
Defines functions evalmcmod

Documented in evalmcmod

evalmcmod <- function(expr, nsv = ndvar(), nsu = ndunc(), seed = NULL)
#TITLE Evaluates a Monte-Carlo model
# Evaluates a \code{\link{mcmodel}} object (or a valid expression) using a specified number of simulations and with (or without) a specified seed.
#KEYWORDS methods
#{expr}<<A model of class \code{\link{mcmodel}} or a valid expression.>>
#{nsv}<<The number of simulations in the dimension of variability used in the evaluation.>>
#{nsu}<<The number of simulations in the dimension of uncertainty used in the evaluation.>>
#{seed}<<The random seed used for the evaluation. If \samp{NULL} the \samp{seed} is unchanged.>>
# The results of the evaluation. It should be a \samp{mc} object.
# The model is evaluated. The intermediate variables used to build the \samp{mc} object are not stored.</>
#The seed is set at the beginning of the evaluation. Thus, the complete similarity
#of two evaluations with similar seed is not certain, depending on the structure of your model.
#\code{\link{evalmccut}} to evaluate high dimension Monte Carlo Model in a loop.

#CREATED 07-08-01
#REVISED 07-08-01
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  Oldv <- ndvar()
  Oldu <- ndunc()
  x <- try({
	  x <- eval(expr)
	  if(!is.mc(x)) stop("expr does not lead to a mc")
    x}, silent=TRUE)

  if(inherits(x,"try-error")) stop(x,call. = FALSE)

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mc2d documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m.