
Defines functions find_lon_column find_lat_column resolve_opacity is_url resolve_legend_format resolve_legend_options resolve_legend resolve_palette resolve_geojson_data.default resolve_geojson_data.character resolve_geojson_data.geojson resolve_geojson_data.json resolve_geojson_data.sf resolve_geojson_data resolve_data.default resolve_data.data.frame resolve_data.sfencodedLite resolve_data.sfencoded get_od_box.data.frame get_od_box.sf get_od_box get_box.data.frame get_box.sf get_box.sfencoded get_box.quadmesh get_box.mesh3d get_box resolve_data.sf resolve_data.quadmesh resolve_data.mesh3d resolve_data resolve_elevation_data.sfencodedLite resolve_elevation_data.sfencoded resolve_elevation_data.sf resolve_elevation_data.data.frame resolve_elevation_data resolve_od_data.data.frame resolve_od_data.sfencodedLite resolve_od_data.sfencoded resolve_od_data.sf resolve_od_data init_bbox

init_bbox <- function() return(  list(c(-180,-90),c(180,90)) )

# sfrow <- function( sf , sfc_type ) {
# 	geom_column <- attr(sf, "sf_column")
# 	return( which(vapply(sf[[geom_column]], function(x) attr(x, "class")[[2]], "") %in% sfc_type ) )
# }

resolve_od_data <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) UseMethod("resolve_od_data")

#' @export
resolve_od_data.sf <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) {
	if ( is.null( l[["origin"]] ) || is.null( l[["destination"]] ) ) {
		stop("mapdeck - origin and destination columns required")

	## downcast each side of the sf object to POINT
	attr( data, "sf_column" ) <- origin
	data <- sfheaders::sf_cast( data, "POINT" )

	attr( data, "sf_column" ) <- destination
	data <- sfheaders::sf_cast( data, "POINT" )

	l[["data"]] <- data

	l[["data_type"]] <- "sf"
	l[["bbox"]] <- get_od_box( data, l )
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_od_data.sfencoded <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) {
	# if ( is.null( l[["origin"]] ) || is.null( l[["destination"]] ) ) {
	# 	stop("origin and destination columns required")
	# }
	# #data <- data[ googlePolylines::geometryRow(data, geometry = sf_geom, multi = TRUE), ]
	# # l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
	# # l[["data"]] <- data
	# l <- resolve_od_data.sfencodedLite( data, l, origin, destination )
	# return( l )
  stop("mapdeck - data type not yet for supported origin-destination plots")

#' @export
resolve_od_data.sfencodedLite <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) {
# 	# if ( sf_geom != "POLYGON" ) {   ## TODO( I don't like this)
# 	# 	data <- unlistMultiGeometry( data, polyline )  ## TODO( move this to C++)
# 	# }
# 	data <- unlistMultiGeometry( data, origin )
# 	data <- unlistMultiGeometry( data, destination )
# 	l[["origin"]] <- origin
# 	l[["destination"]] <- destination
# 	l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
# 	l[["data"]] <- data ## attach the data becaue it gets modified and it needs to be returend
# 	return( l )
	stop("mapdeck - data type not supported")

#' @export
resolve_od_data.data.frame <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) {
	if ( is.null( l[["origin"]] ) || is.null( l[["destination"]] ) ) {
		stop("mapdeck - origin and destination columns required")

	if( length( origin ) == 2 ) {
		l[["start_lon"]] <- origin[1]
		l[["start_lat"]] <- origin[2]
		l[["start_elev"]] <- 0
	} else if ( length( origin ) == 3 ) {
		l[["start_lon"]] <- origin[1]
		l[["start_lat"]] <- origin[2]
		l[["start_elev"]] <- origin[3]
	} else {
		stop("mapdeck - origin and destination columns should contain lon & lat, and optionally elevation columns")

	if( length( destination ) == 2 ) {
		l[["end_lon"]] <- destination[1]
		l[["end_lat"]] <- destination[2]
		l[["end_elev"]] <- 0
	} else if ( length( destination ) == 3 ) {
		l[["end_lon"]] <- destination[1]
		l[["end_lat"]] <- destination[2]
		l[["end_elev"]] <- destination[3]
	} else {
		stop("mapdeck - origin and destination columns should contain lon & lat, and optionally elevation columns")

	# if( length(origin) != 2 | length(destination) != 2 ) {
	# 	stop("mapdeck - origin and destination columns should both contain lon & lat values")
	# }

	l[["data_type"]] <- "df"
	l[["bbox"]] <- get_od_box( data, l )

	# l[["start_lon"]] <- origin[1]
	# l[["start_lat"]] <- origin[2]
	# l[["end_lon"]] <- destination[1]
	# l[["end_lat"]] <- destination[2]

	l[["origin"]] <- NULL
	l[["destination"]] <- NULL

	return( l )

resolve_elevation_data <- function( data, l, elevation, sf_geom ) UseMethod( "resolve_elevation_data" )

#' @export
resolve_elevation_data.data.frame <- function( data, l, elevation, sf_geom ) {

	if ( !is.null( l[["polyline"]] ) ) {
		## the user supplied a polyline in a data.frame, so we need to allow this through
		l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
	} else {
	  if ( !(all(sf_geom %in% c( "POINT", "MULTIPOINT") ) ) )
		  stop("mapdeck - unsupported data type")

		l[["data_type"]] <- "df"
		l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )

	l[["data"]] <- data

	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_elevation_data.sf <- function( data, l, elevation, sf_geom ) {
		resolve_data( data, l, sf_geom )

#' @export
resolve_elevation_data.sfencoded <- function( data, l, elevation, sf_geom ) {

	data <- data[ googlePolylines::geometryRow(data, geometry = sf_geom[1], multi = TRUE), ]

	l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
	l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )
	l[["data"]] <- data
	l <- resolve_elevation_data.sfencodedLite( data, l, elevation, sf_geom )
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_elevation_data.sfencodedLite <- function( data, l, elevation, sf_geom ) {
	polyline <- attr( data, "encoded_column")
	if ( !all(sf_geom %in% c("POLYGON","MULTIPOLYGON") ) ) {   ## TODO( I don't like this)
		data <- unlistMultiGeometry( data, polyline )  ## TODO( move this to C++)

	l[["polyline"]] <- polyline

	l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
	l[["data"]] <- data ## attach the data becaue it gets modified and it needs to be returend
	return( l )

## data using a single geometry ()
resolve_data <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) UseMethod( "resolve_data" )

# sfc_type <- function( sf, sfc_col ) {
# 	cls <- attr(sf[[sfc_col]], "class")
# 	return( gsub("sfc_", "", cls[1] ) )
# }

# sf_needs_subsetting <- function( data, sfc_col, sf_geom ) {
# 	return( !sfc_type( data, sfc_col ) %in% toupper( sf_geom ) )
# }

#' @export
resolve_data.mesh3d <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {
	l[["data"]] <- data
	l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )
	l[["geometry"]] <- "geometry"
	l[["data_type"]] <- "mesh"
#' @export
resolve_data.quadmesh <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {
	l[["data"]] <- data
	l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )
	l[["geometry"]] <- "geometry"
	l[["data_type"]] <- "mesh"

## use the specificed st_geometry column
#' @export
resolve_data.sf <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {

	sfc_col <- attr( data, "sf_column" )
	l[["geometry"]] <- sfc_col

	# if( sf_needs_subsetting( data, sfc_col, sf_geom ) ) {
	# 	l[["data"]] <- data[ sfrow(data, sf_geom) , ]
	# }

	## TODO: move to c++
	## only cast if it's needed
	cls <- attr( data[[ sfc_col ]], "class" )

	if( is.null( cls ) ) {
		stop("mapdeck - invalid sf object; have you loaded library(sf)?")

	cls <- gsub("sfc_", "", cls[1])
	if( cls != sf_geom ) {
		l[["data"]] <- sfheaders::sf_cast( data, sf_geom )

	l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )
	l[["data_type"]] <- "sf"

get_box <- function( data, l ) UseMethod("get_box")

#' @export
get_box.mesh3d <- function( data, l ) {
	xrange <- range(data[["vb"]][1L, ], na.rm = TRUE)
	yrange <- range(data[["vb"]][2L, ], na.rm = TRUE)

	bbox <- list(
		c(xrange[1L], yrange[1L]), c(xrange[2L], yrange[2L])
	return( jsonify::to_json( bbox ) )
#' @export
get_box.quadmesh <- function( data, l ) {
	md <- data[["raster_metadata"]]
	if(is.null(md)) {
		stop("mapdeck - expecting raster_metadata attribute on quadmesh object. Make sure you are using v0.4.0 of quadmesh")
  bbox <- list(
  	 c(md[["xmn"]], md[["ymn"]]), c(md[["xmx"]], md[["ymx"]])
  return( jsonify::to_json( bbox ) )

#' @export
get_box.sfencoded <- function( data, l ) {
	bbox <- attr( data, "sfAttributes")[["bbox"]]
	bbox <- list(c(bbox[1:2]), c(bbox[3:4]))
	return( jsonify::to_json( bbox ) )

#' @export
get_box.sf <- function( data, l ) {
	bbox <- attr(data[[ l[["geometry"]] ]], "bbox")
	bbox <- list(c(bbox[1:2]), c(bbox[3:4]))
	return( jsonify::to_json( bbox ) )

#' @export
get_box.data.frame <- function( data, l ) {

	lat <- data[, l[["lat"]], drop = TRUE ]
	lon <- data[, l[["lon"]], drop = TRUE ]
	xmin <- min(lon); xmax <- max(lon)
	ymin <- min(lat); ymax <- max(lat)
	bbox <- list( c(xmin, ymin), c(xmax, ymax) )
	return( jsonify::to_json( bbox ) )

get_od_box <- function( data, l ) UseMethod("get_od_box")

#' @export
get_od_box.sf <- function( data, l ) {

	obbox <- attr( data[[ l[["origin"]] ]], "bbox" )
	dbbox <- attr( data[[ l[["destination"]] ]], "bbox" )

	xmin <- min( obbox[1], dbbox[1] )
	ymin <- min( obbox[2], dbbox[2] )
	xmax <- max( obbox[3], dbbox[3] )
	ymax <- max( obbox[4], dbbox[4] )
	bbox <- list( c(xmin, ymin), c(xmax, ymax) )
	return( jsonify::to_json( bbox ) )

#' @export
get_od_box.data.frame <- function( data, l ) {

	lon <- c( data[, l[["origin"]][1], drop = TRUE ], data[, l[["destination"]][1], drop = TRUE ] )
	lat <- c( data[, l[["origin"]][2], drop = TRUE ], data[, l[["destination"]][2], drop = TRUE ] )

	xmin <- min(lon); xmax <- max(lon)
	ymin <- min(lat); ymax <- max(lat)
	bbox <- list( c(xmin, ymin), c(xmax, ymax) )
	return( jsonify::to_json( bbox ) )

#' @export
resolve_data.sfencoded <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {

	if ( "POLYGON" %in% sf_geom & !("list" %in% attr( data[[ attr( data, "encoded_column") ]], "class" )) ) {
		stop("mapdeck - sfencoded POLYGON must be a list column")

	if( !attr( data, "sfAttributes" )[["type"]] %in% sf_geom ) {
	  data <- data[ googlePolylines::geometryRow(data, geometry = sf_geom[1], multi = TRUE), ]

	l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )
	l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
	l[["data"]] <- data
	l <- resolve_data.sfencodedLite( data, l, sf_geom )
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_data.sfencodedLite <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {

	polyline <- attr( data, "encoded_column")
	if ( sf_geom[1] != "POLYGON" ) {   ## TODO( POLYGONs must be a list column I don't like this)
  	data <- unlistMultiGeometry( data, polyline )  ## TODO( move this to C++)

	l[["polyline"]] <- polyline
	l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
	l[["data"]] <- data ## attach the data becaue it gets modified and it needs to be returend
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_data.data.frame <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {

	if( !inherits(data, "sf") &
			!inherits(data, "sfencoded") &
			!inherits(data, "sfencodedLite" ) &
			is.null( l[["polyline"]] )
		) {

		if( is.null(l[["lon"]] ) ) {
			l[["lon"]] <- find_lon_column( names( data ) )
		if( is.null(l[["lat"]] ) ) {
			l[["lat"]] <- find_lat_column( names( data ) )

	## data.frame will only really work for points, with a lon & lat column
	if ( !is.null( l[["polyline"]] ) ) {
		## the user supplied a polyline in a data.frame, so we need to allow this through
		l[["data_type"]] <- "sfencoded"
	} else {
		if ( sf_geom[1] != "POINT" )
			stop("mapdeck - unsupported data type")

		l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )
		l[["data_type"]] <- "df"

	l[["data"]] <- data
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_data.default <- function( data, ... ) stop("mapdeck - This type of data is not supported")

resolve_geojson_data <- function( data, l ) UseMethod("resolve_geojson_data")

#' @export
resolve_geojson_data.sf <- function( data, l ) {
	geom <- attr(data, "sf_column")
	l[["geometry"]] <- geom
	l[["data_type"]] <- "sf"
	l[["bbox"]] <- get_box( data, l )
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_geojson_data.json <- function( data, l ) {
  l[["data_type"]] <- "geojson"
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_geojson_data.geojson <- function( data, l ) {
  l[["data_type"]] <- "geojson"
  return( l )

#' @export
resolve_geojson_data.character <- function( data, l ) {
	if ( is_url( data ) ) {
		sf <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf( data )
		l[["data"]] <- sf
			resolve_geojson_data( sf, l )
	l[["data_type"]] <- "geojson"
	return( l )

#' @export
resolve_geojson_data.default <- function( data, l ) stop("mapdeck - I don't know how to handle this type of data")

resolve_palette <- function( l, palette ) {
	if ( is.function( palette ) ) {
		warning("Function palettes have been deprecated, reverting to the viridis palette. See the palette arguemnt in the help file for valid arguments")
	} else {
		l[['palette']] <- palette
	return( l )

resolve_legend <- function( l, legend ) {
	if(inherits( legend, "json" ) ) {
		l[["legend"]] <- FALSE
	} else {
	  l[['legend']] <- legend
	return( l )

resolve_legend_options <- function( l, legend_options ) {
	l[["legend_options"]] <- legend_options
	return( l )

resolve_legend_format <- function( l, legend_format ) {
	if( is.null( legend_format ) ) return( l )

	l <- jsonlite::fromJSON( l )

	for( i in names( legend_format ) ) {

		var <- l[[ i ]][[ "variable" ]]
		l[[ i ]][[ "variable" ]] <- legend_format[[ i ]]( var )
	l <- jsonify::to_json( l, numeric_dates = FALSE )
	return( l )

is_url <- function(geojson) grepl("^https?://", geojson, useBytes=TRUE)

# resolve opacity
resolve_opacity <- function( opacity ) {
	if( !is.null( opacity ) ) {
		if( is.numeric( opacity ) ) {
	    if( opacity < 1 & opacity >= 0 ) opacity <- opacity * 255
	return( opacity )

find_lat_column = function(names) {

	lats = names[grep("^(lat|lats|latitude|latitudes|stop_lat|shape_pt_lat)$", names, ignore.case = TRUE)]

	if (length(lats) == 1) {
	stop("mapdeck - could not find latitude column")

find_lon_column = function(names) {

	lons = names[grep("^(lon|lons|lng|lngs|long|longs|longitude|longitudes|stop_lon|shape_pt_lon)$", names, ignore.case = TRUE)]

	if (length(lons) == 1) {
	stop("mapdeck - could not find longitude column")

Try the mapdeck package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mapdeck documentation built on Sept. 4, 2020, 9:07 a.m.