
Defines functions check_variables check_ct_data get_bad_ct check_ct_col

Documented in check_ct_col check_ct_data check_variables get_bad_ct

#' Check Control Terminology for a Single Column
#' This function checks the column in the dataset only contains the control
#' terminology as defined by the metacore specification
#' @param data Data to check
#' @param metacore A metacore object to get the codelist from. If the variable
#'   has different codelists for different datasets the metacore object will
#'   need to be subsetted using `select_dataset` from the metacore package.
#' @param var Name of variable to check
#' @param na_acceptable Logical value, set to `NULL` by default, so the
#'   acceptability of missing values is based on if the core for the variable is
#'   "Required" in the `metacore` object. If set to `TRUE` then will pass check
#'   if values are in the control terminology or are missing. If set to
#'   `FALSE`then NA will not be acceptable.
#' @importFrom metacore get_control_term
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @return Given data if column only contains control terms. If not, will error
#'   given the values which should not be in the column
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(metacore)
#' library(haven)
#' library(magrittr)
#' load(metacore_example("pilot_ADaM.rda"))
#' spec <- metacore %>% select_dataset("ADSL")
#' data <- read_xpt(metatools_example("adsl.xpt"))
#' check_ct_col(data, spec, TRT01PN)
#' check_ct_col(data, spec, "TRT01PN")
check_ct_col <- function(data, metacore, var, na_acceptable = NULL) {
   bad_vals <- get_bad_ct(data = data, metacore = metacore,
                          var = {{var}}, na_acceptable = na_acceptable)
  if(length(bad_vals) == 0){
  } else {
     extra <- bad_vals %>%
        paste0("'", ., "'") %>%
        paste0(collapse = ", ")
     stop(paste("The following values should not be present:\n", extra))

#' Gets vector of control terminology which should be there
#' This function checks the column in the dataset only contains the control
#' terminology as defined by the metacore specification. It will return all
#' values not found in the control terminology
#' @param data Data to check
#' @param metacore A metacore object to get the codelist from. If the variable
#'   has different codelists for different datasets the metacore object will
#'   need to be subsetted using `select_dataset` from the metacore package.
#' @param var Name of variable to check
#' @param na_acceptable Logical value, set to `NULL` by default, so the
#'   acceptability of missing values is based on if the core for the variable is
#'   "Required" in the `metacore` object. If set to `TRUE` then will pass check
#'   if values are in the control terminology or are missing. If set to
#'   `FALSE`then NA will not be acceptable.e
#' @return vector
#' @importFrom metacore get_control_term
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @export
get_bad_ct <- function(data, metacore, var, na_acceptable = NULL){
   col_name_str <- as_label(enexpr(var)) %>%
   if (!col_name_str %in% names(data)) {
      stop(paste(col_name_str, "not found in dataset. Please check and try again"), call. = FALSE)
   ct <- get_control_term(metacore, {{ var }})
   if (is.vector(ct)) {
      check <- ct
   } else if ("code" %in% names(ct)) {
      check <- ct %>% pull(code)
   } else {
      stop("We currently don't have the ability to check against external libraries", call. = FALSE)
   core <- metacore$ds_vars %>%
      filter(variable == col_name_str) %>%
   attr(core, "label") <- NULL
   test <- ifelse(is.null(na_acceptable), !identical(core, "Required"), na_acceptable)
   if (test) {
      if (all(is.character(check))) {
         check <- c(check, NA_character_, "")
      } else {
         check <- c(check, NA)
   test <- pull(data, {{ var }}) %in% check
   pull(data, {{ var }})[!test] %>%

#' Check Control Terminology for a Dataset
#' This function checks that all columns in the dataset only contains the
#' control terminology as defined by the metacore specification
#' @param data Dataset to check
#' @param metacore metacore object that contains the specifications for the
#'   dataset of interest. If any variable has different codelists for different
#'   datasets the metacore object will need to be subsetted using
#'   `select_dataset` from the metacore package.
#' @param na_acceptable Logical value, set to `NULL` by default, so the
#'   acceptability of missing values is based on if the core for the variable is
#'   "Required" in the `metacore` object. If set to `TRUE` then will
#'   pass check if values are in the control terminology or are missing. If set
#'   to `FALSE`then NA will not be acceptable.
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl map safely discard
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull select inner_join
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove
#' @return Given data if all columns pass. It will error otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(haven)
#' library(metacore)
#' library(magrittr)
#' load(metacore_example("pilot_ADaM.rda"))
#' spec <- metacore %>% select_dataset("ADSL")
#' data <- read_xpt(metatools_example("adsl.xpt"))
#' check_ct_data(data, spec)
check_ct_data <- function(data, metacore, na_acceptable = NULL) {
  codes_in_data <- metacore$value_spec %>%
    filter(variable %in% names(data), !is.na(code_id)) %>%
    pull(code_id) %>%
  # Remove any codes that have external libraries
  codes_to_check <- metacore$codelist %>%
    filter(type != "external_library", code_id %in% codes_in_data) %>%
  # convert list of codes to variables
  cols_to_check <- metacore$value_spec %>%
    inner_join(codes_to_check, by = "code_id", multiple = "all") %>%
    filter(variable %in% names(data)) %>%
    pull(variable) %>%
  # send all variables through check_ct_col
  safe_chk <- safely(check_ct_col)
  results <- cols_to_check %>%
    map(function(x) {
       out <- safe_chk(data, metacore, {{ x }}, na_acceptable)
  # Write out warning message
  test <- map_lgl(results, is.null)
  if (all(test)) {
  } else {
     extras <- results %>%
        discard(is.null) %>%
        map(~.$message) %>%
        unlist() %>%
        str_remove("The following values should not be present:\n\\s")
     unique_test <- extras %>%
        keep(~str_detect(., "does not have a unique control term"))
     if(length(unique_test) > 0){
        stop(paste0(unique_test, collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
     message <- paste0(cols_to_check[!test], " (", extras, ")") %>%
        paste0(collapse = "\n")
       "The following variables contained values not found in the control terminology
       Variable (Prohibited Value(s))\n",
         call. = FALSE)

#' Check Variable Names
#' This function checks the variables in the dataset against the variables
#' defined in the metacore specifications. If everything matches the function
#' will return `TRUE` and a message starting everything is as expected. If there
#' are additional or missing variables and error will explain the discrepancies
#' @param data Dataset to check
#' @param metacore metacore object that only contains the specifications for the
#'   dataset of interest.
#' @param dataset_name Optional string to specify the dataset. This is only
#'   needed if the metacore object provided hasn't already been subsetted.
#' @return message if the dataset matches the specification and the dataset, and error otherwise
#' @export
#' @importFrom metacore select_dataset
#' @importFrom purrr discard
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @examples
#' library(haven)
#' library(metacore)
#' library(magrittr)
#' load(metacore_example("pilot_ADaM.rda"))
#' spec <- metacore %>% select_dataset("ADSL")
#' data <- read_xpt(metatools_example("adsl.xpt"))
#' check_variables(data, spec)
check_variables <- function(data, metacore, dataset_name = NULL) {
  metacore <- make_lone_dataset(metacore, dataset_name)
  var_list <- metacore$ds_vars %>%
     filter(is.na(supp_flag) | !(supp_flag)) %>%
  missing <- var_list %>%
    discard(~ . %in% names(data))
  extra <- names(data) %>%
    discard(~ . %in% var_list)
  if (length(missing) == 0 & length(extra) == 0) {
    message("No missing or extra variables")
  } else if (length(missing) > 0 & length(extra) > 0) {
      "The following variables are missing:\n",
      paste0(missing, collapse = "\n"),
      "\nThe following variables do not belong:\n",
      paste0(extra, collapse = "\n")
  } else if (length(missing) > 0) {
      "The following variables are missing:\n",
      paste0(missing, collapse = "\n")
  } else {
      "The following variables do not belong:\n",
      paste0(extra, collapse = "\n")

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metatools documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:19 p.m.