
Defines functions remove_style modify_style format.marquee_style_set is_style_set style_set

Documented in modify_style remove_style style_set

#' Create or modify a style set that describes a full markdown text
#' A style set contains information on how to style the various tags in a
#' markdown text. While it is not necessary to provide a style for all tags (it
#' will just inherit the parent if missing), it is required to provide a
#' complete style for the body tag so an option is avialable through inheritance
#' for all tags and all style options. It can often be easier to derive a new
#' style set from an existing one rather than building one from scratch.
#' @param ... Named arguments providing a style for the specific tags. For
#' `modify_style()` a number of style options to change. If the first argument
#' is a marquee style it will overwrite the tag and subsequent arguments are
#' ignored
#' @param style_set A style set to modify
#' @param tag The name of a tag to modify or remove. Tags are internally all
#' lowercase and `tag` will be converted to lowercase before matching
#' @return A `marquee_style_set` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a style
#' s_set <- style_set(base = base_style(), p = style(indent = em(2)))
#' # Modify an existing tag
#' modify_style(s_set, "p", size = 16)
#' # Add a new tag, supplying a full style object
#' modify_style(s_set, "str", style(weight = "bold"))
#' # Same as above, but style object created implicitly
#' modify_style(s_set, "str", weight = "bold")
#' # Remove a tag style
#' remove_style(s_set, "p")
style_set <- function(...) {
  styles <- list2(...)
  if (length(styles) == 0) {
    styles <- list()
  } else {
    if (!is_named2(styles)) {
      cli::cli_abort("All arguments must be named")
    names(styles) <- tolower(names(styles))
    for (i in seq_along(styles)) {
      if (!is_style(styles[[i]])) {
        stop_input_type(styles[[i]], "a marquee style object", arg = names(styles)[i])
    if (is.null(styles$base)) {
      cli::cli_abort("The style must contain a base style")
    if (any(vapply(styles$base, is.null, logical(1)))) {
      cli::cli_abort("The base style must be a complete style specification")
    styles <- list(styles)
  vctrs::new_vctr(styles, class = "marquee_style_set")

is_style_set <- function(x) inherits(x, "marquee_style_set")

#' @export
format.marquee_style_set <- function(x, ...) {
  vapply(vctrs::vec_data(x), function(x) {
    paste0("<", paste0(names(x), collapse = ", "), ">")
  }, character(1))

#' @rdname style_set
#' @export
modify_style <- function(style_set, tag, ...) {
  tag <- tolower(tag)
  if (!is_style_set(style_set)) {
    stop_input_type(style_set, "a style set object")
  tag <- vctrs::vec_recycle(tag, length(style_set))

  opts <- list2(...)
  for (i in seq_along(opts)) {
    opt <- opts[[i]]
    if (is.null(opt) || is_style(opt) || is_modifier(opt) ||
        is_trbl(opt) || inherits(opt, "marquee_skip_inherit") ||
        inherits(opt, "font_feature") || inherits(opt, "GridPattern")) {
      opt <- list(opt)
    opts[[i]] <- vctrs::vec_recycle(opt, length(style_set), x_arg = names(opts)[i])

  args <- names(opts)
  expand <- args %in% c("margin", "padding", "border_size")
  if (any(expand)) {
    args <- c(args[!expand], paste0(rep(args[expand], each = 4), "_", c("top", "right", "bottom", "left")))
  for (i in seq_along(style_set)) {
    if (is_style(opts[[1]][[i]])) {
      if (tag[i] == "base" && any(vapply(opts[[1]][[i]], is.null, logical(1)))) {
        cli::cli_abort("The base tag must be set to a complete style")
      style_set[[i]][[tag[i]]] <- opts[[1]][[i]]
    } else {
      new_style <- inject(style(!!!lapply(opts, `[[`, i)))
      old_style <- style_set[[i]][[tag[i]]]
      if (is.null(old_style)) {
        style_set[[i]][[tag[i]]] <- new_style
      } else {
        if (tag[i] == "base" && any(vapply(new_style[args], is.null, logical(1)))) {
          cli::cli_abort("The base tag cannot have any styles set to {.val NULL}")
        style_set[[i]][[tag[i]]][args] <- new_style[args]


#' @rdname style_set
#' @export
remove_style <- function(style_set, tag) {
  tag <- tolower(tag)
  if (!is_style_set(style_set)) {
    stop_input_type(style_set, "a style set object")
  if (any(tag == "base")) {
    cli::cli_abort("The base style cannot be removed")
  tag <- vctrs::vec_recycle(tag, length(style_set))
  for (i in seq_along(style_set)) {
    style_set[[i]][tag[i]] <- NULL

Try the marquee package in your browser

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marquee documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:13 a.m.