
Defines functions quick_cbind dropNULLs check.is.integerish `%not_in%` is.scalar.integerish is.scalar is.integerish is.negative parse1 DROP DIM ndim

Documented in DIM DROP ndim

#' Length of `DIM()`
#' Returns the number of dimensions, or 1 for an atomic vector.
#' @param x a matrix or atomic vector
#' @export
ndim <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(dx <- dim(x)))

#' Helpers for working with 1-d arrays
#' `DIM()` is to `dim()` as `NROW()` is to `nrow()`. That is, it is identical to
#' `dim()` in most cases except if the input is a bare atomic vector with no
#' `dim` attribute, in which case, the length of the vector is returned instead
#' of `NULL`.
#' @param x an R vector, potentially with a dim attribute
#' @rdname DIM
#' @export
#' @return For `DIM`, the `dim` attribute, or if that's not found, then `length(x)`
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:3
#' dim(x)
#' dim(array(x))
#' DIM(x)
#' DIM(array(x))
DIM <- function(x) dim(x) %||% length(x)

#' `DROP` first calls `base::drop`  and then completely removes the `dim`
#' attribute if the result is a 1-d array
#' @return For `DROP` an array with 2 or more axes, or a vector with no `dim`
#'   attributes.
#' @export
#' @rdname DIM
#' @examples
#' x <- array(1:3)
#' str(drop(x))
#' str(DROP(x))
DROP <- function(x) {
  x <- drop(x)
  if(identical(length(DIM(x)), 1L))
    dim(x) <- NULL

`%||%` <- function (x, y) {
  if (is.null(x))

#' @importFrom compiler cmpfun

parse1 <- function(x) parse(text = x, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]

is.negative <- function(x) x < 0

is.integerish <- function(x, n = NULL, allow_na = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(n) && n != length(x))
  if (!allow_na && any(is.na(x) | is.infinite(x)))
  if (identical(typeof_x <- typeof(x), "integer"))
  if (identical(typeof_x, "double"))
    return(all(x == as.integer(x), na.rm = TRUE))

is.scalar <- function(x) identical(length(x), 1L)

is.scalar.integerish <- function(x)
  is.scalar(x) && is.integerish(x)

`%not_in%` <- function(x, y) match(x, y, nomatch = 0L) == 0L

check.is.integerish <- function(x, n = NULL) {
  nm <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(!(is.integerish(x, n))) {
    msg <- paste(nm, "must be an integer")
    if (!is.null(n))
      msg <- paste(msg, "of length", n)
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

dropNULLs <- function(x) x[!vapply(x, is.null, TRUE)]

quick_cbind <- function(lst) {
  x <- unlist(lst)
  dim(x) <- c(length(lst[[1]]), length(lst))

# arr <- function(...) array(seq_len(prod(unlist(c(...)))), unlist(c(...)))

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listarrays documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:43 a.m.