
Defines functions clean_symb_args mf_legend

Documented in mf_legend

#' @title Plot a legend
#' @description
#' Plot different types of legend. The "type" argument defines the
#' legend type.
#' Please note that some arguments are available for all types of legend and
#' some others are only relevant for specific legend types (see Details).
#' `mf_legend()` is a wrapper for `maplegend::leg()`.
#' @md
#' @param type type of legend:
#' * **prop** for proportional symbols,
#' * **choro** for choropleth maps,
#' * **cont** for continuous maps (e.g. raster),
#' * **typo** for typology maps,
#' * **symb** for symbols maps,
#' * **prop_line** for proportional lines maps,
#' * **grad_line** for graduated lines maps.
#' @param val
#' vector of value(s) (for "prop" and "prop_line", at least c(min, max)
#' for "cont"),
#' vector of categories (for "symb" and "typo"),
#' break labels (for "choro" and "grad_line").
#' @param pos position of the legend. It can be one of 'topleft', 'top',
#' 'topright', 'right', 'bottomright', 'bottom','bottomleft',
#' 'left', 'interactive' or a vector of two coordinates
#' in map units (c(x, y)).
#' @param pal a color palette name or a vector of colors
#' @param inches size of the largest symbol (radius for circles, half width
#' for squares) in inches
#' @param border symbol border color(s)
#' @param symbol type of symbols, 'circle' or 'square'
#' @param self_adjust if TRUE values are self-adjusted to keep min, max and
#' intermediate rounded values
#' @param title title of the legend
#' @param title_cex size of the legend title
#' @param val_cex size of the values in the legend
#' @param val_rnd number of decimal places of the values in
#' the legend
#' @param frame if TRUE the legend is plotted within a frame
#' @param no_data if TRUE a "missing value" box is plotted
#' @param no_data_txt label for missing values
#' @param bg background color of the legend
#' @param fg foreground color of the legend
#' @param box_border border color of legend boxes
#' @param box_cex width and height size expansion of boxes,
#' (or offset between circles for "prop" legends with horiz = TRUE)
#' @param return_bbox return only bounding box of the legend.
#' No legend is plotted.
#' @param col color of the symbols (for "prop") or color of the lines (for
#' "prop_line" and "grad_line")
#' @param lwd width(s) of the symbols borders (for "prop" and "symb"),
#' width of the largest line (for "prop_line"), vector of line width
#' (for "grad_line")
#' @param size size of the legend; 2 means two times bigger
#' @param cex size(s) of the symbols
#' @param pch type(s) of the symbols (0:25)
#' @param col_na color for missing values
#' @param cex_na size of the symbols for missing values
#' @param pch_na type of the symbols for missing values
#' @param horiz if TRUE plot an horizontal legend
#' @param adj adjust the postion of the legend in x and y directions
#' @param frame_border border color of the frame
#' @param pt_pch deprecated
#' @param pt_cex deprecated
#' @param pt_cex_na deprecated
#' @param pt_pch_na deprecated
#' @return No value is returned, a legend is displayed
#' (except if `return_bbox` is used).
#' @importFrom maplegend leg
#' @export
#' @details
#' Some arguments are available for all types of legend: `val`, `pos`, `title`,
#' `title_cex`, `val_cex`, `frame`, `bg`, `fg`, `size`, `adj`,
#' `return_bbox`).
#' Relevant arguments for each specific legend types:
#' * `leg(type = "prop", val, inches, symbol, col, lwd, border, val_rnd, self_adjust, horiz)`
#' * `leg(type = "choro", val, pal, val_rnd, col_na, no_data, no_data_txt, box_border, horiz)`
#' * `leg(type = "cont", val, pal, val_rnd, col_na, no_data, no_data_txt, box_border, horiz)`
#' * `leg(type = "typo", val, pal, col_na, no_data, no_data_txt, box_border)`
#' * `leg(type = "symb", val, pal, pch, cex, lwd, pch_na, cex_na, col_na, no_data, no_data_txt)`
#' * `leg(type = "prop_line", val, col, lwd, val_rnd)`
#' * `leg(type = "grad_line", val, col, lwd, val_rnd)`
#' @examples
#' mtq <- mf_get_mtq()
#' mf_map(mtq)
#' mf_legend(type = "prop", pos = "topright", val = c(1, 5, 10), inches = .3)
#' mf_legend(
#'   type = "choro", pos = "bottomright", val = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
#'   pal = hcl.colors(4, "Reds 2")
#' )
#' mf_legend(
#'   type = "typo", pos = "topleft", val = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
#'   pal = hcl.colors(4, "Dynamic")
#' )
#' mf_legend(
#'   type = "symb", pos = "bottomleft", val = c("A", "B", "C"),
#'   pch = 21:23, cex = c(1, 2, 2),
#'   pal = hcl.colors(3, "Dynamic")
#' )
#' mf_legend(
#'   type = "grad_line", pos = "top", val = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 15),
#'   lwd = c(0.2, 2, 4, 5, 10)
#' )
#' mf_legend(type = "prop_line", pos = "bottom", lwd = 20, val = c(5, 50, 100))
mf_legend <- function(type,
                      pos = "left",
                      pal = "Inferno",
                      col = "tomato4",
                      inches = .3,
                      symbol = "circle",
                      self_adjust = FALSE,
                      lwd = 0.7,
                      border = "#333333",
                      pch = seq_along(val),
                      cex = rep(1, length(val)),
                      title = "Legend Title",
                      title_cex = 0.8 * size,
                      val_cex = 0.6 * size,
                      val_rnd = 0,
                      col_na = "white",
                      cex_na = 1,
                      pch_na = 4,
                      no_data = FALSE,
                      no_data_txt = "No Data",
                      box_border = "#333333",
                      box_cex = c(1, 1),
                      horiz = FALSE,
                      frame = FALSE,
                      size = 1,
                      return_bbox = FALSE,
                      adj = c(0, 0),
                      pt_pch_na) {
  args <- match.call()
  args$mar <- getOption("mapsf.mar")
  if (missing(bg)) args$bg <- getOption("mapsf.bg")
  if (missing(fg)) args$fg <- getOption("mapsf.fg")
  if (missing(frame_border)) args$frame_border <- getOption("mapsf.fg")
  if (type == "symb") args <- clean_symb_args(args)
  args[[1]] <- quote(maplegend::leg)
  r <- eval.parent(args)

clean_symb_args <- function(args) {
  if (!is.null(args$pt_pch)) {
    message("pt_pch is deprecated, use pch instead.")
    args$pch <- args$pt_pch
    args$pt_pch <- NULL
  if (!is.null(args$pt_pch_na)) {
    message("pt_pch_na is deprecated, use pch_na instead.")
    args$pch <- args$pt_pch_na
    args$pt_pch_na <- NULL
  if (!is.null(args$pt_cex)) {
    message("pt_cex is deprecated, use cex instead.")
    args$cex <- args$pt_cex
    args$pt_cex <- NULL
  if (!is.null(args$pt_cex_na)) {
    message("pt_cex_na is deprecated, use cex_na instead.")
    args$cex <- args$pt_cex_na
    args$pt_cex_na <- NULL

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mapsf documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:19 p.m.