply` (using `NULL`)
#' #    add `cat` (with an accompanying message),
#' #    add `print` (unnamed, i.e. with no accompanying message)
#' #    add `source` (as taken from `all_undesirable_functions`)
#' my_undesirable_functions <- modify_defaults(
#'   defaults = default_undesirable_functions,
#'   sapply = NULL, "cat" = "No cat allowed", "print", all_undesirable_functions[["source"]]
#' )
#' # list names of functions specified as undesirable
#' names(my_undesirable_functions)
#' @export
modify_defaults <- function(defaults, ...) {
  if (missing(defaults) || !is.list(defaults) || !all(nzchar(names2(defaults)))) {
    stop("`defaults` must be a named list.")
  vals <- list(...)
  nms <- names2(vals)
  missing_index <- !nzchar(nms, keepNA = TRUE)
  if (any(missing_index)) {
    nms[missing_index] <- guess_names(..., missing_index = missing_index)

  to_null <- vapply(vals, is.null, logical(1L))
  if (!all(nms[to_null] %in% names(defaults))) {
    bad_nms <- setdiff(nms[to_null], names(defaults))
    is_are <- if (length(bad_nms) > 1L) "are" else "is"
      "Trying to remove ", glue_collapse(sQuote(bad_nms), sep = ", ", last = " and "),
      ", which ", is_are, " not in `defaults`."

  is.na(vals) <- nms == vals
  defaults[nms] <- vals

  res <- defaults[!vapply(defaults, is.null, logical(1L))]
  res <- res[platform_independent_order(names(res))]

#' Create a tag-based linter configuration
#' Make a new list based on all linters provided by `packages` and tagged with `tags`.
#' The result of this function is meant to be passed to the `linters` argument of `lint()`,
#' or to be put in your configuration file.
#' @param ... Arguments of elements to change. If unnamed, the argument is automatically named.
#' If the named argument already exists in the list of linters, it is replaced by the new element.
#' If it does not exist, it is added. If the value is `NULL`, the linter is removed.
#' @inheritParams available_linters
#' @return A modified list of linters.
#' @seealso
#' - [linters_with_defaults] for basing off lintr's set of default linters.
#' - [all_linters] for basing off all available linters in lintr.
#' - [available_linters] to get a data frame of available linters.
#' - [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @examples
#' # `linters_with_defaults()` and `linters_with_tags("default")` are the same:
#' all.equal(linters_with_defaults(), linters_with_tags("default"))
#' # Get all linters useful for package development
#' linters <- linters_with_tags(tags = c("package_development", "style"))
#' names(linters)
#' # Get all linters tagged as "default" from lintr and mypkg
#' if (FALSE) {
#'   linters_with_tags("default", packages = c("lintr", "mypkg"))
#' }
#' @export
linters_with_tags <- function(tags, ..., packages = "lintr", exclude_tags = "deprecated") {
  if (!is.character(tags) && !is.null(tags)) {
    stop("`tags` must be a character vector, or NULL.")
  tagged_linters <- list()

  for (package in packages) {
    pkg_ns <- loadNamespace(package)
    ns_exports <- getNamespaceExports(pkg_ns)
    available <- available_linters(packages = package, tags = tags, exclude_tags = exclude_tags)
    if (nrow(available) > 0L) {
      if (!all(available$linter %in% ns_exports)) {
        missing_linters <- setdiff(available$linter, ns_exports)
          "Linters ", glue_collapse(sQuote(missing_linters), sep = ", ", last = " and "),
          " advertised by `available_linters()` but not exported by package ", package, "."
      linter_factories <- mget(available$linter, envir = pkg_ns)
      linters <- Map(
        linter_factory = linter_factories,
        linter_name = names(linter_factories),
        MoreArgs = list(package = package)
      tagged_linters <- c(tagged_linters, linters)

  modify_defaults(..., defaults = tagged_linters)

#' Create a linter configuration based on all available linters
#' @inheritParams linters_with_tags
#' @examples
#' names(all_linters())
#' @seealso
#' - [linters_with_defaults] for basing off lintr's set of default linters.
#' - [linters_with_tags] for basing off tags attached to linters, possibly across multiple packages.
#' - [available_linters] to get a data frame of available linters.
#' - [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @export
all_linters <- function(packages = "lintr", ...) {
  linters_with_tags(tags = NULL, packages = packages, ...)

#' Create a linter configuration based on defaults
#' Make a new list based on \pkg{lintr}'s default linters.
#' The result of this function is meant to be passed to the `linters` argument of `lint()`,
#' or to be put in your configuration file.
#' @param defaults,default Default list of linters to modify. Must be named.
#' @inheritParams linters_with_tags
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("withr", quietly = TRUE)
#' # When using interactively you will usually pass the result onto `lint` or `lint_package()`
#' f <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = "my_slightly_long_variable_name <- 2.3", fileext = "R")
#' lint(f, linters = linters_with_defaults(line_length_linter = line_length_linter(120)))
#' # the default linter list with a different line length cutoff
#' my_linters <- linters_with_defaults(line_length_linter = line_length_linter(120))
#' # omit the argument name if you are just using different arguments
#' my_linters <- linters_with_defaults(defaults = my_linters, object_name_linter("camelCase"))
#' # remove assignment checks (with NULL), add absolute path checks
#' my_linters <- linters_with_defaults(
#'   defaults = my_linters,
#'   assignment_linter = NULL,
#'   absolute_path_linter()
#' )
#' # checking the included linters
#' names(my_linters)
#' @seealso
#' - [linters_with_tags] for basing off tags attached to linters, possibly across multiple packages.
#' - [all_linters] for basing off all available linters in lintr.
#' - [available_linters] to get a data frame of available linters.
#' - [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @export
linters_with_defaults <- function(..., defaults = default_linters) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (missing(defaults) && "default" %in% names(dots)) {
      "'default' is not an argument to linters_with_defaults(). Did you mean 'defaults'? ",
      "This warning will be removed when with_defaults() is fully deprecated."
    defaults <- dots$default
    nms <- names2(dots)
    missing_index <- !nzchar(nms, keepNA = TRUE)
    if (any(missing_index)) {
      names(dots)[missing_index] <- guess_names(..., missing_index = missing_index)
    dots$default <- NULL
    dots <- c(dots, list(defaults = defaults))
    return(do.call(modify_defaults, dots))
  modify_defaults(..., defaults = defaults)

#' @rdname linters_with_defaults
#' @export
with_defaults <- function(..., default = default_linters) {
  lintr_deprecated("with_defaults", "linters_with_defaults or modify_defaults", "3.0.0")
  # to ease the burden of transition -- default = NULL used to behave like defaults = list() now does
  if (is.null(default)) default <- list()
  linters_with_defaults(..., defaults = default)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
call_linter_factory <- function(linter_factory, linter_name, package) {
  linter <- tryCatch(
    error = function(e) {
      stop("Could not create linter with ", package, "::", linter_name, "(): ", conditionMessage(e))
  # Otherwise, all linters would be called "linter_factory".
  attr(linter, "name") <- linter_name

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
guess_names <- function(..., missing_index) {
  args <- as.character(eval(substitute(alist(...)[missing_index])))
  # foo_linter(x=1) => "foo"
  # var[["foo"]]    => "foo"
  # strip call: foo_linter(x=1) --> foo_linter
  # NB: Very long input might have newlines which are not caught
  #  by . in a perl regex; see #774
  args <- re_substitutes(args, rex("(", anything), "", options = "s")
  # strip extractors: pkg::foo_linter, var[["foo_linter"]] --> foo_linter
  args <- re_substitutes(args, rex(start, anything, '["' %or% "::"), "")
  re_substitutes(args, rex('"]', anything, end), "")

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lintr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:31 a.m.