
Defines functions outm

Documented in outm

outm <- function(x,value="each",which.node=1)
#TITLE Output of Nodes
# Changes the output of Nodes
#{x}<<A \samp{mcnode} or a \samp{mc} object.>>
#{value}<<The output of the \samp{mcnode} for multivariates nodes. May be "each" (default)
#if output should be provided for each variates considered independently, "none" for no output
#or a vector of name of function(s) (as a character string) that will be applied on the variates dimension
#before any output (ex: \samp{"mean"}, \samp{"median"}, \samp{c("min","max")}). The function should have no other arguments
#and send one value per vector of values (ex. do not use \samp{"range"}).>>
#{which.node}<<which node should be changed in a \samp{mc} object>>
### since outm = NULL
#x <- outm(total$xVUM2,c("min"))

#\samp{x} with a modified \samp{outm} attribute.

  if(is.character(value)  && (value == "none" || value == "each" | all(sapply(value,exists,mode="function")))){

  if(inherits(x,"mcnode"))  attr(x,which="outm") <- value
      else if(inherits(x,"mc")) {
        if(is.character(which.node)) which.node <- which(names(x) %in% which.node)
        attr(x[which.node],which="outm") <- value}
  else stop("value should be 'none','each' or the name a valid function")

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mc2d documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m.