# These functions define S3 class methods for the classes outputted by the user-facing functions,
# ltmm and ltmmCombo.
# Plot method for ltmm objects: displays histogram & fitted pdf
#' @export
plot.ltmm <- function(x, bins = 40, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...) {
fit <- x
if (!is.null(xlim))
x = x[x > xlim[1] & x < xlim[2]]
f_list <- lapply(distributions, create_trunc_pdf, trunc=trunc)
fitted_dens <- function(y)
sum(sapply(1:G, function(g) Pi[g]*f_list[[g]](y, Pars[[g]])))
hist(x, bins, probability=TRUE, main="Fitted Density", ylim = ylim)
t <- seq(min(x),max(x),length.out=200)
lines(t, sapply(t, fitted_dens), lwd=2)
for (g in 1:G) lines(t, sapply(t, function(y) Pi[g]*f_list[[g]](y, Pars[[g]])),col=g+1)
legend_names = sapply(1:G, function(g) paste("Group",g))
legend("topright", legend = legend_names, fill=(1:G)+1, border=F)
# Summary method for ltmm objects: displays the model fitting criteria for the given model
#' @export
summary.ltmm <- function(object, ...) {
cat("Model:", object$distributions, "| BIC =", object$bic, "| AIC =", object$aic, "| log-likelihood =", object$ll)
#' @export
print.ltmm <- function(x, ...) {
# Summary method for ltmmCombo objects: displays a list of the best models by each model fitting
# criterion and a summary table
#' @export
summary.ltmmCombo <- function(object, ...) {
cat("====", object$G, "COMPONENT COMBINATIONS OF", toupper(object$distributions), "DISTRIBUTIONS ====\n\n")
cat("Best model by BIC:\n")
with(object$, cat("Model:", distributions, "| BIC =", bic, "| AIC =", aic, "| log-likelihood =", ll, "\n\n"))
cat("Best model by AIC:\n")
with(object$, cat("Model:", distributions, "| BIC =", bic, "| AIC =", aic, "| log-likelihood =", ll, "\n\n"))
# print summary by default
#' @export
print.ltmmCombo <- function(x, ...) {
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