
Defines functions nslphom_dual

Documented in nslphom_dual

#' Implements the nslphom_dual algorithm
#' @description Estimates RxC vote transfer matrices (ecological contingency tables) with nslphom_dual
#' @author Jose M. Pavia, \email{pavia@@uv.es}
#' @author Rafael Romero \email{rromero@@eio.upv.es}
#' @references Pavia, JM and Romero, R (2021). Symmetry estimating R×C vote transfer matrices from aggregate data, mimeo.
#' @param votes_election1 data.frame (or matrix) of order IxJ with the counts to be initially
#'                        mapped to rows. When estimating vote transfer matrices, the votes gained by 
#'                        the *J* political options competing on election 1 (or origin) in the *I*
#'                        territorial units considered.  The sum by rows of `votes_election1` and
#'                        `votes_election2` must coincide.
#' @param votes_election2 data.frame (or matrix) of order IxK with the counts to be initially mapped 
#'                        to columns. When estimating vote transfer matrices, the votes gained by
#'                        the *K* political options competing on election 2 (or destination) in the *I* 
#'                        territorial units considered. In general, The sum by rows of `votes_election1` and
#'                        `votes_election2` must coincide.
#' @param iter.max Maximum number of iterations to be performed in each dual linear program.
#'                 The process ends independently in each system when either the number of iterations reaches
#'                 iter.max or when the maximum variation between two consecutive estimates of the
#'                 probability transfer matrix is less than `tol`. By default, 10.
#' @param min.first A TRUE/FALSE value. If FALSE, the matrix associated with the minimum `HETe` after
#'                  performing `iter.max` iterations is taken as solution.
#'                  If TRUE, the associated matrix to the instant in which the first decrease of `HETe` occurs
#'                  is taken as solution. The process stops at that moment. In this last scenario
#'                  (when `min.first = TRUE`), `iter.max` is is forced to be at least 100. Default, FALSE.
#' @param integers A TRUE/FALSE value that indicates whether the problem is solved in integer values in
#'                 each iteration: zero (lphom) and intermediate and final (including unit) solutions.
#'                 If TRUE, the initial LP matrices are approximated in each iteration to the closest integer solution
#'                 solving the corresponding Integer Linear Program. Default, FALSE.
#' @param solver A character string indicating the linear programming solver to be used, only
#'               `lp_solve` and `symphony` are allowed. By default, `lp_solve`. The package `Rsymphony`
#'               needs to be installed for the option `symphony` to be used.
#' @param integers.solver A character string indicating the linear programming solver to be used to approximate
#'                        to the closest integer solution, only `symphony` and `lp_solve` are allowed.
#'                        By default, `symphony`. The package `Rsymphony` needs to be installed for the option `symphony` 
#'                        to be used. Only used when `integers = TRUE`. 
#' @param tol Maximum deviation allowed between two consecutive iterations. The process ends when the maximum
#'            variation between two proportions for the estimation of the transfer matrix between two consecutive
#'            iterations is less than `tol` or the maximum number of iterations, `iter.max`, has been reached. By default, 0.00001.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to the function. Not currently used.

#' @return
#' A list with the following components
#'  \item{VTM.votes.w}{ The matrix of order JxK with the estimated cross-distribution of votes of elections 1 and 2,
#'                      attained weighting the two dual solutions using as weights the corresponding HTEe estimates.}
#'  \item{VTM.votes.units.w}{ The array of order JxKxI with the local estimated cross-distributions of votes of elections 1 and 2 by unit,
#'                      attained weighting the two dual solutions using as weights the corresponding HTEe estimates.}
#'  \item{VTM.votes.a}{ The matrix of order JxK with the estimated cross-distribution of votes of elections 1 and 2,
#'                      attained simple averaging the two dual solutions.}
#'  \item{VTM.votes.units.a}{ The matrix of order JxKxI with the estimated cross-distributions of votes of elections 1 and 2 by unit,
#'                      attained weighting the two dual solutions using as weights the corresponding HTEe estimates.}
#'  \item{HETe.w}{ Estimated heterogeneity index associated to the `VTM.votes.w` solution.}
#'  \item{HETe.a}{ Estimated heterogeneity index associated to the `VTM.votes.a` solution.}
#'  \item{VTM12.w}{ The matrix of order JxK with the estimated row-standardized proportions of vote transitions from election 1
#'                  to election 2 associated to the `VTM.votes.w` solution.}
#'  \item{VTM21.w}{ The matrix of order KxJ with the estimated row-standardized proportions of vote transitions from election 2
#'                  to election 1 associated to the `VTM.votes.w` solution.}
#'  \item{VTM12.a}{ The matrix of order JxK with the estimated row-standardized proportions of vote transitions from election 1
#'                  to election 2 associated to the `VTM.votes.a` solution.}
#'  \item{VTM21.a}{ The matrix of order KxJ with the estimated row-standardized proportions of vote transitions from election 2
#'                  to election 1 associated to the `VTM.votes.a` solution.}
#'  \item{nslphom.object.12}{ The output of the \code{\link{nslphom}} function attained solving the problem X --> Y,
#'                          that is, mapping `votes_election1` to rows and `votes_election2` to columns.}
#'  \item{nslphom.object.21}{ The output of the \code{\link{nslphom}} function attained solving the problem Y --> X,
#'                          that is, mapping `votes_election2` to rows and `votes_election1` to columns.}
#'  \item{inputs}{ A list containing all the objects with the values used as arguments by the function.}
#' @export
#' @family linear programing ecological inference functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{nslphom}} \code{\link{lphom_dual}} \code{\link{tslphom_dual}} \code{\link{lphom_joint}} \code{\link{tslphom_joint}} \code{\link{nslphom_joint}}
#' @examples
#' x <- France2017P[, 1:8]
#' y <- France2017P[, 9:12]
#' y[,1] <- y[,1]  - (rowSums(y) - rowSums(x))
#' mt <- nslphom_dual(x, y)
#' mt$VTM.votes.w
#' mt$HETe.w
#' @importFrom lpSolve lp

nslphom_dual <- function(votes_election1,
                         iter.max = 10,
                         min.first = FALSE,
                         integers = FALSE,
                         solver = "lp_solve",
                         integers.solver = "symphony",
                         tol = 10^-5,

  inputs <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  integers <- inputs$integers <- test_integers(argg = inputs)
  if (integers.solver == "lp_solve"){
    dec2counts <- dec2counts_lp
  } else {
    dec2counts <- dec2counts_symphony
  lphom.object.12 <- nslphom(votes_election1, votes_election2, "simultaneous",
                             iter.max = iter.max, min.first = min.first,
                             integers = integers, solver = solver, 
                             integers.solver = integers.solver, tol = tol)
  lphom.object.21 <- nslphom(votes_election2, votes_election1, "simultaneous",
                             iter.max = iter.max, min.first = min.first,
                             integers = integers, solver = solver, 
                             integers.solver = integers.solver, tol = tol)

  votos.units.a <- (lphom.object.12$VTM.votes.units +
                      aperm(lphom.object.21$VTM.votes.units, c(2L, 1L, 3L)))/2
  votos.units.w <- (lphom.object.12$VTM.votes.units*lphom.object.12$HETe^-1 +
                      aperm(lphom.object.21$VTM.votes.units, c(2L, 1L, 3L))*lphom.object.21$HETe^-1)/
    (lphom.object.12$HETe^-1 + lphom.object.21$HETe^-1)

  if (integers){
    for (i in 1L:nrow(lphom.object.12$origin)){
      votos.units.a[, , i] <- dec2counts(votos.units.a[, , i],
      votos.units.w[, , i] <- dec2counts(votos.units.w[, , i],

  VTM.votos <- apply(votos.units.a, c(1,2), sum)
  VTM.votos.weigthed <- apply(votos.units.w, c(1,2), sum)

  VTM1 <- VTM.votos/rowSums(VTM.votos)
  VTM2 <- t(VTM.votos)/colSums(VTM.votos)
  VTM1.weighted <- VTM.votos.weigthed/rowSums(VTM.votos.weigthed)
  VTM2.weighted <- t(VTM.votos.weigthed)/colSums(VTM.votos.weigthed)

  HETe.a <- HET_MT.votos_MT.prop_Y(votos.units.a)$HET
  HETe.w <- HET_MT.votos_MT.prop_Y(votos.units.w)$HET

  dimnames(VTM.votos.weigthed) <- dimnames(VTM.votos) <-
    dimnames(VTM1.weighted) <- dimnames(VTM1) <- dimnames(lphom.object.12$VTM)
  dimnames(VTM2.weighted) <- dimnames(VTM2) <- dimnames(lphom.object.12$OTM)

  dimnames(votos.units.a) <- dimnames(votos.units.w) <- dimnames(lphom.object.12$VTM_votes)

  output <- list("VTM.votes.w" = VTM.votos.weigthed, "VTM.votes.units.w" = votos.units.w,
              "VTM.votes.a" = VTM.votos, "VTM.votes.units.a" = votos.units.a,
              "HETe.w" = HETe.w, "HETe.a" = HETe.a, "VTM12.w" = VTM1.weighted,
              "VTM21.w" = VTM2.weighted, "VTM12.a" = VTM1, "VTM21.a" = VTM2,
              "nslphom.object.12" = lphom.object.12, "nslphom.object.21" = lphom.object.21,
              "inputs" = inputs)
  class(output) <- c("nslphom_dual", "ei_dual", "lphom")

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lphom documentation built on March 21, 2022, 9:09 a.m.