
Defines functions layout_json_parser layout_json layout_glue_generator get_logger_meta_variables

Documented in get_logger_meta_variables layout_glue_generator layout_json layout_json_parser

#' Collect useful information about the logging environment to be used in log messages
#' Available variables to be used in the log formatter functions, eg in \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item levelr: log level as an R object, eg \code{\link{INFO}}
#'   \item level: log level as a string, eg \code{\link{INFO}}
#'   \item time: current time as \code{POSIXct}
#'   \item node: name by which the machine is known on the network as reported by \code{Sys.info}
#'   \item arch: machine type, typically the CPU architecture
#'   \item os_name: Operating System's name
#'   \item os_release: Operating System's release
#'   \item os_version: Operating System's version
#'   \item user: name of the real user id as reported by \code{Sys.info}
#'   \item pid: the process identification number of the R session
#'   \item node: name by which the machine is known on the network as reported by \code{Sys.info}
#'   \item r_version: R's major and minor version as a string
#'   \item ns: namespace usually defaults to \code{global} or the name of the holding R package of the calling the logging function
#'   \item ns_pkg_version: the version of \code{ns} when it's a package
#'   \item ans: same as \code{ns} if there's a defined \code{\link{logger}} for the namespace, otherwise a fallback namespace (eg usually \code{global})
#'   \item topenv: the name of the top environment from which the parent call was called (eg R package name or \code{GlobalEnv})
#'   \item call: parent call (if any) calling the logging function
#'   \item fn: function's (if any) name calling the logging function
#' }
#' @param log_level log level as per \code{\link{log_levels}}
#' @inheritParams log_level
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @seealso \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
get_logger_meta_variables <- function(log_level = NULL, namespace = NA_character_,
                                      .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {

    sysinfo <- Sys.info()
    timestamp <- Sys.time()

        ns        = namespace,
        ans       = fallback_namespace(namespace),
        topenv    = top_env_name(.topenv),
        fn        = deparse_to_one_line(.topcall[[1]]),
        call      = deparse_to_one_line(.topcall),

        time      = timestamp,
        levelr    = log_level,
        level     = attr(log_level, 'level'),

        pid       = Sys.getpid(),

        ## R and ns package versions
        r_version   = paste0(R.Version()[c('major', 'minor')], collapse = '.'),
        ns_pkg_version = tryCatch(as.character(packageVersion(namespace)), error = function(e) NA_character_),

        ## stuff from Sys.info
        node       = sysinfo[['nodename']],
        arch       = sysinfo[['machine']],
        os_name    = sysinfo[['sysname']],
        os_release = sysinfo[['release']],
        os_version = sysinfo[['version']],
        user       = sysinfo[['user']]
        ## NOTE might be better to rely on the whoami pkg?

        ## TODO jenkins (or any) env vars => no need to get here, users can write custom layouts
        ## TODO seed


#' Generate log layout function using common variables available via glue syntax
#' \code{format} is passed to \code{glue} with access to the below variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item msg: the actual log message
#'  \item further variables set by \code{\link{get_logger_meta_variables}}
#' }
#' @param format \code{glue}-flavored layout of the message using the above variables
#' @return function taking \code{level} and \code{msg} arguments - keeping the original call creating the generator in the \code{generator} attribute that is returned when calling \code{\link{log_layout}} for the currently used layout
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' example_layout <- layout_glue_generator(
#'   format = '{node}/{pid}/{ns}/{ans}/{topenv}/{fn} {time} {level}: {msg}')
#' example_layout(INFO, 'try {runif(1)}')
#' log_layout(example_layout)
#' log_info('try {runif(1)}')
#' }
#' @seealso See example calls from \code{\link{layout_glue}} and \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}.
layout_glue_generator <- function(format = '{level} [{format(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}] {msg}') {


    structure(function(level, msg, namespace = NA_character_,
                       .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {

        if (!inherits(level, 'loglevel')) {
            stop('Invalid log level, see ?log_levels')

            log_level = level, namespace = namespace,
            .logcall = .logcall, .topcall = .topcall, .topenv = .topenv),

    }, generator = deparse(match.call()))


#' Format a log record by including the raw message without anything added or modified
#' @inheritParams log_level
#' @param msg string message
#' @return character vector
#' @export
#' @seealso This is a \code{\link{log_layout}}, for alternatives, see \code{\link{layout_simple}}, \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}, \code{\link{layout_json}}, or generator functions such as \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
layout_blank <- structure(function(level, msg, namespace = NA_character_,
                                   .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {
}, generator = quote(layout_blank()))

#' Format a log record by concatenating the log level, timestamp and message
#' @inheritParams log_level
#' @param msg string message
#' @return character vector
#' @export
#' @seealso This is a \code{\link{log_layout}}, for alternatives, see \code{\link{layout_blank}}, \code{\link{layout_glue}}, \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}, \code{\link{layout_json}}, \code{\link{layout_json_parser}}, or generator functions such as \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
layout_simple <- structure(function(level, msg, namespace = NA_character_,
                                    .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {
    paste0(attr(level, 'level'), ' [', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), '] ', msg)
}, generator = quote(layout_simple()))

#' Format a log record as the logging package does by default
#' @inheritParams layout_simple
#' @param msg string message
#' @return character vector
#' @export
#' @seealso This is a \code{\link{log_layout}}, for alternatives, see \code{\link{layout_blank}}, \code{\link{layout_glue}}, \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}, \code{\link{layout_json}}, \code{\link{layout_json_parser}}, or generator functions such as \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_layout(layout_logging)
#' log_info(42)
#' log_info(42, namespace = 'everything')
#' devtools::load_all(system.file('demo-packages/logger-tester-package', package = 'logger'))
#' logger_tester_function(INFO, 42)
#' }
layout_logging <- structure(function(level, msg, namespace = NA_character_,
                                     .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {
    meta <- get_logger_meta_variables(
        log_level = level, namespace = namespace,
        .logcall = .logcall, .topcall = .topcall, .topenv = .topenv)
    paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ' ',
           attr(level, 'level'), ':',
           ifelse(meta$ns == 'global', '', meta$ns), ':',
}, generator = quote(layout_logging()))

#' Format a log message with \code{glue}
#' By default, this layout includes the log level of the log record as per \code{\link{log_levels}}, the current timestamp and the actual log message -- that you can override via calling \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}} directly. For colorized output, see \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}.
#' @inheritParams layout_simple
#' @return character vector
#' @export
#' @seealso This is a \code{\link{log_layout}}, for alternatives, see \code{\link{layout_blank}}, \code{\link{layout_simple}}, \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}, \code{\link{layout_json}}, \code{\link{layout_json_parser}}, or generator functions such as \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
layout_glue <- layout_glue_generator()

#' Format a log message with \code{glue} and ANSI escape codes to add colors
#' @inheritParams layout_simple
#' @return character vector
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_layout(layout_glue_colors)
#' log_threshold(TRACE)
#' log_info('Starting the script...')
#' log_debug('This is the second line')
#' log_trace('That is being placed right after the first one.')
#' log_warn('Some errors might come!')
#' log_error('This is a problem')
#' log_debug('Getting an error is usually bad')
#' log_error('This is another problem')
#' log_fatal('The last problem.')
#' }
#' @seealso This is a \code{\link{log_layout}}, for alternatives, see \code{\link{layout_blank}}, \code{\link{layout_simple}}, \code{\link{layout_glue}}, \code{\link{layout_json}}, \code{\link{layout_json_parser}}, or generator functions such as \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
#' @note This functionality depends on the \pkg{crayon} package.
layout_glue_colors <- layout_glue_generator(
    format = paste(
        '{crayon::bold(colorize_by_log_level(level, levelr))}',
        '[{crayon::italic(format(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))}]',
        '{grayscale_by_log_level(msg, levelr)}'))

#' Generate log layout function rendering JSON
#' @param fields character vector of field names to be included in the JSON
#' @return character vector
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_layout(layout_json())
#' log_info(42)
#' log_info('ok {1:3} + {1:3} = {2*(1:3)}')
#' }
#' @note This functionality depends on the \pkg{jsonlite} package.
#' @seealso This is a \code{\link{log_layout}}, for alternatives, see \code{\link{layout_blank}}, \code{\link{layout_simple}}, \code{\link{layout_glue}}, \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}, \code{\link{layout_json_parser}},  or generator functions such as \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
layout_json <- function(fields = c('time', 'level', 'ns', 'ans', 'topenv', 'fn', 'node', 'arch', 'os_name', 'os_release', 'os_version', 'pid', 'user', 'msg')) {


    structure(function(level, msg, namespace = NA_character_,
                       .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {


        json <- get_logger_meta_variables(
            log_level = level, namespace = namespace,
            .logcall = .logcall, .topcall = .topcall, .topenv = .topenv)

        sapply(msg, function(msg) jsonlite::toJSON(c(json, list(msg = msg))[fields], auto_unbox = TRUE))

    }, generator = deparse(match.call()))


#' Generate log layout function rendering JSON after merging meta fields with parsed list from JSON message
#' @param fields character vector of field names to be included in the JSON
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_formatter(formatter_json)
#' log_info(everything = 42)
#' log_layout(layout_json_parser())
#' log_info(everything = 42)
#' log_layout(layout_json_parser(fields = c('time', 'node')))
#' log_info(cars = row.names(mtcars), species = unique(iris$Species))
#' }
#' @note This functionality depends on the \pkg{jsonlite} package.
#' @seealso This is a \code{\link{log_layout}} potentially to be used with \code{\link{formatter_json}}, for alternatives, see \code{\link{layout_simple}}, \code{\link{layout_glue}}, \code{\link{layout_glue_colors}}, \code{\link{layout_json}} or generator functions such as \code{\link{layout_glue_generator}}
layout_json_parser <- function(fields = c('time', 'level', 'ns', 'ans', 'topenv', 'fn', 'node', 'arch', 'os_name', 'os_release', 'os_version', 'pid', 'user')) {


    structure(function(level, msg, namespace = NA_character_,
                       .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {


        meta <- get_logger_meta_variables(
            log_level = level, namespace = namespace,
            .logcall = .logcall, .topcall = .topcall, .topenv = .topenv)[fields]

        msg <- jsonlite::fromJSON(msg)

        jsonlite::toJSON(c(meta, msg), auto_unbox = TRUE, null = 'null')

    }, generator = deparse(match.call()))


#nocov start
#' Format a log record for syslognet
#' Format a log record for syslognet.
#' This function converts the logger log level to a
#' log severity level according to RFC 5424 "The Syslog Protocol".
#' @inheritParams layout_simple
#' @return A character vector with a severity attribute.
#' @export
layout_syslognet <- structure(
  function(level, msg, namespace = NA_character_,
           .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {
    ret <- paste(attr(level, 'level'), msg)
    attr(ret, 'severity') <- switch(
        attr(level, 'level', exact = TRUE),
        'FATAL' = 'CRITICAL',
        'ERROR' = 'ERR',
        'WARN' = 'WARNING',
        'SUCCESS' = 'NOTICE',
        'INFO' = 'INFO',
        'DEBUG' = 'DEBUG',
        'TRACE' = 'DEBUG')
  generator = quote(layout_syslognet())
#nocov end

Try the logger package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

logger documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:46 a.m.