
Defines functions multiLinker

Documented in multiLinker

#' Run multiple simulations and calculations to test metric + null performance
#' This function runs multiple iterations of the linker function, saving results to file.
#' @param no.taxa The desired number of species in the input phylogeny
#' @param arena.length A numeric, specifying the length of a single side of the arena
#' @param mean.log.individuals Mean log of abundance vector from which species abundances
#' will be drawn
#' @param length.parameter Length of vector from which species' locations are drawn. Large
#' values of this parameter dramatically decrease the speed of the function but result in
#' nicer looking communities
#' @param sd.parameter Standard deviation of vector from which species' locations are 
#' drawn
#' @param max.distance The geographic distance within which neighboring
#' individuals should be considered to influence the individual in question
#' @param proportion.killed The percent of individuals in the total arena that should be
#' considered (as a proportion, e.g. 0.5 = half)
#' @param competition.iterations Number of generations over which to run competition 
#' simulations
#' @param no.plots Number of plots to place
#' @param plot.length Length of one side of desired plot
#' @param concat.by Whether to concatenate the randomizations by richness, plot or both
#' @param randomizations The number of randomized CDMs, per null, to generate. These are
#' used to compare the significance of the observed metric scores.
#' @param cores The number of cores to be used for parallel processing.
#' @param iterations The number of complete tests to be run. For instance, 1 iteration
#' would be considered a complete cycle of running all spatial simulations, randomly
#' placing plots in the arenas, sampling the contents, creating a community data
#' matrix, calculating observed metric scores, then comparing these to the specified
#' number of randomizations of the original CDMs. 
#' @param prefix Optional character vector to affix to the output RData file names, e.g.
#' "test1". 
#' @param simulations Optional. If not provided, defines the simulations as all of those
#' in defineSimulations. If only a subset of those simulations is desired, then
#' simulations should take the form of a character vector corresponding to named functions
#' from defineSimulations. The available simulations can be determined by running
#' names(defineSimulations()). Otherwise, if the user would like to define a new
#' simulation on the fly, the argument simulations can take the form of a named list of
#' new functions (simulations).
#' @param nulls Optional. If not provided, defines the nulls as all of those in
#' defineNulls. If only a subset of those is desired, then nulls should take
#' the form of a character vector corresponding to named functions from defineNulls.
#' The available nulls can be determined by running names(defineNulls()). Otherwise,
#' if the user would like to define a new null on the fly, the argument nulls can take
#' the form of a named list of new functions (nulls). 
#' @param metrics Optional. If not provided, defines the metrics as all of those in
#' defineMetrics. If only a subset of those is desired, then metrics should take
#' the form of a character vector corresponding to named functions from defineMetrics.
#' The available metrics can be determined by running names(defineMetrics()). Otherwise,
#' if the user would like to define a new metric on the fly, the argument can take
#' the form of a named list of new functions (metrics).
#' @details This function wraps a number of other wrapper functions into
#' one big metric + null performance tester function. Unlike the basic linker function,
#' multiple tests can be run, with results saved as RDS files.
#' @return A list of lists of data frames. The first level of the output has one element 
#' for each simulation. The second level has one element for each null model. Each of
#' these elements is a list of two data frames, one that summarizes the plot-level
#' significance and another and arena-level significance.
#' @export
#' @references Miller, E. T., D. R. Farine, and C. H. Trisos. 2016. Phylogenetic community
#' structure metrics and null models: a review with new methods and software.
#' Ecography DOI: 10.1111/ecog.02070
#' @examples
#' #not run
#' #system.time(multiLinker(no.taxa=50, arena.length=300, mean.log.individuals=3.2, 
#' 	#length.parameter=5000, sd.parameter=50, max.distance=20, proportion.killed=0.3, 
#'	#competition.iterations=2, no.plots=20, plot.length=30, concat.by="richness", 
#'	#randomizations=3, cores="seq", iterations=2, prefix="test",
#'	#nulls=c("richness", "frequency")))

multiLinker <- function(no.taxa, arena.length, mean.log.individuals, length.parameter, 
	sd.parameter, max.distance, proportion.killed, competition.iterations, no.plots, 
	plot.length, concat.by, randomizations, cores, iterations, prefix,
	simulations, nulls, metrics)
	#create a simple file name, specify whether concatenating by plot or richness
	for(i in 1:iterations)
			filename <- paste("iteration", i, "by_", concat.by, ".RDS", sep="")
			filename <- paste(prefix, "_", "iteration", i, "by_", concat.by,
				".RDS", sep="")
		temp <- linker(no.taxa, arena.length, mean.log.individuals, length.parameter, 
			sd.parameter, max.distance, proportion.killed, competition.iterations, 
			no.plots, plot.length, concat.by, randomizations, cores,
			simulations, nulls, metrics)
		saveRDS(temp, file=filename)
	return("Files saved to working directory")

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metricTester documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:20 a.m.