
Defines functions massStandard

Documented in massStandard

#' Creates an object of class \code{"massStandard"}.
#' The object of class \code{"massStandard"} contains the calibration
#' information of a mass standard
#' that is used in routine balance verification (e g. to calculate
#' normalized error. See [normalizedError()]). A version to store
#' information of several mass
#' standards that belong to the same kit is [massStandardKit()].
#' @inheritSection calibCert unitsENV
#' @seealso [massStandardKit()], [normalizedError()]
#' @param nominal nominal mass of the mass standard.
#' @param convMassCor conventional mass correction for the mass standard.
#' @param uncert standard uncertainty of the conventional mass correction.
#' @param units character vector of length 3 with the units of
#'   \code{nominal}, \code{convMass} and \code{uncert}, respectively.
#'   Default is \code{c('g', 'mg', 'mg')}.
#' @param serial serial number of the mass standard or mass standards kit.
#' @param manufacturer character with the manufacturer of the
#'   mass standard or mass standards kit.
#' @param class character with the claimed class of the mass standard or
#'   mass standards kit, according to OIML (2004).
#' @param rho density of the mass standard.
#' @param u_rho Uncertainty in the density of the mass standard.
#' @param unitsrho Units of the density of the mass standard.
#'   Default is \code{'g/cm^3'}.
#' @param partofakit Logical. Is the mass standard part of kit?
#' @inheritParams calibCert
#' @references
#' International Document OIML R 111:
#' Weights of classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M1–2, M2, M2–3 and M3.
#' @return Object of class \code{"massStandard"} with the information of
#'   a calibrated mass standard.
#' @examples
#' singleMS.E2.10g <- massStandard(nominal = 10, convMassCor = 0.001,
#'                                 uncert = 0.1,
#'                                 units = c('g', 'mg', 'mg'))
#' print(singleMS.E2.10g)
#' @export

massStandard <- function(nominal, convMassCor, uncert, units = c('g', 'mg', 'mg'),
                         serial = NULL, manufacturer = NULL, class = NULL,
                         certificate = NULL,
                         traceability = NULL,
                         Temp = NULL, p = NULL, h = NULL,
                         unitsENV = c('deg.C', 'hPa', '%'),
                         expanded = TRUE, k = 2,
                         rho = 8.000, u_rho = 0.060, unitsrho = 'g/cm^3',
                         institution = NULL, date = NULL, add.info = NULL,
                         partofakit = FALSE) {

  massStandard <- list(#standardID = standardID,
                       nominal = nominal,
                       convMassCor = convertMassUnitsSI(from = units[2],
                                                        to = units[1],
                                                        value = convMassCor),
                       convMass = nominal + convertMassUnitsSI(from = units[2],
                                                               to = units[1],
                                                               value = convMassCor),
                       uncert = convertMassUnitsSI(from = units[2],
                                                   to = units[1],
                                                   value = uncert),
                       expandUncert = convertMassUnitsSI(from = units[2],
                                                         to = units[1],
                                                         value = uncert),
                       k = k,
                       standardUnits = units[1], originalUnits = units,
                       rho = rho, u_rho = u_rho, unitsrho = unitsrho,
                       partofakit = partofakit)

  if (expanded) {
    massStandard$uncert <- massStandard$uncert / k
  } else {
    massStandard$expandUncert <- massStandard$expandUncert * k

  if (!missing(serial)) massStandard$serial <- serial
  if (!missing(manufacturer)) massStandard$manufacturer <- manufacturer
  if (!missing(class)) massStandard$class <- class
  if (!missing(certificate)) massStandard$certificate <- certificate
  if (!missing(traceability)) massStandard$traceability <- traceability
  if (!missing(Temp)) massStandard$Temp <- Temp
  if (!missing(p)) massStandard$p <- p
  if (!missing(h)) massStandard$h <- h
  if (!missing(unitsENV)) massStandard$unitsENV <- unitsENV
  if (!missing(rho)) massStandard$rho <- rho
  if (!missing(u_rho)) massStandard$u_rho <- u_rho
  if (!missing(unitsrho)) massStandard$unitsrho <- unitsrho
  if (!missing(institution)) massStandard$institution <- institution
  if (!missing(date)) massStandard$date <- date
  if (!missing(add.info)) massStandard$add.info <- add.info
 #if (!missing()) massStandard$ <-

  class(massStandard) <- 'massStandard'

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masscor documentation built on Sept. 13, 2021, 9:06 a.m.