#' @title Print an 'indirect' Class
#' Object
#' @description Print the content of the
#' output of [indirect_effect()] or
#' [cond_indirect()].
#' @details The `print` method of the
#' `indirect`-class object.
#' If bootstrapping confidence interval
#' was requested, this method has the
#' option to print a
#' *p*-value computed by the
#' method presented in Asparouhov and Muthén (2021).
#' Note that this *p*-value is asymmetric
#' bootstrap *p*-value based on the
#' distribution of the bootstrap estimates.
#' It is not computed based on the
#' distribution under the null hypothesis.
#' For a *p*-value of *a*, it means that
#' a 100(1 - *a*)% bootstrapping confidence
#' interval
#' will have one of its limits equal to
#' 0. A confidence interval
#' with a higher confidence level will
#' include zero, while a confidence
#' interval with a lower confidence level
#' will exclude zero.
#' We recommend using confidence interval
#' directly. Therefore, *p*-value is not
#' printed by default. Nevertheless,
#' users who need it can request it
#' by setting `pvalue` to `TRUE`.
#' @return `x` is returned invisibly.
#' Called for its side effect.
#' @param x The output of
#' [indirect_effect()] or
#' [cond_indirect()].
#' @param digits Number of digits to
#' display. Default is 3.
#' @param pvalue Logical. If `TRUE`,
#' asymmetric *p*-value based on
#' bootstrapping will be printed if
#' available.
#' @param pvalue_digits Number of decimal
#' places to display for the *p*-value.
#' Default is 3.
#' @param se Logical. If `TRUE` and
#' confidence interval is available, the
#' standard error of the estimate is
#' also printed. This is simply the
#' standard deviation of the bootstrap
#' estimates or Monte Carlo simulated
#' values, depending on the method used
#' to form the confidence interval.
#' @param ... Other arguments. Not used.
#' @references
#' Asparouhov, A., & Muthén, B. (2021). Bootstrap p-value computation.
#' Retrieved from
#' @seealso [indirect_effect()] and
#' [cond_indirect()]
#' @examples
#' library(lavaan)
#' dat <- modmed_x1m3w4y1
#' mod <-
#' "
#' m1 ~ a1 * x + b1 * w1 + d1 * x:w1
#' m2 ~ a2 * m1 + b2 * w2 + d2 * m1:w2
#' m3 ~ a3 * m2 + b3 * w3 + d3 * m2:w3
#' y ~ a4 * m3 + b4 * w4 + d4 * m3:w4
#' "
#' fit <- sem(mod, dat,
#' meanstructure = TRUE, fixed.x = FALSE,
#' se = "none", baseline = FALSE)
#' est <- parameterEstimates(fit)
#' wvalues <- c(w1 = 5, w2 = 4, w3 = 2, w4 = 3)
#' indirect_1 <- cond_indirect(x = "x", y = "y",
#' m = c("m1", "m2", "m3"),
#' fit = fit,
#' wvalues = wvalues)
#' indirect_1
#' dat <- modmed_x1m3w4y1
#' mod2 <-
#' "
#' m1 ~ a1 * x
#' m2 ~ a2 * m1
#' m3 ~ a3 * m2
#' y ~ a4 * m3 + x
#' "
#' fit2 <- sem(mod2, dat,
#' meanstructure = TRUE, fixed.x = FALSE,
#' se = "none", baseline = FALSE)
#' est <- parameterEstimates(fit)
#' indirect_2 <- indirect_effect(x = "x", y = "y",
#' m = c("m1", "m2", "m3"),
#' fit = fit2)
#' indirect_2
#' print(indirect_2, digits = 5)
#' @export
print.indirect <- function(x,
digits = 3,
pvalue = FALSE,
pvalue_digits = 3,
se = FALSE,
...) {
xold <- x
my_call <- x$call
wvalues <- x$wvalues
standardized_x <- x$standardized_x
standardized_y <- x$standardized_y
standardized <- (standardized_x && standardized_y)
has_ci <- FALSE
ci_type <- NULL
boot_type <- NULL
if (is.numeric(x$group_number)) {
has_group <- TRUE
} else {
has_group <- FALSE
if (isTRUE(!is.null(x$boot_ci))) {
has_ci <- TRUE
ci_type <- "boot"
ci_name <- "boot_ci"
se_name <- "boot_se"
R <- length(x$boot_indirect)
boot_type <- x$boot_type
if (is.null(boot_type)) boot_type <- "perc"
if (isTRUE(!is.null(x$mc_ci))) {
has_ci <- TRUE
ci_type <- "mc"
ci_name <- "mc_ci"
se_name <- "mc_se"
R <- length(x$mc_indirect)
has_w <- isTRUE(!is.null(wvalues))
if (has_w) {
w0 <- wvalues
wnames <- names(w0)
} else {
w0 <- NA
wnames <- NA
has_m <- isTRUE(!is.null(x$m))
if (has_m) {
m0 <- x$components
m0c <- x$components_conditional
mnames <- x$m
if (is.list(m0)) {
mpathnames <- lapply(m0, names)
} else {
mpathnames <- names(m0)
} else {
m0 <- NA
m0c <- NA
mnames <- NA
mpathnames <- NA
x0 <- x$x
y0 <- x$y
if (has_m) {
if (is.list(mnames)) {
path <- sapply(mnames, function(mm) {
if (is.null(mm)) {
out <- paste(x0, "->", y0)
} else {
out <- paste(x0, "->",
paste(eval(mm), collapse = " -> "),
"->", y0)
} else {
path <- paste(x0, "->",
paste(eval(mnames), collapse = " -> "),
"->", y0)
} else {
path <- paste(x0, "->", y0)
if (has_group) {
path <- paste0(x$group_label, "[",
x$group_number, "]: ",
std_str <- ""
if (standardized) {
std_str <- paste0("(Both ", sQuote(x0),
" and ", sQuote(y0), " Standardized)")
} else {
if (standardized_x) {
std_str <- paste0("(",sQuote(x0), " Standardized)")
if (standardized_y) {
std_str <- paste0("(", sQuote(y0), " Standardized)")
cond_str <- ""
cond_str2 <- ""
if (has_m) {
cond_str <- "indirect"
cond_str2 <- "Indirect"
if (has_w) {
cat("\n== Conditional", cond_str2, "Effect",
std_str, " ==")
} else {
cat("\n==", cond_str2, "Effect",
std_str, "==")
ptable <- data.frame(Factor = "Path:", Value = path)
if (has_w) {
ptable <- rbind(ptable,
c("Moderators:", paste0(wnames, collapse = ", ")))
if (has_ci) {
tmp1 <- switch(ci_type,
boot = " Bootstrap CI:",
mc = " Monte Carlo CI:")
b_str1 <- paste0(formatC(x$level * 100, 1, format = "f"), "%",
b_str2 <- paste0("[",
paste0(formatC(x[[ci_name]], digits, format = "f"),
collapse = " to "),
b_str1b <- "Null Hypothesis Significant Test:"
b_str2b <- ifelse((x[[ci_name]][1] > 0) || (x[[ci_name]][2] < 0),
paste0("Sig. (Level of Significance ",
formatC(1 - x$level, digits, format = "f"), ")"),
paste0("Not Sig. (Level of Significance ",
formatC(1 - x$level, digits, format = "f"), ")"))
b_row <- c(b_str1, b_str2)
if (isTRUE(ci_type == "boot") && pvalue) {
tmpp <- ifelse(!is.null(x$boot_p) && is.numeric(x$boot_p),
formatC(x$boot_p, digits = pvalue_digits, format = "f"),
"Not available"
b_row2 <- c("Bootstrap p-value:", tmpp)
} else {
b_row2 <- NULL
if (se) {
tmpp <- ifelse(!is.null(x[[se_name]]) && is.numeric(x[[se_name]]),
formatC(x[[se_name]], digits = digits, format = "f"),
"Not available"
tmp1 <- switch(ci_type,
boot = "Bootstrap SE:",
mc = "Monte Carlo SE:")
b_row3 <- c(tmp1, tmpp)
} else {
b_row3 <- NULL
if (has_w) {
if (is.null(x$op)) {
ptable <- rbind(ptable,
c(ifelse(has_m, "Conditional Indirect Effect:",
"Conditional Effect:"),
formatC(x$indirect, digits = digits, format = "f")))
} else {
ptable <- rbind(ptable,
c("Function of Effects:",
formatC(x$indirect, digits = digits, format = "f")))
tmp <- paste(paste(wnames, "=", formatC(w0,
digits = digits,
format = "f")), collapse = ", ")
if (has_ci) {ptable <- rbind(ptable, b_row, b_row2, b_row3)}
ptable <- rbind(ptable,
c("When:", tmp))
} else {
if (is.null(x$op)) {
ptable <- rbind(ptable,
c(ifelse(has_m, "Indirect Effect:", "Effect:"),
formatC(x$indirect, digits = digits, format = "f")))
} else {
ptable <- rbind(ptable,
c("Function of Effects:",
formatC(x$indirect, digits = digits, format = "f")))
if (has_ci) {ptable <- rbind(ptable, b_row, b_row2, b_row3)}
if (has_group) {
# ptable <- rbind(ptable,
# c("Group Label:", x$group_label))
# ptable <- rbind(ptable,
# c("Group Number:", x$group_number))
ptable <- data.frame(lapply(ptable, format))
colnames(ptable) <- c("", "")
print(ptable, row.names = FALSE)
if (!is.null(x$op)) {
cat("\nComputation of the Function of Effects:")
cat("\n", x$op, "\n")
if (!is.null(x$computation_symbol)) {
if (is.list(x$computation_symbol)) {
# cat("\nComputation Formulas:")
# cat("\n", paste(x$op, x$computation_symbol, collapse = "\n"))
} else {
cat("\nComputation Formula:")
cat("\n ", x$computation_symbol)
if (!is.null(x$computation_values)) {
if (is.list(x$computation_values)) {
# cat("\nComputation:")
# cat("\n", paste(x$op, x$computation_values, collapse = "\n"))
} else {
cat("\n ", x$computation_values)
if (has_ci) {
tmp <- switch(ci_type,
boot = switch(boot_type,
perc = "Percentile",
bc = "Bias-corrected"),
mc = NULL)
tmp1 <- switch(ci_type,
boot = paste(tmp, "confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping",
"with ",
" bootstrap samples."),
mc = paste("Monte Carlo confidence interval",
"with ",
" replications."))
cat(strwrap(tmp1), sep = "\n")
if (se) {
tmp1 <- switch(ci_type,
boot = paste("Standard error (SE) based on nonparametric bootstrapping",
"with ",
" bootstrap samples."),
mc = paste("Standard error (SE) based on Monte Carlo simulation",
"with ",
" replications."))
cat(strwrap(tmp1), sep = "\n")
print_note <- FALSE
if (standardized_x ||
standardized_y ||
has_group) {
print_note <- TRUE
note_str <- character(0)
if (has_m & !is.list(mpathnames)) {
if (has_w) {
out <- data.frame(mpathnames, m0c, m0)
rownames(out) <- NULL
colnames(out) <- c("Path", "Conditional Effect", "Original Coefficient")
} else {
out <- data.frame(mpathnames, m0)
rownames(out) <- NULL
colnames(out) <- c("Path", "Coefficient")
cat("\nCoefficients of Component Paths:")
print(out, digits = digits, row.names = FALSE)
if (standardized_x || standardized_y) {
note_str <- c(note_str,
strwrap("- The effects of the component paths are from the model, not standardized.",
exdent = 2))
if (has_group) {
note_str <- c(note_str,
strwrap("- SD(s) in the selected group is/are used in standardiziation.",
exdent = 2))
if (has_group) {
note_str <- c(note_str,
strwrap("- The group label is printed before each path.",
exdent = 2))
note_str <- c(note_str,
strwrap("- The group number in square brackets is the number used internally in lavaan.",
exdent = 2))
if (length(note_str) > 0) {
cat(note_str, sep = "\n")
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