soil: Soil initialization

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soilR Documentation

Soil initialization


Initializes soil parameters and state variables for its use in simulations.


soil(SoilParams, VG_PTF = "Toth", W = as.numeric(c(1)), SWE = 0)

## S3 method for class 'soil'
print(x, model = "SX", ...)



A data frame of soil parameters (see an example in defaultSoilParams).


Pedotransfer functions to obtain parameters for the van Genuchten-Mualem equations. Either "Carsel" (Carsel and Parrish 1988) or "Toth" (Toth et al. 2015).


A numerical vector with the initial relative water content of each soil layer.


Initial snow water equivalent of the snow pack on the soil surface (mm).


An object of class soil.


Either 'SX' or 'VG' for Saxton or Van Genuchten pedotransfer models.


Additional parameters to print.


Function print prompts a description of soil characteristics and state variables (water content and temperature) according to a water retention curve (either Saxton's or Van Genuchten's). Volume at field capacity is calculated assuming a soil water potential equal to -0.033 MPa. Parameter Temp is initialized as missing for all soil layers.


Function soil returns a list of class soil with the following elements:

  • SoilDepth: Soil depth (in mm).

  • W: State variable with relative water content of each layer (in as proportion relative to FC).

  • Temp: State variable with temperature (in ºC) of each layer.

  • Ksoil: Kappa parameter for bare soil evaporation.

  • Gsoil: Gamma parameter for bare soil evaporation (see hydrology_soilEvaporationAmount).

  • dVec: Width of soil layers (in mm).

  • sand: Sand percentage for each layer (in percent volume).

  • clay: Clay percentage for each layer (in percent volume).

  • om: Organic matter percentage for each layer (in percent volume).

  • VG_alpha, VG_n, VG_theta_res, VG_theta_sat: Parameters for van Genuchten's pedotransfer functions, for each layer, corresponding to the USDA texture type.

  • Ksat: Saturated soil conductivity for each layer (estimated using function soil_saturatedConductivitySX.

  • macro: Macroporosity for each layer (estimated using Stolf et al. 2011).

  • rfc: Percentage of rock fragment content for each layer.

  • Kdrain: Saturated vertical hydraulic conductivity (mm/day) (i.e. how easy is deep drainage towards groundwater). Function soil estimates it as a function of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, but should be parametrized as a function of bedrock material.


Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa, CREAF


Carsel, R.F., and Parrish, R.S. 1988. Developing joint probability distributions of soil water retention characteristics. Water Resources Research 24: 755–769.

Tóth, B., Weynants, M., Nemes, A., Makó, A., Bilas, G., and Tóth, G. 2015. New generation of hydraulic pedotransfer functions for Europe. European Journal of Soil Science 66: 226–238.

Stolf, R., Thurler, A., Oliveira, O., Bacchi, S., Reichardt, K., 2011. Method to estimate soil macroporosity and microporosity based on sand content and bulk density. Rev. Bras. Ciencias do Solo 35, 447–459.

See Also

soil_psi2thetaSX, soil_psi2thetaVG, spwb, defaultSoilParams


# Initializes soil
s = soil(defaultSoilParams())

# Prints soil characteristics according to Saxton's water retention curve
print(s, model="SX")

# Prints soil characteristics according to Van Genuchten's water retention curve
print(s, model="VG")

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