
Defines functions xscale.component.log10 yscale.component.log10 panel.localScale localScalesHandler limsHandler

Documented in limsHandler localScalesHandler panel.localScale xscale.component.log10 yscale.component.log10

#in development code
#[TBC - NUMBER] functions 


#to do
#tidy the code and add remarks
#think about panel.localScale defaults
#could be more sensible
#better lim cex and col alignment
#for limsHandler

#NOTE: much borrowed from lattice 


limsHandler <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, z=NULL, ..., lim.borders = 0.05){


    extra.args <- list(...)
    lim.borders <- rep(lim.borders, length.out=3)

    #local lim estimation

#should this reset x,y,z
#if outside declared lims ranges?
#or should this be in col... and 

#something probably already does this?

    fun01 <- function(x, b1, b2 = 0.2){
                 if(all(is.na(x))) return(NULL)
##                 temp <- diff(range(x, na.rm=TRUE)) * b1

#temp fix for ~0*0 issue
#                 if(temp==0) temp <- x[1] * b2
##                 if(temp==0)
##                     temp <- if(x[1]==0) b2 else x[1] * b2
#might be simplier to
#drop the else 
#or make mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) * b2
#border is currently 
#proportional by default 
#to first case

##                 x <- range(x)
#track tzone if posixct

#new handler
#                 x <- unique(x[is.finite(x)])
#                 temp <- diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE)) 
                 x <- range(unique(x[is.finite(x)]), na.rm=TRUE)
                 temp <- diff(x)
                 if (temp == 0) {
                     temp <- if (x[1] == 0) 
                         b1 else x[1] * b1 
                 } else temp <- temp * b1

                 temp <- c(x[1] - temp, x[2] + temp)
                 if("tzone" %in% names(attributes(x)))
                     attributes(temp)$tzone <- attributes(x)$tzone
    #check for x, y and z and their lims

    if(!is.null(x) && !"xlim" %in% names(extra.args))
        extra.args$xlim <- fun01(x, lim.borders[1])
    if(!is.null(y) && !"ylim" %in% names(extra.args))
        extra.args$ylim <- fun01(y, lim.borders[2])
    if(!is.null(z) && !"zlim" %in% names(extra.args))
        extra.args$zlim <- fun01(z, lim.borders[3])

    #output updated extra.args




#this needs a lot of tidying

localScalesHandler <- function(scales = NULL, ..., allowed.scales =c("x", "y"), 
                             disallowed.scales = NULL, remove.box = FALSE){

    #scales handling for non-xy systems

    extra.args <- list(...)

    #remove any disallowed.scales
    if(!is.null(disallowed.scales) && is.character(disallowed.scales)){
            scales <- scales[names(scales)[!names(scales) %in% disallowed.scales]]    

#might need to rethink this?
#is there a better source for temp?
#stable means of give more scales control?

    temp <- list(draw = TRUE, arrows = FALSE, tick.number = 5, abbreviate = FALSE,
                 minlength = 4, tck = 1)
    temp2 <-  scales[names(scales)[!names(scales) %in% allowed.scales]]

#need to link in parameters and extras
#e.g. if at set

    def.scales <- listUpdate(temp, temp2)

    scales <- scales[names(scales)[names(scales) %in% allowed.scales]]

    #could introduce new.scales
    #so output just a,b,c?
    for(i in allowed.scales){
        scales[[i]] <- if(is.null(scales[[i]]))
                           def.scales else listUpdate(def.scales, scales[[i]])

    #return relevant components
    output <- list(scales = list(draw=FALSE),
                   panel.scales = scales)

#might to harder code below
#as someone could call par.settings

       #get par.settings$axis.line
       temp <- do.call(getPlotArgs, listUpdate(extra.args, list(defaults.as = "axis.line")))
       temp <- list(axis.line = temp)

           temp <- listUpdate(temp, extra.args$par.settings)
       temp$axis.line$local.col <- temp$axis.line$col
       temp$axis.line$col <- "transparent"

       output$par.settings <- temp


#        temp <- list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"))
#        output$par.settings <- if(is.null(extra.args$par.settings))
#                                   temp else listUpdate(temp, extra.args$par.settings)




#scale line black by default?
#or axis default?
#label text cex = 0.8?

#to dos
#if no elements in at, labels,
#list handler at end
#arrows handler
#abbrev handler 
#label.before handler
#plot at range, tick.range=FALSE?

#to think about
#defaults for this 
#locs and lim?

panel.localScale <- function(x.loc, y.loc, lim, ..., 
                        panel.scale = NULL, label.before = TRUE, x.offset = NULL, 
                        y.offset = NULL, axis = TRUE, ticks = TRUE, annotation = TRUE){

    extra.args <- list(...)

#could move next into getPlotArgs
#or make a getScaleArgs

    #update panel.scale
    if(is.null(panel.scale)) panel.scale <- list()
    panel.scale <- listUpdate(list(draw = TRUE, arrows = FALSE, 
                                   tick.number = 5, abbreviate = FALSE, 
                                   minlength = 4, tck = 1, col.line = 1, 
                                   cex = 0.8), panel.scale)

    #get local scaled x,y ranges 
    ##might want to rethink
    ##might if this out if not offsets
    ##might also make this a function
    x.loc <- as.numeric(grid::convertX(grid::unit(x.loc, "native"), "npc"))
    y.loc <- as.numeric(grid::convertY(grid::unit(y.loc, "native"), "npc"))

    #x and y vectors
    x.v <- if(x.loc[1]==x.loc[2])
               0 else (x.loc[2]-x.loc[1])/(lim[2]-lim[1]) 
    y.v <- if(y.loc[1]==y.loc[2])
               0 else (y.loc[2]-y.loc[1])/(lim[2]-lim[1])    
    #at and labels
    at <- if(is.null(panel.scale$at))
              pretty(lim, panel.scale$tick.number) else panel.scale$at

    #note: labels can be list
    labels <- if(is.null(panel.scale$labels))
                  at else if(is.list(panel.scale$labels))
                          at else panel.scale$labels$labels 
                      else panel.scale$labels

    #remove out of range at and labels
    labels <- labels[at >= lim[1] & at <= lim[2]]
    at <- at[at >= lim[1] & at <= lim[2]]

    #lot of stuff 
    #only needed if ticks are there


        corr <- 1/sqrt((x.v^2)+(y.v^2))
        temp <- (at-lim[1])

        my.x <- x.loc[1] + (temp * x.v)
        my.y <- y.loc[1] + (temp * y.v)

            my.x2 <- my.x - (0.025 * panel.scale$tck * y.v * corr)
            my.x3 <- my.x - (0.05 * panel.scale$tck * y.v * corr)
            my.y2 <- my.y + (0.025 * panel.scale$tck * x.v * corr)
            my.y3 <- my.y + (0.05 * panel.scale$tck * x.v * corr)

        my.x <- as.numeric(grid::convertX(grid::unit(my.x, "npc"), "native"))

            my.x2 <- as.numeric(grid::convertX(grid::unit(my.x2, "npc"), "native"))
            my.x3 <- as.numeric(grid::convertX(grid::unit(my.x3, "npc"), "native"))
        } else {
            my.x2 <- my.x + (0.5 * x.offset)
            my.x3 <- my.x + x.offset

        my.y <- as.numeric(grid::convertY(grid::unit(my.y, "npc"), "native"))

            my.y2 <- as.numeric(grid::convertY(grid::unit(my.y2, "npc"), "native"))
            my.y3 <- as.numeric(grid::convertY(grid::unit(my.y3, "npc"), "native"))
        } else {
            my.y2 <- my.y + (0.5 * y.offset)
            my.y3 <- my.y + y.offset

    } #end of tick maker

    x.loc <- as.numeric(grid::convertX(grid::unit(x.loc, "npc"), "native"))
    y.loc <- as.numeric(grid::convertY(grid::unit(y.loc, "npc"), "native"))

    #get panel.scale bits for line
    axis.pars <- getPlotArgs("axis.line", panel.scale, is.scales=TRUE, user.resets = axis)
        do.call(llines, listUpdate(list(x=x.loc, y= y.loc), axis.pars))

    #get ticks and annotation and add
    ticks.pars <- getPlotArgs("axis.line", panel.scale, is.scales=TRUE, user.resets = ticks)
    annotation.pars <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", panel.scale, is.scales=TRUE, user.resets = annotation)

        for(i in 1:length(at))
                do.call(llines, listUpdate(list(x = c(my.x[i], my.x2[i]), 
                                                y = c(my.y[i], my.y2[i])), ticks.pars))

            do.call(ltext, listUpdate(list(x = my.x3, y = my.y3,
                                           labels = labels), annotation.pars)) 


#test scalers

logTicks <- function (lim, loc = c(1, 5)) {
    ii <- floor(log10(range(lim))) + c(-1, 2)
    main <- 10^(ii[1]:ii[2])
    r <- as.numeric(outer(loc, main, "*"))
    r[lim[1] <= r & r <= lim[2]]

yscale.component.log10 <- function(...) {
    ans <- yscale.components.default(...)
    ans$right <- ans$left
    temp <- logTicks(10^ans$num.limit, 1:9)
    ans$left$ticks$at <- log10(temp)
    temp <- logTicks(10^ans$num.limit, c(1,3,5))
    ans$left$labels$at <- log10(temp)
    ans$left$labels$labels <- temp
    ans$right <- ans$left

xscale.component.log10 <- function(...) {
    ans <- xscale.components.default(...)
    ans$bottom <- ans$top
    temp <- logTicks(10^ans$num.limit, 1:9)
    ans$bottom$ticks$at <- log10(temp)
    temp <- logTicks(10^ans$num.limit, c(1,3,5))
    ans$bottom$labels$at <- log10(temp)
    ans$bottom$labels$labels <- temp
    ans$top <- ans$bottom

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loa documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:09 p.m.