A quick tour of mclustAddons

opts_chunk$set(fig.align = "center", 
               out.width = "80%",
               fig.width = 7, 
               fig.height = 6,
               dev.args = list(pointsize=12),
               par = TRUE, # needed for setting hook 
               collapse = TRUE, # collapse input & output code in chunks
               warning = FALSE)

knit_hooks$set(par = function(before, options, envir)
  { if(before && options$fig.show != "none") 
       par(family = "sans", mar=c(4.1,4.1,1.1,1.1), mgp=c(3,1,0), tcl=-0.5)
set.seed(1) # for exact reproducibility


mclustAddons is a contributed R package that extends the functionality available in the mclust package (Scrucca et al. 2016).
In particular, the following methods are included:

This document gives a quick tour of mclustAddons (version r packageVersion("mclustAddons")). It was written in R Markdown, using the knitr package for production.

References on the methodologies implemented are provided at the end of this document.


Density estimation for data with bounded support

Univariate case with lower bound

x <- rchisq(200, 3)
xgrid <- seq(-2, max(x), length=1000)
f <- dchisq(xgrid, 3)  # true density
dens <- densityMclustBounded(x, lbound = 0)
summary(dens, parameters = TRUE)
plot(dens, what = "density")
lines(xgrid, f, lty = 2)
plot(dens, what = "density", data = x, breaks = 15)

Univariate case with lower & upper bounds

x <- rbeta(200, 5, 1.5)
xgrid <- seq(-0.1, 1.1, length=1000)
f <- dbeta(xgrid, 5, 1.5)  # true density
dens <- densityMclustBounded(x, lbound = 0, ubound = 1)
summary(dens, parameters = TRUE)
plot(dens, what = "density")
plot(dens, what = "density", data = x, breaks = 11)

Bivariate case with lower bounds

x1 <- rchisq(200, 3)
x2 <- 0.5*x1 + sqrt(1-0.5^2)*rchisq(200, 5)
x <- cbind(x1, x2)
dens <- densityMclustBounded(x, lbound = c(0,0))
summary(dens, parameters = TRUE)
plot(dens, what = "BIC")
plot(dens, what = "density")
points(x, cex = 0.3)
abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)
plot(dens, what = "density", type = "hdr")
abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)
plot(dens, what = "density", type = "persp")

Suicide data

The data consist in the lengths of 86 spells of psychiatric treatment undergone by control patients in a suicide study (Silverman, 1986).

dens <- densityMclustBounded(suicide, lbound = 0)
summary(dens, parameters = TRUE)
plot(dens, what = "density", 
     lwd = 2, col = "dodgerblue2",
     data = suicide, breaks = 15, 
     xlab = "Length of psychiatric treatment")

Racial data

This dataset provides the proportion of white student enrollment in 56 school districts in Nassau County (Long Island, New York), for the 1992-1993 school year (Simonoff 1996, Sec. 3.2).

x <- racial$PropWhite
dens <- densityMclustBounded(x, lbound = 0, ubound = 1)
summary(dens, parameters = TRUE)
plot(dens, what = "density", 
     lwd = 2, col = "dodgerblue2",
     data = x, breaks = 15, 
     xlab = "Proportion of white student enrolled in schools")

Modal clustering using MEM algorithm for Gaussian mixtures

Simulated datasets

GMM <- Mclust(ex4.1)
plot(GMM, what = "classification")
MEM <- MclustMEM(GMM)
plot(MEM, addPoints = FALSE)
GMM <- Mclust(ex4.4.2)
plot(GMM, what = "classification")
MEM <- MclustMEM(GMM)
plot(MEM, addDensity = FALSE)

Entropy estimation

Simulated data

Univariate Gaussian

EntropyGauss(1)       # population entropy
x = rnorm(1000)       # generate sample
EntropyGauss(var(x))  # sample entropy assuming Gaussian distribution
mod = densityMclust(x, plot = FALSE)
EntropyGMM(mod)       # GMM-based entropy estimate
plot(mod, what = "density", data = x, breaks = 31); rug(x)

Univariate Mixed-Gaussian\ Consider the mixed-Gaussian distribution $f(x) = 0.5 \times N(-2,1) + 0.5 \times N(2,1)$, whose entropy is 2.051939 in the population.

cl = rbinom(1000, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
x = ifelse(cl == 1, rnorm(1000, 2, 1), rnorm(1000, -2, 1))   # generate sample
mod = densityMclust(x, plot = FALSE)
EntropyGMM(mod)       # GMM-based entropy estimate
plot(mod, what = "density", data = x, breaks = 31); rug(x)

Multivariate Chi-squared\ Consider a 10-dimensional independent $\chi^2$ distribution, whose entropy is 24.23095 in the population.

x = matrix(rchisq(1000*10, df = 5), nrow = 1000, ncol = 10)
mod1 = densityMclust(x, plot = FALSE)
EntropyGMM(mod1)      # GMM-based entropy estimate, not too bad but...
mod2 = densityMclustBounded(x, lbound = rep(0,10))
EntropyGMM(mod2)      # much more accurate

Faithful data

mod = densityMclust(faithful, plot = FALSE)
EntropyGMM(mod)       # GMM-based entropy estimate
# or provide the data and fit GMM implicitly

Iris data

mod = densityMclust(iris[,1:4], plot = FALSE)
EntropyGMM(mod)       # GMM-based entropy estimate


Scrucca L., Fop M., Murphy T. B. and Raftery A. E. (2016) mclust 5: clustering, classification and density estimation using Gaussian finite mixture models. The R Journal 8/1, pp. 289-317. https://doi.org/10.32614/RJ-2016-021

Scrucca L. (2019) A transformation-based approach to Gaussian mixture density estimation for bounded data, Biometrical Journal, 61:4, 873–888. https://doi.org/10.1002/bimj.201800174

Scrucca L. (2021) A fast and efficient Modal EM algorithm for Gaussian mixtures. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 14:4, 305–314. https://doi.org/10.1002/sam.11527

Robin S. and Scrucca L. (2023) Mixture-based estimation of entropy. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 177, 107582. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2022.107582


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mclustAddons documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 5:21 p.m.