
Defines functions sexp_is_vector sexp_type sxp_view print.lobstr_inspector format.lobstr_inspector sxp

Documented in sxp

#' Inspect an object
#' `sxp(x)` is similar to `.Internal(inspect(x))`, recursing into the C data
#' structures underlying any R object. The main difference is the output is a
#' little more compact, it recurses fully, and avoids getting stuck in infinite
#' loops by using a depth-first search. It also returns a list that you can
#' compute with, and carefully uses colour to highlight the most important
#' details.
#' The name `sxp` comes from `SEXP`, the name of the C data structure that
#' underlies all R objects.
#' @param x Object to inspect
#' @param max_depth Maximum depth to recurse. Use `max_depth = Inf` (with care!)
#'   to recurse as deeply as possible. Skipped elements will be shown as `...`.`
#' @param expand Optionally, expand components of the true that are usually
#'   suppressed. Use:
#'   * "character" to show underlying entries in the global string pool.
#'   * "environment" to show the underlying hashtables.
#'   * "altrep" to show the underlying data.
#'   * "call" to show the full AST (but [ast()] is usually superior)
#'   * "bytecode" to show generated bytecode.
#' @family object inspectors
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- list(
#'   TRUE,
#'   1L,
#'   runif(100),
#'   "3"
#' )
#' sxp(x)
#' # Expand "character" to see underlying CHARSXP entries in the global
#' # string pool
#' x <- c("banana", "banana", "apple", "banana")
#' sxp(x)
#' sxp(x, expand = "character")
#' # Expand altrep to see underlying data
#' x <- 1:10
#' sxp(x)
#' sxp(x, expand = "altrep")
#' # Expand environmnets to see the underlying implementation details
#' e1 <- new.env(hash = FALSE, parent = emptyenv(), size = 3L)
#' e2 <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv(), size = 3L)
#' e1$x <- e2$x <- 1:10
#' sxp(e1)
#' sxp(e1, expand = "environment")
#' sxp(e2, expand = "environment")
sxp <- function(x, expand = character(), max_depth = 5L) {

  opts <- c("character", "altrep", "environment", "call", "bytecode")
  if (any(!expand %in% opts)) {
    abort("`expand` must contain only values from ", paste("'", opts, "'", collapse = ","))

    max_depth - 1L,
    opts[[1]] %in% expand,
    opts[[2]] %in% expand,
    opts[[3]] %in% expand,
    opts[[4]] %in% expand,
    opts[[5]] %in% expand

#' @export
format.lobstr_inspector <- function(x, ..., depth = 0, name = NA) {
  indent <- paste0(rep("  ", depth), collapse = "")

  id <- crayon::bold(attr(x, "id"))
  if (!is_testing()) {
    addr <- paste0(":", crayon::silver(attr(x, "addr")))
  } else {
    addr <- ""

  if (attr(x, "type") == 0) {
    desc <- crayon::silver("<NILSXP>")
  } else if (attr(x, "has_seen")) {
    desc <- paste0("[", attr(x, "id"), addr, "]")
  } else {
    type <- sexp_type(attr(x, "type"))
    if (sexp_is_vector(type)) {
      if (!is.null(attr(x, "truelength"))) {
        length <- paste0("[", attr(x, "length"), "/", attr(x, "truelength"), "]")
      } else {
        length <- paste0("[", attr(x, "length"), "]")
    } else {
      length <- NULL

    if (!is.null(attr(x, "value"))) {
      value <- paste0(": ", attr(x, "value"))
    } else {
      value <- NULL
    # show altrep, object, named etc
    sxpinfo <- paste0(
      if (attr(x, "altrep")) "altrep ",
      if (attr(x, "object")) "object ",
      if (!is_testing()) paste0("named:", attr(x, "named"))

    desc <- paste0(
      "[", id, addr, "] ",
      "<", crayon::cyan(type), length, value, "> ",
      "(", sxpinfo, ")"

  name <- if (!identical(name, "")) {
    paste0(crayon::italic(crayon::silver(name)), " ")

  paste0(indent, name, desc)

#' @export
print.lobstr_inspector <- function(x, ..., depth = 0, name = "") {
  cat_line(format(x, depth = depth, name = name))

  if (isTRUE(attr(x, "skip"))) {
    indent <- paste0(rep("  ", depth + 1), collapse = "")
    cat_line(indent, crayon::silver("..."))

  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    print(x[[i]], depth = depth + 1, name = names(x)[[i]])

sxp_view <- function(x, expand = character()) {
  if (!"tools:rstudio" %in% search()) {
    abort("Can only be called from within RStudio")

  env <- as.environment("tools:rstudio")

  old_opt <- options(crayon.enabled = FALSE)
  on.exit(options(old_opt), add = TRUE)

  old_fun <- env$.rs.explorer.objectDesc
  on.exit(env$.rs.addFunction("explorer.objectDesc", old_fun), add = TRUE)

  assign(".rs.explorer.objectDesc", envir = env,
    function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "lobstr_inspector")) {
    } else {

  obj <- sxp(x, expand = expand)
  env$.rs.viewHook(NULL, obj, "Object inspector")

  # explorer.objectDesc() is called lazily so this is a crude hack

# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

sexp_type <- function(x) {

sexp_is_vector <- function(x) {

  "0" = "NILSXP",
  "1" = "SYMSXP",
  "2" = "LISTSXP",
  "3" = "CLOSXP",
  "4" = "ENVSXP",
  "5" = "PROMSXP",
  "6" = "LANGSXP",
  "7" = "SPECIALSXP",
  "8" = "BUILTINSXP",
  "9" = "CHARSXP",
  "10" = "LGLSXP",
  "13" = "INTSXP",
  "14" = "REALSXP",
  "15" = "CPLXSXP",
  "16" = "STRSXP",
  "17" = "DOTSXP",
  "18" = "ANYSXP",
  "19" = "VECSXP",
  "20" = "EXPRSXP",
  "21" = "BCODESXP",
  "22" = "EXTPTRSXP",
  "23" = "WEAKREFSXP",
  "24" = "RAWSXP",
  "25" = "S4SXP",
  "30" = "NEWSXP",
  "31" = "FREESXP",
  "99" = "FUNSXP"

Try the lobstr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

lobstr documentation built on June 23, 2022, 1:05 a.m.