
Defines functions .update .ask_before_proceeding .summarize_model_values updateValues

Documented in updateValues

#' Analogous to the '/update' function of magma
#' @description Analogous to the '/update' function of magma, allows data to be sent to magma (by users with at least "editor" authorization).
#' @inheritParams updateMatrix
#' @inheritParams retrieve
#' @param revisions A list of named lists containing the data to be updated.
#' List structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item top level name(s): modelNames, can be 1 or more.
#' \item 2nd level name(s): recordNames, can be 1 or more.
#' \item 3rd level name(s) & contents: the attributes to update & the values to use.
#' }
#' See \url{https://mountetna.github.io/magma.html#update} for additional formatting details.
#' @param autolink Logical. FALSE by default for safety, but often you will want to set it to TRUE. Passed through to magma, this parameter controls whether the system will attempt to connect all targeted records up with the project's root.
#' Specifically, this means the system will 
#' 1) determine parent records of all targeted records if it can, based on the project's gnomon grammar, 
#' 2) continue parent determination for those parent records, repeating this process until reaching the project's root (the project record),
#' then 3) creates any of these records that don't currently exist,
#' and finally 4) creates all the assumed parent-child linkages
#' @param dryRun Logical. FALSE by default. Passed through to magma, this parameter controls whether the system will only test whether the update is valid without making changes to the database.
#' @param auto.proceed Logical. When set to TRUE, the function does not ask before proceeding forward with the 'magma/update'.
#' @return None directly.
#' The function sends data to magma, and the only outputs are information reported via the console.
#' @details This function mimics the activity of the magma/update function, documented here \url{https://mountetna.github.io/magma.html#update},
#' with the main difference being that the \code{revisions} input should be in nested list format rather than nested hash (because R does not support hash structures).
#' Internally, the function:
#' 1. Summarizes records of each model that will be targeted for updating.
#' 2. Prompts the user before proceeding (unless \code{auto.proceed} is set to \code{TRUE})
#' 3. Directly passes its inputs along to magma/update via a curl request.
#' @seealso
#' \url{https://mountetna.github.io/magma.html#update} for documentation of the underlying magma/update function.
#' \code{\link{updateMatrix}} for a matrix-dedicated version of this function which can be provided a matrix, or matrix's file location, directly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'     # First, we use magmaRset to create an object which will tell other magmaR
#'     #  functions our authentication token (as well as some other optional bits).
#'     # When run in this way, it will ask you to give your token.
#'     magma <- magmaRset()
#'     # Note that you likely do not have write-permissions for the 'example'
#'     # project, so this code can be expected to give an authorization error.
#'     updateValues(
#'         target = magma,
#'         projectName = "example",
#'         autolink = TRUE,
#'         dryRun = FALSE,
#'         revisions = list(
#'             # model
#'             'rna_seq' = list(
#'                 # record
#'                 'EXAMPLE-HS1-WB1-RSQ1' = list(
#'                     # attribute
#'                     'fraction' = list(
#'                         # value(s)
#'                         "Tcells"
#'                         )
#'                     )
#'                 )
#'             )
#'         )
#' }
updateValues <- function(
    revisions = list(),
    auto.proceed = FALSE,
    autolink = FALSE,
    dryRun = FALSE,
) {
    ### Summarize per model
    lapply(names(revisions), function(model) {
        current_ids <- retrieveIds(
            target, projectName, model)
        .summarize_model_values(revisions[[model]], model, current_ids)
    ### Check if should move forward
    go <- .ask_before_proceeding(auto.proceed)
    if (! tolower(go) %in% c("y", "yes")) {
        return("No /update performed.")
        target = target,
        projectName = projectName,
        revisions = revisions,
        autolink = autolink,
        dryRun = dryRun,

.summarize_model_values <- function(model_revs, modelName, model_ids) {
    ### Report how many records will be updated
    num_recs <- num_current_recs <- length(model_revs)
    rec_names <- rec_names_current <- names(model_revs)
    # Check if any would be be new
    if (! all(rec_names %in% model_ids)) {
        rec_names_current <- rec_names[rec_names %in% model_ids]
        rec_names_new <- rec_names[!rec_names %in% model_ids]
        num_new <- length(rec_names_new)
        ### Summarize for NEW records
        cat("For model \"", modelName, "\", this update() will create (or update) ", num_new, " NEW (or orphan) records:\n    ",
            paste0(rec_names_new, collapse = "\n    "),
            "\nWARNING: Check the above carefully. Once created, there is no easy way to remove records from magma.\n",
        num_current_recs <- num_recs - num_new
    ### Summarize for current records.
    cat("For model \"", modelName, "\", this update() will update ", num_current_recs, " records",
        if (num_current_recs==0) {
            } else {
                paste0(":\n    ", paste0(rec_names_current, collapse = "\n    "))

.ask_before_proceeding <- function(auto.proceed = FALSE) {
    if (!auto.proceed) {
        if (!interactive()) {
            warning("To run in non-interactive mode, set 'auto.proceed = TRUE'.")
        return(readline("Proceed, Y/n? "))
    } else {

.update <- function(
    request.only = FALSE,
    json.params.only = FALSE,
    verbose = TRUE
) {
    ### Put together the request 
    jsonParams <- list(
        project_name = projectName,
        revisions = revisions,
        autolink = autolink,
        dry_run = dryRun)
    requestBody <- jsonlite::toJSON(jsonParams, auto_unbox = TRUE)
    ### Output here if requested.
    if (request.only) {
    if (json.params.only) {
    ### Perform '\update'
    curl_out <- .perform_curl_get(
        fxn = "/update",
        target, requestBody,
        parse = FALSE, verbose = verbose)

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magmaR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:11 a.m.