REmargins: Calculate the predicted value for each observation across the...

View source: R/REmargins.R

REmarginsR Documentation

Calculate the predicted value for each observation across the distribution of the random effect terms.


REmargins calculates the average predicted value for each row of a new data frame across the distribution of expectedRank for a merMod object. This allows the user to make meaningful comparisons about the influence of random effect terms on the scale of the response variable, for user-defined inputs, and accounting for the variability in grouping terms.


  newdata = NULL,
  groupFctr = NULL,
  term = NULL,
  breaks = 4,
  .parallel = FALSE,



An object of class merMod


a data frame of observations to calculate group-level differences for


The name of the grouping factor over which the random coefficient of interest varies. This is the variable to the right of the pipe, |, in the [g]lmer formula. This parameter is optional, if not specified, it will perform the calculation for the first effect listed by ranef. If the length is > 1 then the combined effect of all listed groups will calculated and marginalized over co-occurences of those groups if desired.


The name of the random coefficient of interest. This is the variable to the left of the pipe, |, in the [g]lmer formula. Partial matching is attempted on the intercept term so the following character strings will all return rankings based on the intercept (provided that they do not match the name of another random coefficient for that factor): c("(Intercept)", "Int", "intercep", ...).


an integer representing the number of bins to divide the group effects into, the default is 3.


logical should parallel computation be used, default is TRUE


additional arguments to pass to predictInterval


The function simulates the

The function predicts the response at every level in the random effect term specified by the user. Then, the expected rank of each group level is binned to the number of bins specified by the user. Finally, a weighted mean of the fitted value for all observations in each bin of the expected ranks is calculated using the inverse of the variance as the weight – so that less precise estimates are downweighted in the calculation of the mean for the bin. Finally, a standard error for the bin mean is calculated.


A data.frame with all unique combinations of the number of cases, rows in the newdata element:


The columns of the original data taken from newdata


The row number of the observation from newdata. Each row in newdata will be repeated for all unique levels of the grouping_var, term, and breaks.


The grouping variable the random effect is being marginalized over.


The term for the grouping variable the random effect is being marginalized over.


The ntile of the effect size for grouping_var and term


The original grouping value for this case


The predicted value from predictInterval for this case simulated at the Nth ntile of the expected rank distribution of grouping_var and term


The upper bound of the predicted value.


The lower bound of the predicted value.


For each grouping term in newdata the predicted value is decomposed into its fit components via predictInterval and these are all returned here


The upper bound for the effect of each grouping term


The lower bound for the effect of each grouping term


The predicted fit with all the grouping terms set to 0 (average)


The upper bound fit with all the grouping terms set to 0 (average)


The lower bound fit with all the grouping terms set to 0 (average)


Gatz, DF and Smith, L. The Standard Error of a Weighted Mean Concentration. I. Bootstrapping vs other methods. Atmospheric Environment. 1995;11(2)1185-1193. Available at

Cochran, WG. 1977. Sampling Techniques (3rd Edition). Wiley, New York.

See Also

expectedRank, predictInterval


fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
mfx <- REmargins(merMod = fm1, newdata = sleepstudy[1:10,])

# You can also pass additional arguments to predictInterval through REimpact
 g1 <- lmer(y ~ lectage + studage + (1|d) + (1|s), data=InstEval)
 margin_df <- REmargins(g1, newdata = InstEval[20:25, ], groupFctr = c("s"),
                        breaks = 4)
 margin_df <- REmargins(g1, newdata = InstEval[20:25, ], groupFctr = c("d"),
                         breaks = 3)

merTools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:05 a.m.