
Defines functions set_coef.selection get_coef.selection

Documented in get_coef.selection set_coef.selection

# TODO: heckit standard errors are not available because `vcov` is block diagonal with NAs

#' @rdname get_coef
#' @export
get_coef.selection <- function(model, ...) {
    # sampleSelection::selection
    if (as.list(model$call)[[1]] == "selection") {
        out <- model$estimate
    # sampleSelection::heckit
    } else if (as.list(model$call)[[1]] == "heckit") {
        out <- model$coefficients

#' @rdname set_coef
#' @export
set_coef.selection <- function(model, coefs, ...) {
    # sampleSelection::selection
    if (as.list(model$call)[[1]] == "selection") {
        model[["estimate"]] <- coefs
    # sampleSelection::heckit
    } else if (as.list(model$call)[[1]] == "heckit") {
        model[["coefficients"]] <- coefs

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marginaleffects documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:03 a.m.