
Defines functions get_echo set_echo get_log_level set_log_level get_timestamp_format set_timestamp_format get_logfile set_logfile

Documented in get_echo get_logfile get_log_level get_timestamp_format set_echo set_logfile set_log_level set_timestamp_format

# Configuration Environment, to be used as needed.
.config <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' Set Log File
#' Set the log file that loggit will write to by default.
#' @param logfile Absolut or relative path to log file.
#' An attempt is made to convert the path into a canonical absolute form using [normalizePath()].
#' If `NULL` will set to `<tmpdir>/loggit.log`.
#' @param confirm Print confirmation of log file setting?
#' @param create Create the log file if it does not exist?
#' @details No logs outside of a temporary directory will be written until this is set explicitly, as per CRAN policy.
#' Therefore, the default behavior is to create a file named `loggit.log` in your system's temporary directory.
#' @return Invisible the previous log file path.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   set_logfile("path/to/logfile.log")
#' }
#' @export
set_logfile <- function(logfile = NULL, confirm = TRUE, create = TRUE) {
  old <- get_logfile()
  if (is.null(logfile)) {
    logfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "loggit.log")
  if (create && !file.exists(logfile)) file.create(logfile)
  .config[["logfile"]] <- normalizePath(logfile, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  if (confirm) base::message("Log file set to ", .config[["logfile"]])

#' Get Log File
#' Return the log file that `loggit()` will write to by default.
#' @return The log file path.
#' @examples get_logfile()
#' @export
get_logfile <- function() {

#' Set Timestamp Format
#' Set timestamp format for use in output logs.
#' @param ts_format ISO date format.
#' @param confirm Print confirmation message of timestamp format?
#' @return Invisible the previous timestamp format.
#' @details This function performs no time format validations, but will echo out the current time in
#' the provided format for manual validation.
#' This function provides no means of setting a timezone, and instead relies on
#' the host system's time configuration to provide this. This is to enforce
#' consistency across software running on the host.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   set_timestamp_format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#' }
#' @export
set_timestamp_format <- function(ts_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", confirm = TRUE) {
  old <- get_timestamp_format()
  .config[["ts_format"]] <- ts_format
  if (confirm) {
      "Timestamp format set to ", ts_format, ".\n",
      "Current time in this format: ", format(Sys.time(), format = ts_format)

#' Get Timestamp Format
#' Get timestamp format for use in output logs.
#' @return The timestamp format.
#' @examples get_timestamp_format()
#' @export
get_timestamp_format <- function() {

#' Set Log Level
#' @param level Log level to set, as a string or integer.
#' @param confirm Print confirmation message of log level?
#' @return Invisible the previous log level.
#' @details Log levels are as follows:
#'  DEBUG: 4
#'  INFO: 3
#'  WARNING: 2
#'  ERROR: 1
#'  NONE: 0
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  set_log_level("DEBUG")
#'  set_log_level("INFO")
#'  set_log_level(4)
#'  set_log_level(3)
#' }
#' @export
set_log_level <- function(level = "DEBUG", confirm = TRUE) {
  old <- get_log_level()
  level <- convert_lvl_input(level)
  .config[["level"]] <- level
  if (confirm) base::message("Log level set to ", level, " (", get_lvl_name(level), ")")

#' Get Log Level
#' @return The log level.
#' @export
get_log_level <- function() {

#' Set echo
#' @param echo Should log messages be echoed to `stdout`?
#' @param confirm Print confirmation message of echo setting?
#' @return Invisible the previous echo setting.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  set_echo(TRUE)
#'  set_echo(FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
set_echo <- function(echo = TRUE, confirm = TRUE) {
  old <- get_echo()
  .config[["echo"]] <- echo
  if (confirm) base::message("Echo set to ", echo)

#' Get echo
#' @return Logical. Are log messages echoed to `stdout`?
#' @export
get_echo <- function() {

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loggit2 documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:31 a.m.