Man pages for metaSEM
Meta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling

Aloe14Multivariate effect sizes between classroom management...
anovaCompare Nested Models with Likelihood Ratio Statistic
as.mxAlgebraConvert a Character Matrix into MxAlgebra-class
as.mxMatrixConvert a Matrix into MxMatrix-class
as.symMatrixConvert a Character Matrix with Starting Values to a...
asyCovCompute Asymptotic Covariance Matrix of a...
BCGDataset on the Effectiveness of the BCG Vaccine for...
bdiagMatCreate a Block Diagonal Matrix
bdiagRepCreate a Block Diagonal Matrix by Repeating the Input
Becker09Ten Studies of Correlation Matrices used by Becker (2009)
Becker83Studies on Sex Differences in Conformity Reported by Becker...
Becker92Six Studies of Correlation Matrices reported by Becker (1992;...
Becker94Five Studies of Ten Correlation Matrices reported by Becker...
Berkey98Five Published Trails from Berkey et al. (1998)
Boer16Correlation Matrices from Boer et al. (2016)
bootuniR1Parametric bootstrap on the univariate R (uniR) object
bootuniR2Fit Models on the bootstrapped correlation matrices
Bornmann07A Dataset from Bornmann et al. (2007)
calEffSizesCalculate Effect Sizes using lavaan Models
checkRAMCheck the correctness of the RAM formulation
Cheung00Fifty Studies of Correlation Matrices used in Cheung and Chan...
Cheung09A Dataset from TSSEM User's Guide Version 1.11 by Cheung...
coefExtract Parameter Estimates from various classes.
Cooke16Correlation Matrices from Cooke et al. (2016)
Cooper03Selected effect sizes from Cooper et al. (2003)
Cor2DataFrameConvert correlation or covariance matrices into a dataframe...
create.FmatrixCreate an F matrix to select observed variables
create.modMatrixCreate a moderator matrix used in OSMASEM
create.mxMatrixCreate a Vector into MxMatrix-class
create.mxModelCreate an mxModel
create.Tau2Create a variance component of the heterogeneity of the...
create.VCreate a V-known matrix
create.vechsRCreate a model implied correlation matrix with implicit...
DiagMatrix Diagonals
Digman97Factor Correlation Matrices of Big Five Model from Digman...
Gleser94Two Datasets from Gleser and Olkin (1994)
Gnambs18Correlation Matrices from Gnambs, Scharl, and Schroeders...
HedgesOlkin85Effects of Open Education Reported by Hedges and Olkin (1985)
homoStatTest the Homogeneity of Effect Sizes
Hox02Simulated Effect Sizes Reported by Hox (2002)
Hunter83Fourteen Studies of Correlation Matrices reported by Hunter...
impliedRCreate or Generate the Model Implied Correlation or...
indirectEffectEstimate the asymptotic covariance matrix of standardized or...
is.pdTest Positive Definiteness of a List of Square Matrices
issp05A Dataset from ISSP (2005)
issp89A Dataset from Cheung and Chan (2005; 2009)
Jaramillo05Dataset from Jaramillo, Mulki & Marshall (2005)
Kalaian96Multivariate effect sizes reported by Kalaian and Raudenbush...
lavaan2RAMConvert 'lavaan' models to RAM models
list2matrixConvert a List of Symmetric Matrices into a Stacked Matrix
Mak09Eight studies from Mak et al. (2009)
Mathieu15Correlation Matrices from Mathieu et al. (2015)
matrix2bdiagConvert a Matrix into a Block Diagonal Matrix
metaUnivariate and Multivariate Meta-Analysis with Maximum...
meta2semPlotConvert 'metaSEM' objects into 'semPlotModel' objects for...
meta3LThree-Level Univariate Meta-Analysis with Maximum Likelihood...
metaSEM-packageMeta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling
Nam03Dataset on the Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) on...
Nohe15Correlation Matrices from Nohe et al. (2015)
Norton13Studies on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Reported...
osmasemOne-stage meta-analytic structural equation modeling
osmasemR2Calculate the R2 in OSMASEM and OSMASEM3L
osmasemSRMRCalculate the SRMR in OSMASEM and OSMASEM3L
pattern.nDisplay the Accumulative Sample Sizes for the Covariance...
pattern.naDisplay the Pattern of Missing Data of a List of Square...
plotPlot methods for various objects
printPrint Methods for various Objects
rCorGenerate (Nested) Sample/Population Correlation/Covariance...
readDataRead External Correlation/Covariance Matrices
remlEstimate Variance Components with Restricted (Residual)...
reml3LEstimate Variance Components in Three-Level Univariate...
rerunRerun models via mxTryHard()
Roorda11Studies on Students' School Engagement and Achievement...
Scalco17Correlation Matrices from Scalco et al. (2017)
smdMESCompute Effect Sizes for Multiple End-point Studies
smdMTSCompute Effect Sizes for Multiple Treatment Studies
Stadler15Correlations from Stadler et al. (2015)
summarySummary Method for tssem1, wls, meta, and meta3LFIML Objects
Tenenbaum02Correlation coefficients reported by Tenenbaum and Leaper...
tssem1First Stage of the Two-Stage Structural Equation Modeling...
tssemParaVarEstimate the heterogeneity (SD) of the parameter estimates of...
uniR1First Stage analysis of the univariate R (uniR) approach
uniR2Second Stage analysis of the univariate R (uniR) approach
vanderPol17Dataset on the effectiveness of multidimensional family...
VarCorrExtract Variance-Covariance Matrix of the Random Effects
vcovExtract Covariance Matrix Parameter Estimates from Objects of...
vec2symMatConvert a Vector into a Symmetric Matrix
wlsConduct a Correlation/Covariance Structure Analysis with WLS
wvs94aForty-four Studies from Cheung (2013)
wvs94bForty-four Covariance Matrices on Life Satisfaction, Job...
metaSEM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:41 a.m.