Man pages for matsindf
Matrices in Data Frames

add_UKEnergy2000_matnamesAdd a column of matrix names to tidy data frame
add_UKEnergy2000_row_col_metaAdd row, column, row type, and column type metadata
build_keep_argsBuild a list of arguments to keep
build_matsindf_apply_data_frameCreate a data frame consisting of the input data for...
collapse_to_matricesCollapse a "tidy" data frame to matrices in a data frame...
dataData pronoun
df_to_msgCreate a message from a data frame
everything_exceptGet symbols for all columns except ...
expand_to_tidyExpand a 'matsindf' data frame
get_useable_default_argsCreate a usable list of default arguments to a function
group_by_everything_exceptGroup by all variables except some
handle_empty_dataGracefully handle empty data
handle_null_argsGracefully handle 'NULL' arguments
index_columnIndex a column in a data frame by groups relative to an...
matrix_colsFind columns that contain matrices
matsindf_applyApply a function to a 'matsindf' data frame (and more)
matsindf_apply_typesDetermine types of '.dat' and '...' arguments for...
mat_to_rowcolvalConvert a matrix to a data frame with rows, columns, and...
pipePipe operator
quasi-quote-assignPipe operator
rowcolval_to_matCollapse a tidy data frame into a matrix with named rows and...
should_unlistTell whether a column can be unlisted
UKEnergy2000Energy consumption in the UK in 2000
verify_cols_missingVerify that column names in a data frame are not already...
where_to_get_argsDecide where to get each argument to FUN
matsindf documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:11 a.m.