lognorm-package: lognorm: Functions for the Lognormal Distribution

Description Details See Also


The lognormal distribution (Limpert et al. (2001) <doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2001)051 can characterize uncertainty that is bounded by zero. This package provides estimation of distribution parameters, computation of moments and other basic statistics, and an approximation of the distribution of the sum of several correlated lognormally distributed variables (Lo 2013 <doi:10.12988/ams.2013.39511>) and the approximation of the difference of two correlated lognormally distributed variables (Lo 2012 <doi:10.1155/2012/838397>).


Essential functions are

Utilities for correlated data. These functions maybe moved to a separate package in future.

Otherwise refer to the vignettes

See Also

Useful links:

lognorm documentation built on Nov. 22, 2021, 1:07 a.m.