
Defines functions mccf1 autoplot.mccf1 summary.mccf1

Documented in autoplot.mccf1 mccf1 summary.mccf1

#' Perform MCCF1 analysis
#' `mccf1()` performs MCC (Matthews correlation coefficient)-F1 analysis for paired vectors
#' of binary response classes and fractional prediction scores representing the performance of
#' a binary classification task.
#' @param response numeric vector representing ground truth classes (0 or 1).
#' @param predictor numeric vector representing prediction scores (in the range [0,1]).
#' @return S3 object of class "mccf1", a list with the following members: `thresholds`: vector of
#' doubles describing the thresholds; `normalized_mcc`: vector of doubles representing normalized
#' MCC for each threshold; `f1`: vector of doubles representing F1 for each threshold.
#' @examples
#' response <- c(rep(1L, 1000L), rep(0L, 10000L))
#' set.seed(2017)
#' predictor <- c(rbeta(300L, 12, 2), rbeta(700L, 3, 4), rbeta(10000L, 2, 3))
#' x <- mccf1(response, predictor)
#' head(x$thresholds)
#' # [1]  Inf 0.9935354 0.9931493 0.9930786 0.9925507 0.9900520
#' head(x$normalized_mcc)
#' # [1]  NaN 0.5150763 0.5213220 0.5261152 0.5301566 0.5337177
#' head(x$f1)
#' # [1]  NaN 0.001998002 0.003992016 0.005982054 0.007968127 0.009950249

#' @export
mccf1 <- function(response, predictor){
  # get a performance object based on the classification
  pred <- ROCR::prediction(predictor, response)
  perf <- ROCR::performance(pred, measure = "mat", x.measure = "f")
  # get MCC (Matthews correlation coefficient)
  mcc <- attr(perf, "y.values")[[1]]
  # get normalised MCC: change the range of MCC from [-1, 1] to [0, 1]
  mcc.nor <- (mcc + 1) / 2
  # get F1 score
  f1 <- attr(perf, "x.values")[[1]]
  # get the thresholds
  thresholds <- attr(perf, "alpha.values")[[1]]

  res = list(normalized_mcc = mcc.nor, f1 = f1, thresholds = thresholds)

#' Plot the MCC-F1 curve
#' `autoplot.mccf1()` plots the MCC-F1 curve using ggplot2.
#' @param object S3 object of class "mccf1" from the `mccf1()`
#' @param xlab,ylab x- and y- axis annotation (default: "F1 score","normalized MCC")
#' @param ... further arguments passed to and from method `ggplot()`
#' @return the ggplots object
#' @examples
#' response <- c(rep(1, 1000), rep(0, 10000))
#' predictor <- c(rbeta(300, 12, 2), rbeta(700, 3, 4), rbeta(10000, 2, 3))
#' autoplot(mccf1(response, predictor))

#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
autoplot.mccf1 <- function(object, xlab = "F1 score", ylab = "normalized MCC", ...){
  mcc.nor_truncated <- object$normalized_mcc[2: (length(object$normalized_mcc) - 1)]
  f_truncated <- object$f1[2: (length(object$f1) - 1)]

  f <- m <- NULL

  mccf1_df <- data.frame(f = f_truncated,  m = mcc.nor_truncated)

  # plot the MCC-F1 curve
  ggplot2::ggplot(mccf1_df, ggplot2::aes(x = f, y = m, ymin = 0, ymax = 1, xmin = 0, xmax = 1)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(size = 0.2, shape = 21, fill = "white")+
    ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))+
    ggplot2::coord_equal(ratio = 1)+
    ggplot2::labs(x = xlab, y = ylab)


#' Summarize the the performance of a binary classification using MCC-F1 metric and the best threshold
#' `summary.mccf1()` calculates the MCC-F1 metric and the best threshold for a binary classification.
#' @param object S3 object of class "mccf1" object resulting from the function `mccf1()`
#' @param digits integer, used for number formatting with \code{\link[base]{signif}}
#' @param bins integer, representing number of bins used to divide up the range of normalized MCC
#' when calculating the MCC-F1 metric (default = 100L)
#' @param ... other arguments ignored (for compatibility with generic)
#' @return data.frame that shows the MCC-F1 metric (in the range [0,1]) and the best threshold (in the range [0,1])
#' @examples
#' response <- c(rep(1L, 1000L), rep(0L, 10000L))
#' set.seed(2017)
#' predictor <- c(rbeta(300L, 12, 2), rbeta(700L, 3, 4), rbeta(10000L, 2, 3))
#' \dontrun{summary(mccf1(response, predictor))}
#' # mccf1_metric best_threshold
#' #    0.3508904       0.786905
#' summary(mccf1(response, predictor), bins = 50)
#' # mccf1_metric best_threshold
#' #    0.3432971       0.786905
#' \dontrun{summary(mccf1(response, predictor), digits = 3)}
#' # mccf1_metric best_threshold
#' #    0.351          0.787

#' @export
summary.mccf1 <- function(object, digits, bins = 100, ...){
  # get rid of NaN values in the vectors of mcc.nor and F1
  mcc.nor_truncated <- object$normalized_mcc[2: (length(object$normalized_mcc) - 1)]
  f_truncated <- object$f1[2: (length(object$f1) - 1)]

  # get the index of the point with largest normalized MCC ("point" refers to the point on the MCC-F1 curve)
  index_of_max_mcc <- which.max(mcc.nor_truncated)
  # define points on the MCC-F1 curve located on the left of the point with the highest normalized MCC as "left curve"
  # get the left curve by getting the subvectors of MCC and F1 up to the index of the largest normalized MCC
  mcc_left <- mcc.nor_truncated[1: index_of_max_mcc]
  f_left <- f_truncated[1: index_of_max_mcc]
  # define points on the MCC-F1 curve located on the right of the point with the highest normalized MCC as "right curve"
  # get the right curve by getting the subvectors of MCC and F1 after the index of the largest normalized MCC
  mcc_right <- mcc.nor_truncated[(index_of_max_mcc + 1): length(mcc.nor_truncated)]
  f_right <- f_truncated[(index_of_max_mcc + 1): length(f_truncated)]

  # divide the range of normalized MCC into subranges
  unit_len <- (max(mcc.nor_truncated) - min(mcc.nor_truncated)) / bins
  # calculate the sum of mean distances from the left curve to the point (1, 1)
  mean_distances_left <- 0
  for (i in 1: bins){
    # find all the points on the left curve with normalized MCC between unit_len*(i-1) and unit_len*i
    pos1 <- which(mcc_left >= min(mcc.nor_truncated) + (i-1) * unit_len)
    pos2 <- which(mcc_left <= min(mcc.nor_truncated) + i * unit_len)
    pos <- c()
    for (index in pos1){
      if  (index %in% pos2){
        pos <- c(pos, index)
    sum_of_distance_within_subrange <- 0
    for (index in pos){
      d <- sqrt((mcc_left[index] - 1)^2 + (f_left[index] - 1)^2)
      sum_of_distance_within_subrange <- sum_of_distance_within_subrange + d
    mean_distances_left <- c(mean_distances_left, sum_of_distance_within_subrange / length(pos))

  # get rid of NAs in mean_distances_left and sum the mean distances
  num_of_na_left <- sum(is.na(mean_distances_left))
  sum_of_mean_distances_left_no_na <- sum(mean_distances_left, na.rm = T)

  # calculate the sum of mean distances from the right curve to the point (1, 1)
  mean_distances_right <- 0
  for (i in 1: bins){
    # find all the points on the right curve with normalized MCC between unit_len*(i-1) and unit_len*i
    pos1 <- which(mcc_right >= min(mcc.nor_truncated) + (i-1) * unit_len)
    pos2 <- which(mcc_right <= min(mcc.nor_truncated) + i * unit_len)
    pos <- c()
    for (index in pos1){
      if  (index %in% pos2){
        pos <- c(pos, index)
    sum_of_distance_within_subrange <- 0
    for (index in pos){
      d <- sqrt((mcc_right[index] - 1)^2 + (f_right[index] - 1)^2)
      sum_of_distance_within_subrange  <-  sum_of_distance_within_subrange + d
    mean_distances_right <- c(mean_distances_right, sum_of_distance_within_subrange / length(pos))

  # get rid of NAs in mean_distances_right and sum the mean distances
  num_of_na_right <- sum(is.na(mean_distances_right))
  sum_of_mean_distances_right_no_na <- sum(mean_distances_right, na.rm = T)

  # calculate the MCC-F1 metric
  mccf1_metric <- 1 - ((sum_of_mean_distances_left_no_na + sum_of_mean_distances_right_no_na) / (bins*2 - num_of_na_right - num_of_na_left)) / sqrt(2)

  # find the best threshold
  eu_distance = c()
  for (i in (1: length(mcc.nor_truncated))){
    eu_distance <- c(eu_distance, sqrt((1 - mcc.nor_truncated[i])^2 + (1 - f_truncated[i])^2))

  best_threshold <- object$thresholds[2 : (length(object$thresholds) - 1)][match(min(eu_distance, na.rm = T), eu_distance)]

  # output of the function is the MCC-F1 metric and the top threshold
  if (!missing(digits)){
    mccf1_result <- data.frame(mccf1_metric = signif(mccf1_metric, digits), best_threshold = signif(best_threshold, digits))
  } else{
    mccf1_result <- data.frame(mccf1_metric = mccf1_metric, best_threshold = best_threshold)
  print(mccf1_result, row.names = FALSE)

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mccf1 documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 1:07 a.m.