
Defines functions cond_char2fact_class fact2char char2fact.data.frame char2fact.factor char2fact.character char2fact.default char2fact

Documented in char2fact char2fact.character char2fact.data.frame char2fact.default char2fact.factor fact2char

#' Character to factor
#' Converts characters to factors
#' @param x A vector of characters
#' @param n The limit to the number of unique values for the factor
#' @seealso [fact2char()]
#' @family factors
#' @export
char2fact <- function(x, n = 5) {
  UseMethod("char2fact", x)

#' @rdname char2fact
#' @export
char2fact.default <- function(x, n = 5) {

#' @rdname char2fact
#' @export
char2fact.character <- function(x, n = 5) {
  id <- pseudo_id(x)

  if (length(.uniques(id)) <= n) {
    x <- fact(id)


#' @rdname char2fact
#' @export
char2fact.factor <- function(x, n = 5) {

#' @rdname char2fact
#' @export
char2fact.data.frame <- function(x, n = 5) {
  for (i in which(vap_lgl(x, is.character))) {
    x[[i]] <- char2fact(x[[i]], n)


#' Factor to character
#' Convert factor columns to characters in a `data.frame`
#' @param data A `data.frame`
#' @param threshold A threshold for the number of levels to be met/exceeded for
#'   transforming into a character
#' @returns The `data.frame` `data` with factors converted by the rule above
#' @seealso [char2fact()]
#' @family factors
#' @export
fact2char <- function(data, threshold = 10) {
  # for factors with more than threshold levels, convert back to character
  bad <- lengths(lapply(data, levels)) >= threshold
  data[bad] <- lapply(data[bad], as.character)

# conditions --------------------------------------------------------------

cond_char2fact_class <- function(x) {
    paste("char2fact does not support class", toString(class(x))),

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