
Defines functions phyloField

Documented in phyloField

#' Calculate a species' phylogenetic field
#' Calculate the phylogenetic relatedness of a species to those it occurs with.
#' @param tree Phylo object. Will be pruned to species actually in the cdm.
#' @param picante.cdm A picante-style community data matrix with sites as rows, and
#' species as columns
#' @param metric Phylogenetic metric of choice (see details)
#' @details This function is being deprecated. This and the rest of the first generation
#' of field functions are being replaced by a two-step process akin to the calcMetrics
#' set of functions. The user first preps the data with a prep function, then runs the
#' desired metrics and nulls over the prepped object. This allows sets of metrics to be
#' calculated over the same randomized matrix, rather than having to repeatedly generate
#' the same random matrix for each metric. Currently this is only programmed to use either
#' non-abundance-weighted mean
#' pairwise or interspecific abundance-weighted mean pairwise phylogenetic distance.
#' Importantly, we are in the process of generalizing the phylo & trait
#' field functions, so they operate more like the calcMetrics functions. In other words,
#' the user will prep their data first, then choose which metrics to calculate and the
#' function will detect whether to calculate phylo or trait fields based on the inputs.
#' Take note of this, as code using the current forms of these functions is liable to
#' break when these updates are made.
#' @return Named vector of species' phylogenetic fields. 
#' @export
#' @references Miller, Wagner, Harmon & Ricklefs. In review. Radiating despite a lack of
#' character: closely related, morphologically similar, co-occurring honeyeaters have
#' diverged ecologically.
#' @examples
#' #simulate tree with birth-death process
#' tree <- geiger::sim.bdtree(b=0.1, d=0, stop="taxa", n=50)
#' #simulate log-normal abundances
#' sim.abundances <- round(rlnorm(5000, meanlog=2, sdlog=1)) + 1
#' #simulate a community data matrix with these inputs
#' cdm <- simulateComm(tree, richness.vector=10:25, abundances=sim.abundances)
#' #example phylogenetic field calculations
#' exampleField <- phyloField(tree=tree, picante.cdm=cdm, metric="naw.mpd")

phyloField <- function(tree, picante.cdm, metric)
	#use the .deprecate function from geiger, in your utils.R file to warn this function
	#will be deprecated soon
	.deprecate("phyloField", "calcField")

	#if user passes a tree that contains species that are not in the cdm, prune the tree
	#down to those species
	if(length(setdiff(tree$tip.label, colnames(picante.cdm))) > 0)
		print("Pruning tree to include only species in picante.cdm")
		tree <- drop.tip(tree,
			tip=tree$tip.label[!(tree$tip.label %in% colnames(picante.cdm))])
	#if user passes a cdm that contains species that are not in the tree, throw an error
	if(length(setdiff(colnames(picante.cdm), tree$tip.label)) > 0)
		stop("You have species in your picante.cdm that are not in your tree")
	dists <- ape::cophenetic.phylo(tree)

	#calculate the metric for each cell in the cdm
		cellResults <- modifiedMPD(samp=picante.cdm, dis=dists, abundance.weighted=FALSE)
	else if(metric=="interspecific")
		cellResults <- modifiedMPD(samp=picante.cdm, dis=dists,
	else if(metric=="naw.mntd")
		cellResults <- mntd(samp=picante.cdm, dis=dists, abundance.weighted=FALSE)
	else if(metric=="aw.mntd")
		cellResults <- mntd(samp=picante.cdm, dis=dists, abundance.weighted=TRUE)
		stop("metric must be one of 'naw.mpd', 'interspecific', 'naw.mntd' or 'aw.mntd'")

	#go into a simple for loop that for each species, takes a weighted mean of the vector
	#of assemblage-specific metric values. if the species is absent, the weight will be
	#zero and it won't be included, so don't need to do any subsetting. if non-abundance-
	#weighted take a "weighted" mean where weights are either 0s or 1s
	results <- c()
	for(i in 1:length(tree$tip.label))
		if(metric=="naw.mpd" | metric=="naw.mntd")
			#derive a quick vector of presence-absence style weights so that if the metric
			#is not abundance-weighted it treats a presence as a 1, otherwise a 0.
			naWeights <- picante.cdm[,i]
			naWeights[naWeights > 0] <- 1

			results[i] <- weighted.mean(x=cellResults, w=naWeights, na.rm=TRUE)
		else if(metric=="interspecific" | metric=="aw.mntd")
			results[i] <- weighted.mean(x=cellResults, w=picante.cdm[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
	#give the vector names and return
	names(results) <- colnames(picante.cdm)

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metricTester documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:20 a.m.