
Defines functions is.nil car cdr caar cadr cddr caddr cadar cdddr is.even is.odd zip zip.c zip.list zip.with.names pairwise for.each cdrs last pair.fold.right

Documented in caar cadar caddr cadr car cdddr cddr cdr cdrs for.each is.even is.nil is.odd last pair.fold.right pairwise zip zip.c zip.list zip.with.names

##' The empty list
##' @export
nil <- list()

##' Whether a list is empty.
##' @param list the list to test
##' @return Whether the list is empty
##' @export
is.nil <- function(list)
  length(list) == 0 || is.null(car(list))

##' First element of a list
##' @param list the list to first
##' @return The first element
##' @export
car <- function(list)

##' Return elements after the first of a list.
##' @param list the list from which to extract
##' @return The elements after the first, or \code{nil}
##' if only one
##' @export
cdr <- function(list) {
  if (is.nil(list))
    stop('CDRing a null list')
  length <- length(list)
  if (length == 1)

##' Composite \code{car}/\code{cdr}
##' @param list the list from which to extract
##' @return The extracted elements
##' @export
caar <- function(list) {

##' Composite \code{car}/\code{cdr}
##' @param list the list from which to extract
##' @return The extracted elements
##' @export
cadr <- function(list) {

##' Composite \code{car}/\code{cdr}
##' @param list the list from which to extract
##' @return The extracted elements
##' @export
cddr <- function(list) {

##' Composite \code{car}/\code{cdr}
##' @param list the list from which to extract
##' @return The extracted elements
##' @export
caddr <- function(list) {

##' Composite \code{car}/\code{cdr}
##' @param list the list from which to extract
##' @return The extracted elements
##' @export
cadar <- function(list) {

##' Composite \code{car}/\code{cdr}
##' @param list the list from which to extract
##' @return The extracted elements
##' @export
cdddr <- function(list) {

##' Is a number even?
##' @param a the number to test
##' @return Whether the number is even
##' @export
is.even <- function(a) {
  a %% 2 == 0

##' Is a number odd?
##' @param a the number to test
##' @return Whether the number is odd
##' @export
is.odd <- function(a) {

##' Zip \emph{n} lists together into tuplets of
##' length \emph{n}.
##' @param zipper the zipping function
##' @param \dots the lists to be zipped
##' @return A list of tuplets
##' @export
zip <- function(zipper, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)) == 1)
    Map(zipper, c(...))
  else {
    m <- mapply(zipper, ...)
    split(m, col(m))

##' Zip using \code{c}.
##' @param \dots the lists to be zipped
##' @return A list of tuplets
##' @seealso \code{\link{zip}}
##' @export
zip.c <- function(...) {
  zip(c, ...)

##' Zip using \code{list}.
##' @param \dots the lists to be zipped
##' @return A list of tuplets
##' @seealso \code{\link{zip}}
##' @export
zip.list <- function(...) {
  zip(list, ...)

##' Do a less efficient zip whilst preserving names.
##' @param ... lists to be zipped whilst preserving names
##' @export
zip.with.names <- function(...) {
  if (length(list(...)) == 1)
    Map(list, c(...))
  else {
    lists <- list(...)
    iter <- function(zipped, lists, names) {
      if (Reduce(`||`, Map(is.nil, lists), FALSE))
      else {
        this.list <- Map(car, lists)
        these.names <- Map(car, names)
        names(this.list) <- these.names
        iter(append(zipped, list(this.list)),
             Map(cdr, lists),
             Map(cdr, names))
    structure(iter(NULL, lists, Map(names, lists)),

##' Combine a list into pairwise elements; lists should
##' be of the same length. In case of odd numbers of members,
##' the last will be removed.
##' @param list the list to be pairwise decomposed
##' @return A list of pairwise elements
##' @export
pairwise <- function(list) {
  length <- length(list)
  if (length < 2)
  length <- ifelse(is.odd(length),
                   length - 1,
  odds <- seq(1, length, 2)
  evens <- seq(2, length, 2)
  zip.c(list[odds], list[evens])

##' Apply \code{f} to the successive elements of \code{...}.
##' @param f the function to apply, whose arity should match the
##' cardinality of \code{...}
##' @param ... lists upon which to apply \code{f} successively
##' @return NULL
##' @export
for.each <- function(f, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  while (!do.call(any, Map(is.nil, args))) {
    applicanda <- Map(car, args)
    do.call(f, applicanda)
    args <- Map(cdr, args)

##' Try to get the \code{cdrs}; otherwise, return \code{nil}.
##' @param ... lists to \code{cdr}
##' @return the \code{cdr} of the lists
cdrs <- function(...)
  tryCatch(Map(cdr, list(...)),
           error=function(e) nil)

##' Last element in a list.
##' @param list The list to last
##' @export
last <- function(list) car(tail(list, 1))

##' pair-fold-right from SRFI-1.
##' @param f function to apply over the list-tails
##' @param nil the default value
##' @param ... the lists whose tails fold over
##' @TODO one-list fast-path
##' @export
pair.fold.right <- function(f, nil, ...) {
  lists <- list(...)
  iter <- function(lists) {
    cdrs <- do.call(cdrs, lists)
    if (is.nil(cdrs))
      do.call(f, append(lists, list(iter(cdrs))))

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