#' @title Convert an 'indirect_list' Object to a 'flextable' Object
#' @description The 'as_flextable' method
#' for the output of 'manymome::many_indirect_effects()'.
#' @details It converts an `indirect_list`
#' object,
#' which is usually created by
#' [manymome::many_indirect_effects()],
#' to a `flextable` object. The output
#' can be further modified by functions
#' from the package `flextable`.
#' @return
#' A `flextable` object.
#' @param x The object to be converted.
#' Should be of the class `indirect_list`
#' from the package `manymome`.
#' @param pvalue If bootstrap confidence
#' intervals are stored, whether
#' asymmetric *p*-values are reported.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' See
#' `manymome::print.indirect_list()`
#' for the computational details.
#' @param se Whether standard errors
#' are reported if confidence intervals
#' are stored. Default is `TRUE`.
#' See
#' `manymome::print.indirect_list()`
#' for the computation details.
#' @param var_labels A named vectors.
#' Used to replace variable names by
#' other names when generating the
#' table. For example,
#' `c(x = "I.V", y = "D.V.")` replaces
#' `x` by `"I.V"` and `y` by `"D.V."`
#' in the output.
#' @param digits The number of digits
#' to be displayed for most numerical
#' columns,
#' such as effect estimates, standard
#' errors, and confidence intervals.
#' Default is 2.
#' @param pval_digits The number of
#' digits to be displayed for the
#' *p*-value column, if present. Default
#' is 3.
#' @param use_arrow If `TRUE`, the
#' default, use the arrow symbol in
#' the paths.
#' @param indirect_raw If `TRUE`, the
#' default, report unstandardized effects
#' even if standardization was done.
#' @param indirect_raw_ci If `TRUE`,
#' report the confidence intervals
#' of unstandardized effects
#' even if standardization was done
#' and confidence intervals were stored.
#' Default to be equal to `indirect_raw`.
#' NOTE: Not used for now. Always `FALSE`.
#' @param indirect_raw_se If `TRUE`,
#' report the standard errors
#' of unstandardized effects
#' even if standardization was done
#' and confidence intervals were stored.
#' Default to be equal to `indirect_raw`.
#' NOTE: Not used for now. Always `FALSE`.
#' @param group_by_x If `TRUE`, the
#' default, the rows will be grouped by
#' x-variables if the paths have more
#' than one x-variable. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param group_by_y If `TRUE`, the
#' default, the rows will be grouped by
#' y-variables if the paths have more than
#' one y-variable. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param y_first If group by both
#' x- and y-variables, group by
#' y-variables first if `TRUE`, the
#' default.
#' Otherwise, group by x-variables.
#' @param total_indirect If `TRUE`, the
#' default, total indirect effect
#' will be computed and added to
#' the output.
#' @param footnote If `TRUE`, the
#' default,
#' add footnote(s) regarding the results
#' to the bottom of the table.
#' @param pcut Any *p*-value less than
#' `pcut` will be displayed as
#' `<[pcut]`, `"[pcut]"` replaced by
#' the value of `pcut`. Default is .001.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' Ignored.
#' @examples
#' library(flextable)
#' library(manymome)
#' data(data_med_complicated)
#' lm_m11 <- lm(m11 ~ x1 + x2, data_med_complicated)
#' lm_m2 <- lm(m2 ~ x1 + x2, data_med_complicated)
#' lm_y1 <- lm(y1 ~ m11 + m2 + x1 + x2, data_med_complicated)
#' fit <- lm2list(lm_m11, lm_m2, lm_y1)
#' # All indirect paths
#' paths <- all_indirect_paths(fit,
#' x = c("x1", "x2"),
#' y = c("y1"))
#' # Indirect paths from x1 to y1
#' paths_x1y1 <- all_indirect_paths(fit,
#' x = c("x1"),
#' y = c("y1"))
#' # Indirect effect estimates
#' ind <- many_indirect_effects(paths,
#' fit = fit)
#' ft_ind <- as_flextable(ind)
#' ft_ind
#' ft_ind <- as_flextable(ind, group_by_x = FALSE)
#' ft_ind
#' ind_x1y1 <- many_indirect_effects(paths_x1y1,
#' fit = fit)
#' ft_ind_x1y1 <- as_flextable(ind_x1y1)
#' ft_ind_x1y1
#' # Should set R to 5000 or 10000 in real research
#' boot_out_lm <- do_boot(fit,
#' R = 100,
#' seed = 54532,
#' parallel = FALSE,
#' progress = FALSE)
#' ind_x1y1_ci <- many_indirect_effects(paths_x1y1,
#' fit = fit,
#' boot_ci = TRUE,
#' boot_out = boot_out_lm)
#' ft_ind_x1y1_ci <- as_flextable(ind_x1y1_ci)
#' ft_ind_x1y1_ci
#' @export
#' @importFrom flextable as_flextable
as_flextable.indirect_list <- function(x,
pvalue = FALSE,
se = TRUE,
var_labels = NULL,
digits = 2,
pval_digits = 3,
use_arrow = TRUE,
indirect_raw = TRUE,
indirect_raw_ci = indirect_raw,
indirect_raw_se = indirect_raw,
group_by_x = TRUE,
group_by_y = TRUE,
y_first = TRUE,
total_indirect = TRUE,
footnote = TRUE,
pcut = .001,
...) {
# TODO: Remove after an update to manymome
indirect_raw_ci <- FALSE
indirect_raw_se <- FALSE
if (total_indirect) {
x_total <- all_total_indirect_effects(x)
x <- c(x,
class(x) <- c("indirect_list", class(x))
path_names <- set_path_names(x,
var_labels = var_labels)
# Use arrow
if (use_arrow) {
path_names <- gsub(" -> ", " \U2192 ",
fixed = TRUE)
coef0 <- manymome::indirect_effects_from_list(x,
add_sig = FALSE,
pvalue = pvalue,
se = se)
vars_x <- unique(sapply(x, function(xx) xx$x))
vars_y <- unique(sapply(x, function(xx) xx$y))
p_x <- length(vars_x)
p_y <- length(vars_y)
if (p_x == 1) group_by_x <- FALSE
if (p_y == 1) group_by_y <- FALSE
has_pvalue <- "pvalue" %in% colnames(coef0)
has_ci <- "CI.lo" %in% colnames(coef0)
has_se <- "SE" %in% colnames(coef0)
ci_type <- NULL
if (isTRUE(!is.null(x[[1]]$boot_ci))) {
ci_type <- "boot"
ind_name <- "boot_indirect"
ci_name <- "nonparametric bootstrap"
if (isTRUE(!is.null(x[[1]]$mc_ci))) {
ci_type <- "mc"
ind_name <- "mc_indirect"
ci_name <- "Monte Carlo"
R <- ifelse(has_ci,
std_x <- isTRUE(x[[1]]$standardized_x)
std_y <- isTRUE(x[[1]]$standardized_y)
if (has_ci) {
level <- x[[1]]$level
level_str <- paste0(format(level * 100),
"% CI")
} else {
level <- NULL
level_str <- character(0)
if ((std_x || std_y) && indirect_raw) {
ind_raw <- sapply(x,
function(xx) {
if (has_ci && indirect_raw_ci) {
# TOFIX: Wait for an update to manymome
ind_raw_ci <- sapply(x,
function(xx) {
stats::confint(xx) * xx$scale_y / xx$scale_x
ind_raw_ci <- t(ind_raw_ci)
colnames(ind_raw_ci) <- c("ind_raw_CI.lo", "ind_raw_CI.hi")
ind_raw <- cbind(ind_raw, ind_raw_ci)
if (has_ci && indirect_raw_se && se) {
# TOFIX: Wait for an update to manymome
ind_raw_scale <- sapply(x,
function(xx) {
xx$scale_y / xx$scale_x
ind_raw_SE <- coef0$SE * ind_raw_scale
ind_raw <- cbind(ind_raw, ind_raw_SE = ind_raw_SE)
coef0 <- data.frame(Path = path_names,
} else {
coef0 <- data.frame(Path = path_names,
if (has_pvalue) {
p_j <- which(colnames(coef0) %in% "pvalue")
coef0 <- cbind(coef0[-p_j], coef0[p_j])
coef0 <- group_ind_df(coef0,
ind_list = x,
group_by_x = group_by_x,
group_by_y = group_by_y,
y_first = y_first)
ft <- flextable::flextable(coef0)
# Format Cells
ft <- flextable::colformat_double(ft,
j = (colnames(coef0) %in%
c("ind", "std", "SE", "ind_raw", "ind_raw_SE")),
digits = digits)
ft <- flextable::set_formatter(ft,
pvalue = function(x) {
format_p(x, pcut = pcut, pval_digits = pval_digits)
ft <- flextable::colformat_double(ft,
j = (colnames(coef0) %in% c("CI.lo", "ind_raw_CI.lo")),
digits = digits,
prefix = "[")
ft <- flextable::colformat_double(ft,
j = (colnames(coef0) %in% c("CI.hi", "ind_raw_CI.hi")),
digits = digits,
prefix = ", ",
suffix = "]")
ft <- flextable::autofit(ft)
if (has_ci) {
j0 <- which(colnames(coef0) == "CI.lo")
ft <- flextable::padding(ft, j = j0, padding.right = 0)
ft <- flextable::padding(ft, j = j0 + 1, padding.left = 0)
ft <- flextable::align(ft, j = j0 + 1, align = "left")
ft <- flextable::align(ft, j = j0 - 1, align = "right")
ft <- flextable::merge_at(ft, j = c(j0, j0 + 1), part = "header")
ft <- flextable::align(ft, j = j0, align = "center", part = "header")
if (isTRUE("ind_raw_CI.lo" %in% colnames(coef0))) {
j0 <- which(colnames(coef0) == "ind_raw_CI.lo")
ft <- flextable::padding(ft, j = j0, padding.right = 0)
ft <- flextable::padding(ft, j = j0 + 1, padding.left = 0)
ft <- flextable::align(ft, j = j0 + 1, align = "left")
ft <- flextable::align(ft, j = j0 - 1, align = "right")
ft <- flextable::merge_at(ft, j = c(j0, j0 + 1), part = "header")
ft <- flextable::align(ft, j = j0, align = "center", part = "header")
# Format Headers
if (!is.null(var_labels)) {
ft <- flextable::labelizor(ft,
j = (colnames(coef0) %in% c("x", "y")),
labels = var_labels)
ft <- flextable::align(ft,
j = (colnames(coef0) %in% c("x", "y")),
align = "left",
part = "header")
ft <- flextable::align(ft,
j = (colnames(coef0) %in%
c("ind", "std", "SE", "ind_raw", "ind_raw_SE")),
align = "right",
part = "header")
ft <- flextable::labelizor(ft,
labels = c("y" = "Outcome",
"x" = "Predictor"),
part = "header")
if (has_ci) {
ft <- flextable::labelizor(ft,
labels = c("CI.lo" = level_str,
"ind_raw_CI.lo" = level_str),
part = "header")
if (has_se) {
ft <- flextable::compose(ft,
i = 1,
j = (colnames(coef0) %in%
c("SE", "ind_raw_SE")),
part = "header",
if (has_pvalue) {
ft <- flextable::compose(ft,
i = 1,
j = "pvalue",
part = "header",
ft <- flextable::labelizor(ft,
labels = c("ind" = "Effect",
"std" = "Std. Effect",
"ind_raw" = "Effect"),
part = "header")
# Add footer
if (footnote &&
any(has_ci, has_pvalue, total_indirect, std_x, std_y)) {
first_note <- TRUE
ft <- flextable::add_footer_lines(ft, values = "")
ft <- flextable::compose(ft,
i = 1,
j = 1,
value = flextable::as_paragraph(flextable::as_i("Note")),
part = "footer")
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk(": "),
part = "footer")
if (has_ci) {
first_note <- FALSE
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("CI = confidence interval"),
part = "footer")
if (has_pvalue) {
first_note <- FALSE
if (first_note) {
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_i("P "),
part = "footer")
} else {
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("; "),
flextable::as_i("p "),
part = "footer")
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("is asymmetric bootstrap "),
part = "footer")
if (total_indirect) {
first_note <- FALSE
if (first_note) {
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("Paths with '..' are total indirect effects"),
part = "footer")
} else {
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("; "),
flextable::as_chunk("paths with '..' are total indirect effects"),
part = "footer")
if (isTRUE(xor(std_x, std_y))) {
first_note <- FALSE
if (first_note) {
} else {
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("; "),
part = "footer")
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("Std. Effect is partially standardized effect, "),
flextable::as_chunk(paste0("with ",
"the predictor",
"the outcome"),
" standardized")),
part = "footer")
if (std_x && std_y) {
first_note <- FALSE
if (first_note) {
} else {
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("; "),
part = "footer")
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
flextable::as_chunk("Std. Effect is completely standardized effect"),
part = "footer")
ft <- flextable::append_chunks(ft,
part = "footer")
ft <- flextable::autofit(ft)
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