Extract or Get Generalized Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects Model
Extract (or “get”) “components” – in a
generalized sense – from a fitted mixed-effects model,
i.e., (in this version of the package) from an object of
class "merMod"
getME(object, name, ...)
## S3 method for class 'merMod'
name = c("X", "Z", "Zt", "Ztlist", "mmList", "y", "mu", "u", "b",
"Gp", "Tp", "L", "Lambda", "Lambdat", "Lind", "Tlist",
"A", "RX", "RZX", "sigma", "flist",
"fixef", "beta", "theta", "ST", "REML", "is_REML",
"n_rtrms", "n_rfacs", "N", "n", "p", "q",
"p_i", "l_i", "q_i", "k", "m_i", "m",
"cnms", "devcomp", "offset", "lower", "devfun", "glmer.nb.theta"),
object |
a fitted mixed-effects model of class
"merMod" , i.e., typically the result of
lmer() , glmer() or nlmer() .
name |
a character vector specifying the name(s) of
the “component”. If length(name) > 1 or if name
= "ALL" , a named list of components will be returned. Possible values are:
"X" :fixed-effects model matrix
"Z" :random-effects model matrix
"Zt" :transpose
of random-effects model matrix. Note that the structure
of Zt has changed since lme4.0 ; to get a
backward-compatible structure, use
"Ztlist" :list of components of the transpose of the
random-effects model matrix, separated by individual
variance component
"mmList" :list of raw model matrices associated with random
effects terms
"y" :response vector
"mu" :conditional mean of the response
"u" :conditional mode of the “spherical”
random effects variable
"b" :conditional mode of the
random effects variable
"Gp" :groups pointer vector.
A pointer to the beginning of each group of random
effects corresponding to the random-effects terms,
beginning with 0 and including a final element giving the
total number of random effects
"Tp" :theta pointer vector. A pointer to the beginning of the theta
sub-vectors corresponding to the random-effects terms,
beginning with 0 and including a final element giving the
number of thetas.
"L" :sparse Cholesky factor of the penalized random-effects model.
"Lambda" :relative covariance factor \Lambda of the random effects.
"Lambdat" :transpose \Lambda' of \Lambda above.
"Lind" :index vector for inserting elements of
\theta into the nonzeros of \Lambda .
"Tlist" :vector of template matrices from which the blocks of
\Lambda are generated.
"A" :Scaled sparse model matrix (class
"dgCMatrix" ) for
the unit, orthogonal random effects, U , equal to
getME(.,"Zt") %*% getME(.,"Lambdat")
"RX" :Cholesky factor for the fixed-effects parameters
"RZX" :cross-term in the full Cholesky factor
"sigma" :residual standard error; note that sigma(object) is preferred.
"flist" :a list of the grouping variables (factors)
involved in the random effect terms
"fixef" :fixed-effects parameter estimates
"beta" :fixed-effects parameter estimates (identical
to the result of fixef , but without names)
"theta" :random-effects parameter estimates: these
are parameterized as the relative Cholesky factors of
each random effect term
"ST" :A list of S and T factors in the TSST' Cholesky
factorization of the relative variance matrices of the random
effects associated with each random-effects term. The unit lower
triangular matrix, T , and the diagonal matrix, S , for
each term are stored as a single matrix with diagonal elements
from S and off-diagonal elements from T .
"n_rtrms" :number of random-effects terms
"n_rfacs" :number of distinct random-effects grouping factors
"N" :number of rows of X
"n" :length of the response vector, y
"p" :number of columns of the fixed effects model matrix, X
"q" :number of columns of the random effects model matrix, Z
"p_i" :numbers of columns of the raw model matrices, mmList
"l_i" :numbers of levels of the grouping factors
"q_i" :numbers of columns of the term-wise model matrices, ZtList
"k" :number of random effects terms
"m_i" :numbers of covariance parameters in each term
"m" :total number of covariance parameters, i.e., the
same as dims@nth below.
"cnms" :the “component names”, a list .
"REML" :0 indicates the model was fitted by maximum
likelihood, any other positive integer indicates fitting by
restricted maximum likelihood
"is_REML" :same as the result of isREML(.)
"devcomp" :a list consisting of a named numeric vector,
cmp , and a named integer vector, dims , describing
the fitted model. The elements of cmp are:
- ldL2
twice the log determinant of L
- ldRX2
twice the log determinant of RX
- wrss
weighted residual sum of squares
- ussq
squared length of u
- pwrss
penalized weighted residual sum of squares,
“wrss + ussq”
- drsum
sum of residual deviance (GLMMs only)
REML criterion at optimum (LMMs fit
by REML only)
- dev
deviance criterion at optimum
(models fit by ML only)
- sigmaML
ML estimate of residual standard deviation
- sigmaREML
REML estimate of residual standard deviation
- tolPwrss
tolerance for declaring convergence in the
penalized iteratively weighted residual sum-of-squares (GLMMs only)
The elements of dims are:
- N
number of rows of X
- n
length of y
- p
number of columns of X
- nmp
- nth
length of theta
- q
number of columns of Z
- nAGQ
see glmer
- compDev
see glmerControl
- useSc
TRUE if model has a scale parameter
- reTrms
number of random effects terms
0 indicates the model was fitted by maximum
likelihood, any other positive integer indicates fitting by
restricted maximum likelihood
"offset" :model offset
"lower" :lower bounds on random-effects model
parameters (i.e, "theta" parameters). In order to constrain
random effects covariance matrices to be semi-positive-definite,
this vector is equal to 0 for elements of
the theta vector corresponding to diagonal elements of
the Cholesky factor, -Inf
otherwise. (getME(.,"lower")==0 can be used as a test to
identify diagonal elements, as in isSingular .)
"devfun" :deviance function (so far only available for LMMs)
"glmer.nb.theta" :negative binomial \theta parameter,
only for glmer.nb .
"ALL" :get all of the above as a list .
... |
currently unused in lme4, potentially further
arguments in methods.
The goal is to provide “everything a user may
want” from a fitted "merMod"
object as far
as it is not available by methods, such as
, ranef
, etc.
Unspecified, as very much depending on the name
See Also
. More standard methods for "merMod"
objects, such as ranef
, fixef
, etc.: see methods(class="merMod")
## shows many methods you should consider *before* using getME():
methods(class = "merMod")
(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
Z <- getME(fm1, "Z")
stopifnot(is(Z, "CsparseMatrix"),
c(180,36) == dim(Z),
all.equal(fixef(fm1), b1 <- getME(fm1, "beta"),
check.attributes=FALSE, tolerance = 0))
## A way to get *all* getME()s :
## internal consistency check ensuring that all work:
parts <- getME(fm1, "ALL")
str(parts, max=2)
stopifnot(identical(Z, parts $ Z),
identical(b1, parts $ beta))