
skeletonPENstable_modified=function (suffStat, indepTest, p, alpha, verbose = FALSE, edgeWeights, 
          fixedEdges = NULL, NAdelete = FALSE) 
  stopifnot((p = as.integer(p)) >= 2)
  cl = match.call()
  fixedGaps = (edgeWeights == 0)
  if (is.null(edgeWeights)) {
    stop("no edgeWeights")
  else {
    if (!identical(dim(fixedGaps), c(p, p))) {
      stop("Dimensions of the dataset and fixedGaps do not agree.")
    else {
      if (!all(fixedGaps == t(fixedGaps))) 
        stop("fixedGaps must be symmetric")
      G = !fixedGaps
  m.max = max(rowSums(G))
  if (is.null(fixedEdges)) {
    fixedEdges = matrix(FALSE, p, p)
  else {
    if (!(identical(dim(fixedEdges), c(p, p)))) 
      stop("Dimensions of the dataset and fixedEdges do not agree.")
    if (fixedEdges != t(fixedEdges)) 
      stop("fixedEdges must be symmetric")
  seq_p = seq_len(p)
  sepset = pl = vector("list", p)
  for (i in seq_p) sepset[[i]] = pl
  if (sum(G) > 0) {
    w.upper = which(upper.tri(diag(p)), arr.ind = T)
    ind = w.upper[G[w.upper], ]
    for (i in 1:dim(ind)[1]) {
      x <- ind[i, 1]
      y <- ind[i, 2]
      pval <- indepTest(x, y, integer(0), suffStat)
      if (verbose) 
        cat("Marginal test", x, "and", y, "pvalue = ", 
            pval, "\n")
      if (pval >= alpha) {
        G[x, y] = G[y, x] = FALSE
        sepset[[x]][[y]] = sepset[[y]][[x]] = integer(0)
      else {
        sepset[[x]][[y]] = setdiff(seq_p, c(x, y))
        isect = (G[x, ] & G[y, ])
        if (sum(isect) > 0) {
          allZ = seq_p[isect]
          for (z in allZ) {
            pval = indepTest(x, y, z, suffStat)
            if (verbose) 
              cat("text", x, "and", y, "with commone vertices", 
                  allZ, "pvalue = ", pval, "\n")
            if (is.na(pval)) 
              pval <- if (NAdelete) {
            else {
            if (pval < alpha) {
              sepset[[x]][[y]] = sepset[[y]][[x]] = setdiff(sepset[[x]][[y]], 
  pMax = matrix(-Inf, p, p)
  diag(pMax) = 1
  done = FALSE
  ord = 0
  n.edgetests = numeric(1)
  n.edgerms = numeric(1)
  while (any(G) && ord <= m.max) {
    cat(date(), ": order=", ord, ", # of edges remaining = ", 
        sum(G)/2, "\n")
    ord1 = ord + 2L
    n.edgetests[ord1] = 0
    n.edgerms[ord1] = 0
    tmpG = G
    w.lower = which(lower.tri(tmpG), arr.ind = T)
    tmpG[w.lower] = 0
    ind = matrix(which(tmpG != 0, arr.ind = T), ncol = 2)
    remainingEdgeTests = nrow(ind)
    aG = G
    for (i in 1:remainingEdgeTests) {
      if (verbose) {
        if (i%%100 == 0) 
          cat("|i=", i, "|iMax=", nrow(ind), "\n")
      x = ind[i, 1]
      y = ind[i, 2]
      if (G[y, x] && !fixedEdges[y, x]) {
        nbrsUnion = (aG[, x] | aG[, y])
        nbrsUnion[x] = FALSE
        nbrsUnion[y] = FALSE
        nbrsIsect = (aG[, x] & aG[, y])
        nbrsIsect[x] = FALSE
        nbrsIsect[y] = FALSE
        nbrsdec = nbrsIsect
        if (sum(nbrsIsect) != 0) {
          Gsub = aG
          Gsub[, c(x, y)] = Gsub[c(x, y), ] = FALSE
          nbrsdec = (connectedComp(Gsub, seq_p[nbrsIsect]) & 
        nbrs = seq_p[nbrsUnion]
        nbrs2rm = seq_p[nbrsdec]
        length_nbrs = length(nbrs2rm)
        if (length_nbrs >= ord) {
          if (length_nbrs > ord) 
            done = FALSE
          if (ord == 0) {
            nbrs2test = nbrs
          else {
            S = seq_len(ord)
            nbrs2test = setdiff(nbrs, nbrs2rm[S])
          repeat {
            if (ord != 0) {
              nbrs2test = setdiff(nbrs, nbrs2rm[S])
            n.edgetests[ord1] = n.edgetests[ord1] + 
            pval = indepTest(x, y, nbrs2test, suffStat)
            if (verbose) {
              cat("x=", x, " y=", y, " nbrs=", nbrs, 
                  " nbrs2rm=", nbrs2rm, " nbrs2test=", 
                  nbrs2test, ": pval =", pval, "\n")
            if (is.na(pval)) {
              print("pval is NA")
              pval = if (NAdelete) 
              else 0
            if (pval > pMax[x, y]) 
              pMax[x, y] = pval
            if (pval >= alpha) {
              n.edgerms[ord1] = n.edgerms[ord1] + 1
              G[x, y] = G[y, x] = FALSE
              sepset[[x]][[y]] = nbrs2test
            else if (ord <= 0) {
            else {
              nextSet = getNextSet(length_nbrs, ord, 
              if (nextSet$wasLast) {
              S = nextSet$nextSet
    ord = ord + 1
  for (i in 1:(p - 1)) {
    for (j in 2:p) {
      pMax[i, j] = pMax[j, i] = max(pMax[i, j], pMax[j, 
  nnms = as.character(seq_p)
  Gobject = if (sum(G) == 0) {
    new("graphNEL", nodes = nnms)
  else {
    colnames(G) = rownames(G) = nnms
    as(G, "graphNEL")
  new("pcAlgo", graph = Gobject, call = cl, n = integer(0), 
      max.ord = as.integer(ord - 1), n.edgetests = n.edgetests, 
      sepset = sepset, pMax = pMax, zMin = matrix(NA, 1, 1))

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mDAG documentation built on Aug. 20, 2019, 5:19 p.m.