Man pages for lognorm
Functions for the Lognormal Distribution

computeEffectiveAutoCorrEstimate vector of effective components of the...
computeEffectiveNumObsCompute the effective number of observations taking into...
dot-trimNAremove NA values at the start and end
estimateDiffLognormalInference on the difference of two lognormals
estimateParmsLognormFromSampleEstimate lognormal distribution parameters from a sample
estimateSumLognormalSampleEstimate the parameters of the lognormal approximation to the...
getCorrMatFromAcfConstruct the full correlation matrix from autocorrelation...
getLognormMomentsCompute summary statistics of a log-normal distribution
getParmsLognormForModeAndUpperCalculate mu and sigma of lognormal from summary statistics.
lognorm-packagelognorm: Functions for the Lognormal Distribution
scaleLogToOrigScale standard deviation between log and original scale.
seCorCompute the standard error accounting for empirical...
setMatrixOffDiagonalsset off-diagonal values of a matrix
varCorCompute the unbiased variance accounting for empirical...
lognorm documentation built on Nov. 22, 2021, 1:07 a.m.