
Defines functions ciMean

Documented in ciMean

# ciMean() computes a confidence interval around the sample mean, under the
# usual assumption of normality.

#' Confidence interval around the mean
#' @description Calculates confidence intervals for the mean of a normally-distributed variable.
#' @param x A numeric vector, data frame or matrix containing the observations.
#' @param conf The level of confidence desired. Defaults to a 95\% confidence interval
#' @param na.rm Logical value indicating whether missing values are to be removed. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @details This function calculates the confidence interval for the mean of
#' a variable (or set of variables in a data frame or matrix), under the
#' standard assumption that the data are normally distributed. By default it
#' returns a 95\% confidence interval (\code{conf = 0.95}) and does not
#' remove missing values (\code{na.rm = FALSE}).
#' @return The output is a matrix containing the lower and upper ends of the
#' confidence interval for each variable. If a data frame is specified as input
#' and contains non-numeric variables, the corresponding rows in the output
#' matrix have NA values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' X <- c(1, 3, 6)          # data
#' ciMean(X)                # 95 percent confidence interval
#' ciMean(X, conf = .8)     # 80 percent confidence interval
#' confint( lm(X ~ 1) )     # for comparison purposes
#' X <- c(1, 3, NA, 6)      # data with missing values
#' ciMean(X, na.rm = TRUE)  # remove missing values
ciMean <- function(x, conf = .95, na.rm = FALSE) {

  ############  check input  ############

  # check x
  if( missing(x) ) { stop( 'argument "x" is missing, with no default')}
  if( !methods::is( x,"integer") & !methods::is( x,"numeric") & !methods::is(x,"matrix") & !methods::is(x,"data.frame") ) {
    stop( '"x" must be numeric, matrix or data frame' )

  # check conf
  if( !methods::is( conf,"numeric" )) { stop( '"conf" must be numeric' )}
  if( length(conf) !=1 ) { stop('"conf" must be a single number') }
  if( conf<0 | conf>1 ) {stop( '"conf" must be between 0 and 1')}

  # check na.rm
  if( !methods::is( na.rm, "logical" )) { stop( '"na.rm" must be logical') }
  if( length( na.rm ) !=1 ) { stop('"na.rm" must be of length 1') }
  if( !(na.rm %in% c(TRUE,FALSE)) ) {stop( '"na.rm" must be TRUE or FALSE')} # no NA!

  ############  function for a single ci  ############

  getNames <- function( quantiles ) {

  computeCI <- function( x, conf, na.rm ) {

    # remove missing data if requested
    if (na.rm) { x <- x[!is.na(x)] }

    # key quantities
    quantiles <- c( (1-conf)/2 , (1+conf)/2 ) # quantiles of t
    n <- length(x) # sample size

    # calculate CI
    if (length(x) < 2 | any(is.na(x))) {
      CI <- c(NA,NA) # undefined ci
    } else{
      CI <- mean(x) + stats::qt(p = quantiles, df = n-1) * stats::sd(x) / sqrt(n) # normal CI
      if( stats::sd(x)==0 ) warning( "data have zero variance")

    # assign names and return
    names(CI) <- getNames(quantiles)


  ############  handle different types of input  ############

  # handle numeric input
  if( methods::is(x,"integer") | methods::is(x,"numeric" ) ) {
    ci <- computeCI( x, conf, na.rm ) # compute the ci
    out <- matrix( NA, 1, 2) # set up output matrix
    out[1,] <- ci # insert data
    colnames(out) <- names(ci) # column names
    nn <- match.call()[[2]] # get the x argument from the call
    if( class(nn) == "name" ) { # if there is a variable name...
      rownames(out) <- as.character(nn) # ... add it as a row
    return( out )

  # handle matrix input
  if( methods::is(x,"matrix") ) {
    if( mode(x)!="numeric" ) {
      stop("matrix input must be numeric")
    d <- dim(x)
    out <- matrix( NA, nrow=d[2], ncol=2 )
    for( v in 1:d[2] ) {
      ci <- computeCI( x[,v], conf, na.rm )
      out[ v, ] <- ci
    rownames(out) <- colnames(x)
    colnames(out) <- names(ci)
    return( out )

  # handle data frame input
  if( methods::is(x,"data.frame" )) {
    d <- dim(x)
    out <- matrix( NA, nrow=d[2], ncol=2 )
    nn <- names(x)
    for( v in 1:d[2] ) {
      if( class(x[[v]] ) %in% c("numeric","integer") ) {
        ci <- computeCI( x[[v]], conf, na.rm )
        out[ v, ] <- ci
      } else {
        nn[v] <- paste0( nn[v],"*" )
    rownames(out) <- nn
    quantiles <- c( (1-conf)/2 , (1+conf)/2 )
    colnames(out) <- getNames(quantiles)
    return( out )

  # throw error
  stop("hey, how did I get here?")


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